I'm in my mum's car bvroom bvroom

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A/n: for funni plot reasons, y/ns phone kind of works and remains at 100%,,, I'm so sorry I have lived long enough to become the villain 😔✊

Soon I could see the sun start to peak over the countryside, I had tried to sleep but ponyboy's twizzler-built ass's snoring was louder than Ariana grande's whistle notes. A few times I had begged Johnny to let me push him off the train. He refused, saying it was 'unethical and cruel'. I think its cruel that I can't get any sleep.
But none of that matters, because the sun was coming up and the train was slowing. Johnny and I woke up pony and we all jumped off.
"Glory pony, I can't stand on my legs because of you." A evil Grinch smile creeped to my face.
"That's what she said." They glared at me. "But seriously, I told you that we should've pushed him off. I mean you already killed one why not two?"
"Y/n..." Ponyboy grabbed my shoulders.
"Yes love?"
"Shut. The. Fuck. Up."
"Fine. Let's just walk then."
I wish I hadn't said that because we walked for literal hours before twiddly dum and twiddly dee decided to ask someone.
"Nuh-uh! This church is musty, crusty, dusty, all of the usty's! Im not saying in that!"
"Y/n we don't have any other option. Would you rather have Johnnycakes get the electric chair?" I contemplated it.
"Would it mean I can take a shower? Then YES." Ponyboy then began banging his head against the wall. "STOP IT OH MY GAWD! You're gonna make the dust come down or worst the roof. We're supposed to raise it like Jesus!" I played yeah by usher that I had saved on my phone and began dancing.
"Y/n stop playing that god-awful stuff or so help me, pony stop banging your head. Let's just go to sleep." Johnny begged.
"He better sleep outside, I don't want to hear that snoring." I pointed at ponyboy.
"No! I cant- icantsleepbymyself." He blushed.
"Oh what's that kiddo? Oh you can't sleep by YOURSELF?! Sis I didn't ask, go take your preteen ass outside and SLEEP."
"I'm fourteen!"
"And I'm queen Elizabeth, GO." Reluctantly he went and I dusted off a pew and snuggled into it best I could. Soon enough, I fell asleep.
"Y/n, y/n" Johnny shook me.
"Mmm, what?"
"I need you to come to the store with me, I don't want to go alone." I groaned but got up. Pony was still asleep, we wrote him a note in the dirt.
"Why are you so rude to pony all the sudden?" He asked.
"I'm not sure, I guess he just gets on my nerves, Darry didn't even hit him he just pushed him, he overreacted."
"Well, everyone's under a lot of stress, you know as a greaser you ain't supposed to cry. We don't have any outlets so when we blow up, we really do."
"I guess your right, I'll try to be nice to him, I'll teach you guys some stuff to keep us entertained." We walked into a small backwoods store. "I'll get the care products you get the food."
I walked around the small store, I got shampoo, a bar of soap, toothbrushes, toothpaste, tampons, toilet paper, a deck of cards, some cleaning supplies, a blanket, and some peroxide. Then I met up with Johnny.
"I found this book and figure, it'd help pass the time." He held up a copy of gone with the wind. We checked out and left.
"What's the peroxide for?"
"Pony and I'll have to dye our hair, we'll have to cut yours." He nodded.
"What are Tampax?" He held up the box.
"They're for my period, I'm not sure when it'll come so just in case." He looked confused.
"How do you use them?"
"You just take them out and stick them in your cat." Now his confusion changed from confusion to horror.
"Like a dick?!" I almost died "you walk around all day with a dick like thing in your-"
"Yes Johnny. It's like a cotton dick. It's normal."
"So the girls dally fucks, since they usally wear these every month, do you think they fake it?"
"I'm not sure about girls but I know I do." We laughed along all the way back to the church. I was happy to see him happy again.
"Hey Johnny what did you get? Oh- hi y/n." He said flatly.
"Listen pony, I'm sorry I was so rude to you, I didn't mean the things I said. You don't snore that bad."
"It's okay y/n, everybody's mean when they don't have sleep, but you're sleeping outside tonight. Now what'd you get Johnny?" He started rummaging through the crate. "Why is there peroxide?"
"We gotta dye yours and y/n's hair pony."
"Oh no sir- you ain't touching my hair."
"Come-on pony, I'll make it look good, I've dyed and cut my hair lots of times."
".... Ok fine as long as it don't look bad." I ended up cutting Johnny's hair first, just shortening it and revealing his eyes. As I was cutting, a small lock fell into my pocket but I didn't really pay attention to it.

Once pony was fooled that he was going to get a good cut, I sat him down and found the old baptism fount the church had and placed it over his head to begin gods work.

Did he attempt to kill me over it? Yes. Was it worth it? Absolutely. After that, we didn't do much except clean. When it began to get dark, they gathered around and listened to scary stories I had from the future that I may have or may have not stolen from Reddit. In the middle, ponyboy fell asleep but Johnny stayed awake the entire time.
"Well, I'm gonna go to bed. Goodnight." I made my way to the door.
"Where are you going?"
"I told pony I'd sleep outside to tonight."
"Oh... Mind if I join you?"
"Sure." We walked outside and laid underneath the stars. It was really peaceful other than internally losing my temper everytime a breeze blew that made a piece of my hair touch my face.
"You know, being an outlaw isn't that bad, I mean I aint ever left Tulsa before and you're making this a really fun experience, despite the conditions."
"Yea I try to, I don't think anyone in my generation takes things seriously, our entire lives we've been getting the short end of the stick, I guess we learned how to bop the bad vibes with the stick." He laughed, he had a really nice laugh.
"Y/n, I think I really like you." We faced eachother.
"Johnny Cade, I think I really like you too." I smiled we leaned into a short kiss which left smiles on both of our faces. Then we cuddled up and fell asleep beneath the beautiful stars.

A/n: once again, if you have any ideas of gen z activities they could do in the church I would love to hear y'all's ideas! THANKYOU for all of the reads I hope you're enjoying.... This mistake :)

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