2016: Kiss Me Hard Before You Go

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 Toni felt as though the school day wouldn't end, she had a surprise cheerleader rehearsal at lunch, so she missed going outside and having lunch with Luke. And then she had been late to chemistry because she had reapplied her full-face of makeup in the girls' room after lunch, and then, on stop of everything, she was still flunking Spanish. She had a solid F+, who the freak even knew F freaking +'s existed?! "I have a Spanish bestie!" She had retorted to the skeptical teacher. "We speak Spanish together!" The teacher just rolled her eyes.

By the time the final bell rang, she was too exhausted to have noticed the weirdly smug and superior look on Alexa's freckled face as they shoved their books into their side-by-side lockers.

"One day you'll thank me," she said coyly as she closed her locker.

"Huh?" Toni shot her a look and hastily locked up. "Whatever," she huffed and shouldered passed the other girl. The fresh air outside was one of the few things that day that brought a smile to her face, and so was Luke. She seen him across the parking lot, leaning against his door with his arms crossed, his head was bowed so the sun made a gorgeous auburn halo in his otherwise dark brown hair. Gosh, even when he wasn't trying, he was like, so gorgeous. She was glad she remembered to take her pill that morning. She had plans for that tonight. "Hi babe!" Toni called as she went to her side of the GT. "S'up, bun?"

"Toni," he said stiffly and climbed in. She furrowed her brow as she slowly buckled up, kinda detecting some tension. The Mustang fired up with an aggressive snarl, he flexed the clutch a couple times so the engine revved loudly, then he threw it in gear, and they sped off.

Toni rolled her eyes as they picked up speed, it was like the GT was his spirit animal and took on whatever attitude he was in. Which clearly, he was in a mood. "Look, I had a shitty day so do you mind if we cut the crap and you just tell me what's up instead of making me guess?" She put her temple against the window.

"What's up?" He shot her a glare. "Why don't you tell me what the hell is up?"

She shrugged. "Babe..." It could be anything.

"Fine, I'll cut the shit," he snapped. "Alexa caught me in the halls 'n told me you 'n Alazar were makin' out while I was gone," he glared at her again, those intense greens were practically blazing. "What the actual hell, Toni?!"

She blushed, shit just got real. She rolled down the window for a cool breeze. The wind was so strong it shoved her back in her seat. "OMG bro, get your facts straight," she huffed. "We like, were not making-out. It was...like, I was like, just like -"

"Really, Toni?!" He shot her another furious look. "After all this time, ya still haven't thought of a better excuse than nothin'?!"

"Quit jumping down my throat, damn it!" She fired back. "Okay? Jeez, I swear, I bet you were making out with some beach bitch while you were gone!" Luke glared at the road as they hit the highway. "Aha! You didn't say anything!" Toni slapped her hands on her lap. "I knew it! I freakin' knew it! You sleazy bastard!"

"I wasn't makin' out with anyone 'n we're stayin' on topic," he snapped. "So what the hell were you thinkin'? I mean, Christ! You slip around behind my back like some hooker with some other guy!"

"You can't call me a hooker, you jackass! I'm your girlfriend!"

"My cheatin' girlfriend," he huffed under his breath and calmly returned his attention to the road.

"Oh why don't you write a stupid song about it?" She retorted. "Then we could at leastwise make this lucrative."

He glared at her again. "Do you even give a damn?"

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