1955: Survival of the Fittest

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 Lucy clawed at the bark on the tree and peered down at the lioness steadily climbing up after her, the violent sounds of the fighting animals clashing beneath her were echoing like a gong of death in her ears.

Suddenly the trees parted, and a mountain of an animal lumbered into the clearing. The lions and hyenas ceased their combat and slunk to their respected sides of the clearing as the creature that could have only been an elephant rumble loudly and waved its magnificent trunk. The hyenas cackled nervously and cautiously fled into the shadows while a few lionesses snarled at the bull. The others quickly crept away. The elephant gave a sudden and abrupt charge before halting but the display was enough to have the few lions remaining practically tripping over each other in their desperate race away.

Lucy wearily pressed her cheek against the rough bark, struggling to intake enough air through the painful hitch in her breathing. She startled when she heard the soft rumble of the bull, he was grazing on the leaves on top of a near tree. She smiled despite herself. Never had she seen anything so beautiful. He was a godsend. Lucy closed her eyes briefly, silently saying her prayers, and then gingerly made her way down. She glanced at the graceful giant again, relieved that his appearance had scared off the predators, then swiftly darted back into the messy woodland and -

She suddenly tripped over a root in the darkness and fell to the ground with a sharp yelp. Odd. She didn't remember that root being there before. She told herself not to panic, it wasn't as if she was lost... But as she looked around, she couldn't recognize anything. It all looked the same! Did I hit my head? Is the blood loss making me crazy? I know my directions! I'm never lost!

She slowly rose to her feet and took a few steps forward. A moment later she heard the bone-chilling laughter of hyenas. Three of the spotted creatures stepped out from behind thick patch of trees. She wildly rubbed her hand over her heart fearfully and looked around for another tree to climb. None of these trees had any branches low enough. One of the hyenas took a step closer, a chilling smile on its dotted face. The other two slowly started to skirt around Lucy, out-flanking her.

Even though she knew there wasn't a chance she could outrun these monsters, she couldn't suppress the overwhelming urge to run. She turned and raced back to the clearing the bull elephant was still stripping trees at. She shrieked as she stumbled over a large, loose branch and fell to the ground on her stomach. She wildly rolled onto her back with the fallen limb in her hand just in time to see a hyena lunge for her. She swung the stick. It impacted so forcefully, it shattered into a spray of wood splinters against the hyena's head. The creature took the blow with little less than a shake of its ears before it was baring down on her again, fangs bared. Lucy used what was left of her broken branch to slap its muzzle. It yelped but quickly crouched to spring again.

Abruptly though the creature cowered and rapidly backpedaled. The elephant loomed over Lucy, brandishing its massive trunk. She curled up in a ball with terror, nervously biting at the back of her fingers to keep from scream with horror, convinced that at any moment she'd either be crushed to death or torn to pieces. The elephant gave a gruff snort under his breath and then returned to dining. She struggled to her feet to see the hyenas waiting just in the dark tree line, waiting for her to move, to leave the protection of the clearing. "Um," she glanced at the elephant. "Do you...I mean, would you mind if I um...stay here? For a while, that is?" The elephant didn't exactly say no. "I'll um...be quiet company," she shuddered, unbelievably cold and terrified. After just standing there for a while, her weakened legs gave out and she collapsed on the ground. The hyenas boldly wandered closer. She yelped. "There they are!" and pointed frantically as she sat up. The elephant rumbled and the hyenas retreated again. What a vicious game they were playing! Cruel beasts.

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