1970: New Jungle

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Lucy was hurrying back home. The wide brick street and four-story red brick apartments on either side of it were dusted with snow which appeared to be powder sugar on the gingerbread-colored roof tops. The black streetlamps and the perfectly trimmed trees were wrapped in red ribbons. The large white house at the end of the street was decorated the most grandly, or at leastwise Lucy personally thought so. But maybe that just because she had decorated most of it herself.

 She pulled her black scarf more snuggly around her neck as she struggled to unlock fence. She felt like she was going to freeze to death. The first big snowstorm of the season was brewing in the darkening sky above her. Despite having lived with her sister's family for the past five years, she still wasn't used to the winters in Ohio; and somehow, she doubted she ever would.

Finally, she managed to get through the gate. She stomped the snow off her heels before she stepped into the Christmas decorated house. The warmth from the fire in the living room greeted her. She smiled with relief and hung her thick, black coat and scarf up before she wandered into the living room.

Lily was standing in front of the television, blocking the screen with her huge, pregnant belly. She was angrily puffing on her cigarette. That instantly reminded Lucy of their mother, Lily looked so much like her...

Mother had been an angry smoker too.

When Lily seen her, she frowned and turned down the volume. "Why didn't you come? Or why didn't you call me and tell me you weren't coming? Do have any idea how worried I was when you said you'd be there, but you never showed?" She demanded angrily, tossing her long, sleek straight hair over her shoulder. The smoke from her cigarette ruffled her bangs.

Lucy nodded. "I know, I know...I'm sorry but I just don't think I'm the one that should have...been there," she really didn't have the stomach to sit through another of Lily's pregnancy classes she was taking. "Shouldn't Rick be the one who goes to those things with -"

"Ricky is a doctor," she snapped.

"You're a nurse! You don't need me!"

"Really, Lucy? Do y'think I ask for a lot?" She glared.

She sucked her teeth but remained silent when her thirteen-year-old nephew thundered down the stairs. "Hey, Mom!" He shouted as he ran past the living room to get to the front door. "I'm going to Michael's!"

"Wait a minute!" Lily hurried to the hall. "Wait a minute!" But the front door had already slammed shut. Lucy heard Lily groan and she stomped back into the living room. "Fuck. He never asks me anymore, always tells me."

When Lily returned to the TV, Lucy thought that it was safe for her to escape. As she went upstairs, she felt a cold breeze and noticed Rick's office door was opened. She stopped and poked her head. 

Rick was seemingly passed out at his desk, she frowned when she noticed the empty bottle beside him. His depression really got the better of him most days. Lucy widened her eyes when she seen his window was open, snowflakes blew in. She shuddered. Some days that man was an idiot. She hurried into the office, very quietly, and tried to slide the window shut, it was jammed. 

She huffed and then forced it down, it slammed with a bang and Rick sat bolt upright. Lucy crossed her arms and smiled, trying not to look guilty. "Rick," she nodded politely and then headed to the door.

"Wait!" He rasped.

She furrowed her brow and turned to face him. "Are...you okay?"

He shook his head. "I uh...need to ask you something."

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