1955: Showoff

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 The bus and Jeeps rolled into a small village sometime after three in the evening. The houses in the village were beautifully decorated with stripped branches and the inhabitants seemed just as thrilled as the last village to welcome them. Lucy glanced around quickly, taking everything in at once, they were in a small clearing surrounded by tall, thin trees and the ground was compact with rich red soil, then she spotted something that made her heart leap for joy.

Another bus and Jeeps were parked outside the village. Surely, they must have caught up to Lily!

"Alright," a guide called. "As soon as everyone settles in their assigned houses, we'll be off on our first hunt of the safari. We will be resting here for a few days and then when we'll be leaving the vehicles behind and travel the rest of the way to the jungle on horseback."

Oh, Lucy frowned. She hadn't caught up with Lily. Well, that could still change. They might still have a chance. She still hoped to run into Lily on the road so they might finish their safari adventure together. She jumped off the bus and quickly found Mr. Gemlings surrounded by all his newest and dearest "friends." The man could go anywhere and leave with suddenly twenty new best friends forever. It was so annoying...but kinda charming too, she supposed. They were all standing around with a few guides loading rifles and jesting. Lucy strolled over with a smirk. "Hello there, Mr. Gemlings. I suppose you're going to hunt for game... I find that funny. Tell me, my dear, do you even know how to shoot a gun? Have you ever hunted anything before?" She sneered, city slicker.

Gemlings grinned, unphased by her taunting. "This might surprise you but yes, I do know how to use a gun. Actually, I'm quite a good shot."

She scowled. "Really? I thought you were from California." Then she smirked again. "I know how to shoot, I bet you didn't know that. And I'll have you know that I've been hunting hundreds of  times -for all different game, too- with my uncle on his farm in Kentucky," she paused, suddenly unsure if that was something to brag about but then she carried on haughtily, "I could shoot a rabbit thirty paces off and made a fur coat for my sister come that Christmas with all the pelts from the little devils I had piled up in the shed out back."

"Y'know despite that sounding remarkably like something a serial killer would say, I'm impressed." Lucy flushed but smiled briefly with pleasure. "Wanna come along? Show off a little bit?"

Some of the men in the group groaned and shook their heads. "C'mon, man. She's a woman, she doesn't know how to shoot."

"Oh yeah?" She retorted. "I'm probably a better shot than the lot of you put to together. If I may, gentlemen," she smiled gratefully when a guide handed her a rifle. "Thank you, dear." She was briefly dismayed at the discomfort the weight caused her wounded arm. But nevertheless -ever too proud to admit to a flaw- she hoisted it up -just as her uncle had taught her- and scanned their surroundings. "Notice that branch there, gentlemen, atop of that tree?" She pointed with the barrel of the gun. They shrugged and nodded, a few snickered. "Watch and learn," she merely said, pulling the hammer back, then exhaled and squeezed the trigger. The recoiled bounced back into her shoulder, jarring her wounded arm. The crack of the gun rang out beautifully, casting a glorious flock of cranes into the air. "Haha!" She beamed brightly as she watched the massive branch from afar collapse to the ground. "That's what I call shooting!"

The guides and Mr. Gemlings clapped for her and reluctantly, the other men did too. "Fine, I guess you can come," they muttered and shuffled away with their guns.

"Not bad," Gemlings smiled, tilting his head as he looked her over. "I never pegged you as a nature girl, Luc."

"Only Bethany calls me that," she handed over the gun. "Here. I hope you took note because I'm not going to be there instructing you so good luck."

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