2016: It's About Damn Time

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Bobby spun around to show off her brand-new sundress, it looked like Marilyn Monroe's halter dress, the top was bright pink, and the skirt was pale yellow and covered in yellow lace. "You look like pink lemonade met yellow lemon, aka, jealous," Toni winked.

Bobby grinned and tossed her curled locks over her shoulder. "Thanks, you look super amazing too."

Toni smirked and nodded as she looked herself over in their full-length mirror. She was wearing a high-waisted formfitting dark gold skirt paired with a black leopard printed sleeveless tank top. The spots could only be seen in the sunlight. Over that she wore a loose, sheer pale golden short-sleeved cover that had thin strands of sparkly gold unwoven in the fabric. "Thank you, thank you," she bowed a couple of times.

"But like, wow. I thought this picnic was supposed to be causal. You look so damn sexy; I feel bad for Luke. He'll be all like, in total torture trying to keep his hands to himself."

Toni grinned. "I can be merciful so if you see us sneaking off, don't follow."

"Roger, roger, bro."

The student body event coordinators -aka the first club Toni hadn't rushed off to join as soon as Bobby did- was apparently hosting a Spring Fling thing or whatever before school let out for Easter break. Toni had managed to convince Luke to attend this one with her. He still hated the idea of hanging out with losers from school but since she had asked really sweetly, he promised no complaining.

"Y'know I actually feel okay with Bobby being in a club without me," she commented to Luke as she watched the club members busily setting up picnic tables and lemonade stands. Daisy was doing a great job of running her mouth without actually helping.

"Yeah? Why's that?"

"I dunno...I guess I'm not so paranoid anymore that Bobby is gonna find a Replacement Me."

He smirked and shook his head with disbelief. "Y'all are sisters, she's lucky to have you."

Toni's heart warmed with affectionate. "I'm lucky to have her too." She noticed Fernando over there beside Bobby, helping her serve some lemonade to the kids that had stopped dancing. Sneaky bastard, she thought with a good-natured eyeroll. When Fernando caught her eye, Toni quickly flipped him off. He laughed and raised a cup in toast. "Someone has his eye on a homecoming date," she muttered.

A few times she spotted the sniveling sneak Alexa sulking around. She had finally (thank God) got rid of that blue stripe in her hair, Toni stroked her purple streak affectionately. About damn time Alexa backed the hell off, she thought with a sigh of relief.

"Babe?" Luke stroked her arm. "Ya al'ight?"

She smiled and nodded. "Oh yeah...kinda perfect actually," she realized.

"Did I mention how gorgeous ya lookin' today?" He looked her over with amazement. "Like a vision."

"Aw, why thank you," she grinned and tossed her hair in his face. "So..." She turned to face him and started to finger with the collar of his leather jacket. "Are you interested in taking a walk?"

He grinned. "Is this the kind of walk Jack and Diane took behind the shady trees?"

"You have a song for everything don't you?" She rolled her eyes, then winked. Luke was all smiles as he took her hand and lead them away from the group. They walked down to the quiet lake surrounded by trees, the picnic shelter in the distance was blocked from view. Toni leaned against a tree with a coy smile as she twirled a lock of hair around her finger. "Like what you see?"

"Always..." He pressed against her, nuzzling at her neck before softly trailing kisses up to her jaw. Toni was practically purring with pleasure as she ran her hands over him.

She was in Heaven. She felt as if she could have stood there under that tree with the warm sunlight basking on them, her hands lost roaming over Luke's incredible body, his hands caressing her curves and his hips slowly bumping against hers, but then Bobby's voice interrupted them. "Umm, guys? Hello? Toni, something happened," her tone was serious.

Toni jumped and Luke quickly moved back. She glanced at Bobby who had a hand over her eyes. "We're decent," she huffed.

Bobby nodded and looked at her. "Okay, it's about Grandma -"

"Grammy? Omigod is she okay? Wh-what happened?"

"No, well I mean yes!" Bobby said when Toni stumbled back. "She's fine now but she had a fall, and she was lying there for hours-"

"Hours?! OMGOMG!" Toni was panicking. Her beloved Grammy?! "Tell me something, woman! Say something!"

"Okay, the good news is her neighbor dropped by and helped Grammy out. The best news is that Grammy is alright."

Toni could breathe again. She grabbed Luke's arm for support and nodded. "Okay, good."

"But!" Bobby smiled for some reason and seemed thrilled. "The bestest news that comes from this ordeal is that Grandma will need to live with someone for now on and that's us!"

"Grammy is gonna live with us?" Toni blinked, stunned.

Bobby nodded. "Isn't it great? Mom called me and she and Dad are on their way to the airport like, right now."

"OMG! They like, are already on their way to Ohio? I would've wanted to go!"

"Don't worry about it, they'll be there by tonight to help Grandma pack. Me and you need to need to go back home and fix up Grammy's room."

"Wow, this is...like, so much to take in," Toni finally smiled. "Grammy is going to live with us?" OMG! She loved her Grammy! It sucked royally that Grammy lived so far away but no more! This was great news.

Bobby nodded. "Yeah, how awesome is this?"

"Hell yeah! It's like, the best!" Toni hugged her sister then smiled at Luke. "I gotta go, you wanna take me back?"

"Of course," he took her hand. "Let's go."

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