2016: Explosion

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 Mom's "talk" didn't do jack or shit. It was a week later, Bobby still wasn't talking to Toni, which was like murder on her soul. They were soulmates! They shared a room together! They had history! Really damn fine history! As much as Toni loved her Lukie, she felt desperate enough to like, kill him or something if only to get Bobby to look at her again. Or...maybe not that far, but there was a gaping, ragged, bloody hole in her chest where she had punched out her own heart in the process to hurt her sister.

Her sister. Her cool big sister who was only trying to help her insane little sister. How was that fair? Bob deserved the world! Toni was like a little troll that mooched off Bobby's coolness, she was such a loser on her own...she needed Bobby to even be a human being again! She was so desperate for contact with her sister who seemed to be living on another planet -a dark, stormy planet where brooding was the only emotion- that she planned on ambushing Bob in the shower to ensure that she wouldn't bolt and would hear her out. But then again, Bobby would probably pummel her with the shampoo bottle before she could get a word out.

Luke, of course, was still freezing her out too. Those were like, her two favorite peeps ever! Life sucked. School was such a shitty experience that she contemplated faking a disease and was dying so as not to go back ever. Plus, that might've won her sympathy votes, that was Plan C. For sure. Since Alexa's balls seemed to have dropped off after ruining the "Lukni" power couple (or "Tonke" as Toni referred to them as) she avoided the other girl as if she had the plague or something. Toni wished she had the plague, then every time she went to school, she could spread her nasty virus around.

But yeah no, Toni was stuck sitting with freakin' Daisy Gemlings and Alexa was all buddy-buddy with stupid Ashely. Whatever. Toni thought with yet another disgusted glare over her shoulder at her former bestie. Wait, no. It wasn't whatever.

"It wasn't whatever" accorded to her at lunchtime. She was sitting on the front steps of the high school and, even despite the cold breeze, she felt a rage blaze a fever across her face. Why did she blow up on Bobby and Luke? If anyone should have suffered Toni's malicious wrath, it should've been Alexa. Toni suddenly realized that this was all Alexa's fault, actually. I mean, I had everything freakin' fixed! She stabbed her sliced apples with a fork as her dark thoughts created a hurricane in her head. Yeah, I did screw up in the beginning. No, I should've of made out with Fernando, but like, I freakin' fixed our shit. There was zero drama. But then...She took a deep breath then dove back into her dark sea of wrath. But then Alexa did her damnedest to freak everything the freak up for me. It's like she was waiting for an opportunity to bring me down.  And the little bitch pounced all over this, now didn't she? Oh... She. Is. Going. To. Pay.

She couldn't suppress her dark thoughts and rage a moment more.

It was time to let it all fuckin' go up in flames. If she was going down, it was time to bring some bitches down with her.

"Hell with this," Toni suddenly stood. She wasn't going to choke down her stupid lunch alone when Bobby was sitting with her group and Luke was around back with his 'Stang being cool and brooding and and and... Alexa was... Was? Where the hell was she? Toni didn't see her anywhere. Oh, but Toni would find her and, and, and...

She pried the fork from her own hand and slammed in down then stormed down the stairs, not really sure what she was doing. But she didn't see anything to strangle out front so she stormed behind the school to the parking lot there and of course, seen Luke's GT.

And. There. Was. Alexa.

Luke was, as always, leaning against his car with the windows down, listening to his music. Toni used to spend her lunchtime out there with him, they'd listen to music, talk, laugh, it was all so much better than sitting inside with a bunch of kids they didn't even like. Luke was the coolest... And then there that Alexa, she was also leaning against the car, she was so close to him, it was hard to look at them. They were clearly talking. Luke even had a soft smile on his face while Alexa gushed about some stupid shit, to Toni it looked like Alexa had crossed the border between friend-space to best-girl-space.

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