so I'm sitting there, bbq sauce on my t*tties

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     "Ponyboy, y/n get up!" Johnny shook us.
     "Ugh, what time is it?" Ponyboy groaned. I looked up, it was still dark but there were a lot more stars out.
      "I'm not sure but I think it's been a few hours." In the dark, I could see the worry grow on pony's face.
     "Shoot, we gotta get home, darry'll be mad." He helped me up. "You coming Johnnycake?"
   "Nah, I'm gonna stay out here for a while longer." He nodded and pulled me along to the house. I'm not sure why but it felt like a fever dream, there was something I had to warn him about but couldn't think of it. I felt a little light headed but shook it away.
      "It is two o'clock in the morning, where have you two been!?" Darry slammed his newspaper down as we entered the house.
       "I forgot and we fell asleep in the lot, I'm sorry." Ponyboy fidgeted.
       "I forgot, i wasn't thinking, that's all I hear from you!"  Soda stirred on the couch.
     "Hey Darry give him a break." He rubbed his eyes, my breathing became shallow as the yelled, I hated yelling.
      "You stay out of this, no more sticking up for him!" Darry pointed at soda.
     "Don't you yell at him!" Pony yelled, Darry pushed him across the room, I gasped. Pony stood up with tears in his eyes, and ran out the door.
      "Pony wait- I didn't mean it!" Darry choked.
      "I'll go get him." I ran out before anyone could argue. I was never good at running especially now that I only had converse on. However, I was a theatre kid and learned how to get across stages pretty quickly, so as I ran I imagined that. "Pony wait! Slow down sonic!" I yelled he ran into the lot.
     "Come on Johnny, we're running away!" He cried, poor Johnny was confused.
      "Why are you running? WHY ARE YOU RUNNING?"
      "I don't know, I just need to get out!" He cried, Johnny rubbed his back.
      "Hey man, let's just take a walk around the park and maybe you'll feel better." He agreed. I froze for a moment, feeling as if something bad was going to happen.
     "Hey guys, maybe we should just go home, I have a bad feeling." I ran up next to them, Johnny gave me a small glare.
      "Y/n, just because you have that book doesn't mean we need to listen to you. I need a second to calm down and I don't want to go home right away." Ponyboy gritted his teeth. A sudden realization washed over me, the water fountain was what I was trying to remember! I reached for my bag but it wasnt there, 'shit, I must've left it at the Curtis house." I thought.
      "Please listen, you're both going to get in tro-" I was cut off by the revving of an engine, a blue mustang slowly circled the park. "Oh we're fucked." I mentally slapped myself for being so dense.
      The boys climbed up on a jungle gym and took out some ciggerettes. The socs lumbered towards us, clearly drunk.
     "Hey ain't those the greasers who picked up our broads?" One said, it sounded more like a statement than a question.
     "Hey pony, it's the guy with the rings man." Johnny turned pale, and his eyes were big and wild. Pony blew out a puff of smoke.
    "A, B, C, leave me be." I said, I didn't have my keychain and couldn't fight physically very well. One with red hair scoffed.
     "You know what a greaser is? White trash with long greasy hair." His friends were so drunk they laughed at that weak remark.
     "You know what a soc is? White trash with mustangs and madras." Ponyboy said, that didn't do their pathetic asses justice tho.
     "Nah, they're white trash living on daddy's money and getting drunk cause no one loves em'." I had waited since 8th grade to fix Ponyboy's Disney channel comeback. The socs snarled like fucking wolf girls at recess.
      "Get them!" They all charged, the three of us jumped down and ran like a bat out of hell. Eventually they caught up to us, two pinned johnny down, it only took one to pin me down since the only workout I get is PE. And the other three had Pony at the fountain. *Deja Vu by Olivia Rodrigo plays in the background*
       Everyone was struggling, it was worse than my covid depression. I heard Pony screaming and thrashing around, then it all went quiet, the guy on top of me ran scared, I sat up, praying. Johnny sat on the edge of the fountain with a bloody knife and Bob's body. Pony was passed out. I gagged, I watched the movie but this was so much worse. I went over to pony and started pumping to the beat of CPR by cupcake, mumbling the words under my breath; I'm glad Johnny was too out of it to listen. Finally pony gasped for air and his eyes flew open.
      "Where did they all go?" He mumbled with a scratchy voice.
     "Johnny wiped Bobby from the census." I said quietly. "Everyone ran after that." Pony looked over to the bloody scene.
    "I think I'm gonna be sick."
"Don't worry man, I won't look at ya." Johnny sobbed. Pony threw up and I went over to Johnny and rubbed his shoulder.
     "It was self defense, come on get up." I looked at him, he sobbed.
     "Y/n I should've listened to you! I killed someone! Not much older than me, he had so much life to live!" I hugged him, poor kid. Pony came back over.
     "We need to go to Dally, he'll know what to do." We all slowly nodded and I helped Johnny up. Then we all walked to bucks bar.

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