'what are those?" "these are my CA-ROCKS'

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      A/n: this is my dumbass chapter, only the first and last couple of sentences matter so if your all about that plot you can skip. In summery, it's just the week they were in the church, to my bad decisioners, you have been warned.
     I woke up but Johnny wasn't next to me. the sun was begining to rise, catching a golden aura over everything (😏) I looked around and saw Ponyboy and Johnny having their beautiful, nerdy Robert frost moment. I stood back and watched, suddenly feeling bad for kissing Johnny. I know in my soul he's straight but in my heart he will forever be gay.
     Realizing the opportunity I had, I pulled out my phone and took photos, I realized my phone was still at 100% I'm not complaining but it was kinda weird. The back of my mind told me to start thinking of how to save Johnny. I wasn't sure if that was going to affect the timeline. I once again pushed it to the back of my mind because I was too tired to deal with it right now. I went back in the church and ate a wonderful meal of baloney sandwich. That's all we had now and I kinda wished I would've bought the food.
     A little bit later, they walked in.
     "So what should we do?" Pony clicked his heels.
     "Yea it is kinda boring here" Johnny agreed, I thought for a moment.
      "We can make a tik tok!" I stood up, finally it was time to bring in the gen z culture.
    "Y/n, I already know you know we don't know what that is." Pony rubbed his temples.
    "So basically it's where you dance to music and make a video."
    "Can we make an Elvis one? He's tuff." I pursed my lips.
    "No, we're going to do savage." I swear I watched them age about 10 years. "No time like the present, let's get started!"
    "No pony! It's swing, STEP, snap! Not swing, snap, step!" I turned around, putting my hands on my hips.
    "Y/n, we've been doing this forever, can we be done?"
     "If you get it right this time then yes." I started the music up again, this time it was perfect, although Johnny did need help throwing it back. "Ok pony, you did great, I love the booty action you have! Johnny, we need to work on your twerk."
    "My what?" He asked with his cute puppy voice.
    "Your twerk, you know, moving your booty around? Pony you can join if you want."
    "Uhh, sure."
    "Ok let's go!"
   "Ok, here's your test Johnny, I'm going to put on the song, and I want you to improv your choreography." I chose to give him Mercy by Chloe.
    "Slayyyy!" Pony shouted. Johnny was so good now, not Cardi B good but Rihanna good. I was also teaching Pony new slang and he caught on really fast. The song finished, Johnny was slightly panting from the work out but pony and I clapped anyways.
    The next few days were amazing, I taught them about memes, vines, slang, human decency, equality, and of course the gay agenda. They were no longer biased Ponyboy Curtis and Johnny Cade,  they were Pony-they Curtsy and Johoney  (jah- hon- ee) Cake. They didn't have any makeup but they sure as hell had the sass. While I taught them this, we read Gone With The Wind and they taught me how to be gallant and polite. Now it was night, the end of our 5th day here, we were all sickly and thin. Pony went to bed and I was laying in my pew, twiddling my fingers.
   "Y/n?" A small squeak, almost whisper came.
   "Yea Johnny cake?"
   "Do you want to stargaze?" We had made a habit of going out after pony went to sleep to stare at the stars and talk. He liked hearing about the future, I think it gave him hope for a better life. Our relationship was blossoming as well, we almost always kissed and cuddled. I got up and we walked hand in hand outside.
    "How long do you think we'll be here? We've been here almost a week, foods running out." He rubbed my hand
    "I'm not sure, do you think dal forgot about us?" It was weird not having the book and I think the time was starting to affect my brain because I couldn't even remember what I was worried about.
    "Naw, old dally won't forget. He'll come." He rolled over and looked at me for a moment as if he were trying to figure something out. "You and Dally didn't... You know." He rubbed his hands together quickly like someone trying to get warm.
    "Have um, sex?" He said the last part quietly.
    "No, I thought about it but it didn't- it just didn't feel right."
    "Oh, good." He hugged me closer. "Dally's nice but I wouldn't ever want to know that he slept with my partner." I nodded.
   "You and him haven't... You know either right?" I rubbed my hands together  in the same fashion as he had. He chuckled.
    "No, I think I don't think I love dally like that."
    "Well I love you like that." I smirked he looked down at me.
    "You serious babe?"
    "I'm always serious." I leaned in for a kiss. You can guess where it went from there. 😜

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