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a/n: 18+ content ahead & mentions of suicide also sorry for the long update, I'm living through my Sandy leaving Sodapop moment rn.
I stepped out of the bathroom still in a towel to grab my clothes, I saw Dally on the bed in that one cliche position with a flower in his mouth, only it wasn't a flower it was a condom, he was only wearing his boxers. I made the frat boy face.
"Damn, you're down bad." He smirked as he got up.
"Well, I don't want to lose an opportunity like this, and it helps that you're drop dead gorgeous." My knees felt weak and he wasn't even doing anything. He tugged at my towel a little bit and got closer to me. I learned in for a kiss, it was like a million fire works going off, he took my hands and pinned them against the wall, making the towel fall. He stopped kissing a moment to look at my body and smirk, before kissing me again; the kiss was full of passion and want, he made his way down my neck where he found my sweet spot, I moaned, which made him bite and suck. I grinded up against the growing bulge in his boxers.
"Dal, we just met, we shouldn't do this." He looked at me with disappointment and paced away.
"Yea, whatever man, way to be a tease."
"Mcfucking EXCUSE ME? LEAD YOU ON?!"
"YEA MAN, I SAW HOW YOU WERE LOOKING AT ME!" I chuckled as I went to grab my clothes from the dryer.
"Wow, I looked at you, watch your fragile masculinity."
"Watch your mouth whore."
"I ain't no whore, youre the one who was laying on the bed half naked."
"Yeah, whatever man, let's just go get your goddamn clothes on." I put on a dress I found and did some light time appropriate makeup and we left.
We had to wait for pony and Johnny on the corner for about 15 minutes before they showed up.
"Heyyyy." I welcomed them, I hugged pony like a little kid because he was only 14.
"Hey y/n don't do that, you're gonna mess up my hair!" He pulled away.
"Y/n what's that mark on your neck?" Johnny asked, oh shit Dal must've left a hickey. Dally looked at me with a pleading look.
"Well, this whore decided to try his shot at royalty today." Pony blushed with realization. "BUT HE DIDNT GET NONE!" I turned around to flip Dally off but instead hit a pole.
"Smooth, slut." He whispered under his breath. We continued our walk to the movies in peace.
When we got there, Pony started to pull on my sleeve like a little kid.
"So they're Cherry and Marcia?" He asked.
"No, they're your mom. Yes stupid, they go to your school! I bopped the backside of his head. We headed over to them and sat behind them. Immidetly, Dal started flirting with Cherry, while side-glancing ever so often at me.
"Hey is this your real red hair? Is it the same hair you have on your- uh, eyebrows here?" He asked her while tugging on her hair. She yelled at him again. I was done.
"Listen Dall-ass, go take your thick eyebrows and drink some respect women juice, maybe it'll give you some class to pick up a chick!" I must've looked stupid being 5'2 standing up to a 6'+ guy but I didn't care.
"Aye man, I didn't come here to be disrespected by some broad who can't dress without having her tits hanging out." I stood up straighter about to slap him with a croc.
"Hey Dal, don't talk to them like that, they  have a point." Johnny said quietly.
"Pff, fine whatever, broads are lame anyways." He started walking away.
"That's why your a gay icon bitch." I shouted after him, I huffed as I sat down.
"Hey, thanks for that." Cherry turned around.
"Yea no problem, he's small anyways." She looked confused but shook it off.
"Hey, how come I ain't ever seen you in town before, what's your name?"
"I'm y/n, you could say I'm new in town." She just nodded before starting a conversation with pony.
Suddenly, someone's hands were on my shoulder.
"Hey, greasers, what are you doin with our girls?" Johnny turned white as a ghost next to me. Then two bit started laughing.
"Hey man, don't do that." Johnny whimpered.
"Sorry Johnny cakes, I forgot." He shrugged, then came down and sat next to Marcia, who Johnny was talking to.
Johnny and I were the only ones not talking, we watched the pointless movie for a few moments.
"Is there still greasers and SOCs in the future?" Johnny looked at me with his puppy dog eyes.
"No, it's not like it is now. There is still a little separation but in the future, it's more of everyone just trying to survive. Especially after 2020."
"What happened in 2020?"
"A global pandemic called covid hit, it killed a lot of people and there was a 2 year lockdown, where no one left their homes. I think people kinda recognized it's better to be together." He nodded understandably.
"Is the future real peaceful, no one getting drafted, better medicine, better.. parents?" He said the last part quietly. My heart ached when he said that, I couldn't find the will to tell him the truth, I nestled my head on his shoulder.
"Yea, it's real nice. A lot more love." He put his arm around me.
"I think I like the future." His soft voice sent chills down my spine. I felt safe with him, like someone understood.
I didn't realize I fell asleep on his shoulder until someone was shaking me awake.
"Y/n, we're taking Cherry and Marcia home, time to get up. I felt like there was something I should tell them but couldn't think of it.
     The other four were talking amongst themselves, I was looking at the stars.
    "Gee, the stars sure are clearer in the past." I breathed. Johnny looked up.
      "They are pretty, why do you think they're clearer?"
      "Well, in the future, all the gas emissions-" I was cut off by the rumble of an engine.
     "Oh no, Cherry! Do you think that's Bob and Randy?" Marcia asked worriedly. We all tried to walk faster but the mustang rode up beside us.
     "Hey, greasers what are ya doing picking up our broads?" What a wonderful time to have a god complex.
     "God bless you, your broads? Last time I checked you can't own people. Sit down crusty ass." I went right up to their window, why am I so stupid.
     "Yea, their ours. And we wanna know why these hoods are picking em' up slut."
     "You wanna go bro?" I dated a hockey player once, I felt like all his anger must've transferred to me in that moment.
      "No! I hate fights all right! I hate em'! We'll go with you Bob just give me a second all right?" Cheer shouted.
     "Pick me." I whispered under my breath. Two bit left soon after them, so it was the three of us walking to the lot.
      Johnny laid between pony and I, all staring up at the stars. Suddenly Johnny started freaking out.
      "Man! I can't do this anymore, I'm gonna kill myself or something!" He grasped his head.
     "Johnny, you can't do that, the gang needs you." Pony put his hand on his shoulder.
     "Well I gotta do something to get out of this! There has to be somewhere in this world where there's no socs and no greasers."
     "There is, it's called Hot Topic. People from all statuses come there as one and join in unity in being cool." I thought about my favorite store at the mall, and how many unhinged friends I'd made there.
     "Mmm, sounds nice, the country is like that too..." Ponyboy rambled on but I fell asleep.
A/n: once again sorry for slow update, if you have more ideas please comment them, and I'm sorry if you've read this far but thankyou :)

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