Thomas has never seen such bullsh*t before

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I spent the day hustling around the DX helping Soda and Steve, while trying to figure out what was going on. Soon enough, the clock struck 5 and we were free to go. Neither one of us had discussed why I was here Soda decided it would be better for the whole gang to hear.
As we walked to their house Steve turned to me.
"So how much do you know about us broad?"
"First of all my name isn't broad, it's y/n, secondly almost everything." Soda sideglanced at me with worry. "The Curtis dad is the one who named soda and pony, because he was an original man; Darry's the spitting image of him and works as a roofer but always wanted to be a football player. Soda looks like his mom and dropped out of school, he can't really spell, and is popular with the ladies. He also has a girlfriend named Sandy who he plans to marry. Steve is Sodas best friend, his dad sometimes kicks him out and gives him 5 dollars the next day instead of an apology, he also can work magic on cars. Ponyboy is a mix of his parents, and loves to read. He's a popular track star and wishes his eyes were more grey because he doesn't like people with gray eyes. Two bit is an alcoholic who really digs blondes, his real name is Keith but he was given the nickname two bit because he never shuts up. Dallas is a hood through and through, he moved from new York and has a record, I think he's getting out today. Finally, Johnny who's the gangs pet, he's got a bad home life and is the only thing dally cares about. He holds the gang together but was jumped real bad not to long ago and still has trauma from that."
They both looked astounded, which I'm sure it was pretty strange how someone they've never seen knew everything about them.
"Are you sure you're not a murderer?"
"Positive, I'll explain everything when we get to your house." We kept walking, Soda became a little more relaxed but Steve was pretty high strung.
"Hey everyone, I'd like you to meet someone, this is Y/N." Soda introduced me when I walked in the door. Everyone said hello and I sat down. "Okay, now that we're all together can you please explain what's going on?" The others looked confused.
"She showed up today, and knows a lot about all of us, and she said she could explain how." Steve explained, everyone put their eyes on me, how could this be a dream but nightmare at the same time?
"I'm y/n and I'm from the future, that's why I'm dressed so poorly by your standards. I'm from the year 2022 and this morning I got into a car accident and woke up here but I'm not sure how. I know a lot about you because there's this book in my timeline, it's fiction but I suppose from this world it's written by Ponyboy in the future. Everyone turned to Pony. The silence was unbearable. " I-I could read the first chapter to prove it."
"That sounds like a good idea." Darry stroked his chin. I read the first chapter to them and by the end they were awestruck.
"That just happened yesterday, Pony going to the new Paul Newman movie and getting jumped. What are you a physic?" Two bit joked. A couple people laughed.
"Well, I believe her." Pony stood up. "That magic book said all of my feelings exactly and she wouldn't look like... That if she wasn't from the future." I was starting to get irritated with people acting like my outfit was bad.
"Just because I am slaying doesn't mean you have to hate, I ate today and left no crumbs. I'll bet you $5 you haven't washed those musty jeans in a week." I pursed my lips daring him to argue.
"I... I owe you 5 bucks." He said quietly, Darry glanced uncomfortably at him.
"I think so too, the broad don't talk like she's from this time." Dally spoke up.b
"Oh I'm sorry my pronouns are they / them."
"Your ✨what✨?" He asked.
"My pronouns like instead of saying she you say they. I'm a god I don't have a gender." He immediately looked down, fucking pervert.
"How do you pee?" Two bit questioned. I facepalmed, I had a lot to teach these boys.
"Okay this is really off topic can we get back on board?" They all agreed.
"How about we just raise our hand and see who agrees she's telling the truth?" Soda butted in, they all nodded again and everyone raised their hand except Steve.
"Come on Steve, even lil Johnnycakes trusts her, just raise your hand." Dally said, I always imagined him to be a lot more aloof but I think he'd be the type I could do a TikTok with.
"Why is everyone trusting her-" he shouted.
"Them." I corrected, he snarled at me like a dog.
"They just showed up here, in a scandalous outfit saying shit that NO ONE else knows about us, and claiming to be a god. How am I the only one who can see how messed up this is?" He squeaked at the end and Sodapop patted his back.
"Come on man, they told the truth, and they're a kind person, even if they tried to kill us, it's not like we have much at stake anyways." It literally broke my heart hearing soda say something like that. finally Steve huffed.
"Fine I'll give them one chance, but believe me y/n, if you fuck that up I will shred you to ribbons." He growled.
"Damn, talk about a feral Pomeranian. In any case, I ain't finna mess it up." We sat in silence for a few moments, the room seemed more comfortable but Steve was still pouting in the corner.
"Do you need a place to stay y/n?" Darry asked, I had almost forgot that you have to sleep, and outdoors would not be ideal.
"If you have somewhere I can stay, yes."
"Okay, you can sleep on the couch if you need." An oven alarm went off. "But for now, it's time for dinner." The boys all hollered as they stampeded into the dining room to eat.
After dinner I took off my fishnet leggings and jewelry while soda rounded up some blankets for me. I also did my best to wipe off my makeup and brush my teeth with my finger. Then I went into the living room.
"Hey, I was wondering, could I see what's in your bag?" Soda asked, he looked really fine in the dim lamp light.
"Yea sure, but why?" I looked at him. He looked back with that goofy smile on his face.
"Well, I want to see things from the future." I handed him my purse and he looked through it, first he pulled out my wallet with $50 in it.
"Woah, you keep $50 on you?!" I completely forgot about inflation.
"Yeah, inflation is really bad in the future, $50 is just enough to fill up my gas tank." He looked disgusted but continued in pulling out the next thing, my phone.
"You said this was a phone earlier, right?" I nodded "can you show me how it works?"
"Well, you turn it on by pressing this button here and then unlock it and you have all these apps on it, this is for calling, this is for texting, and these are like... Knowledge from all over the globe."
"Wow, so you don't have to go to a library or ask someone, you can just ask the phone?"
"Yea, you just type in what you want to know and it'll tell you, but I can't do it now because of the time period." I didnt feel like explaining 5g to him. then he pulled out other things, charging cord, protective keychain, makeup, and whatnot. Finally he got to the last thing, the outsiders book.
"So in your universe, our lives that we haven't even lived yet are in this book?"
"The next few days at least." I felt a twist in my stomach knowing what was going down tomorrow night.
"Can you read some to me? I'm really curious." I nodded and laid back on the couch, he cuddled on top of me like a little kid, and I opened the book to the second chapter.

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