exploring the city (pt. 2)

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Y/n's POV

An excited knock at the door woke me up after a silent night of sleep. I reluctantly got up from the comfort of my bed and went to the door, opening it to see Casey with a giant smile.

"Y/n! Leo's taking us somewhere today, we have to get ready! He came over earlier and told me to not let you eat for some reason, and that I need to bring my tech and weapon, but he said we are gonna be out all afternoon!"

Casey was really excited, him and Leo got along great. I looked at him confused and tired. "Why do we have to get ready so early in the morning? And why can't I eat breakfast?" I rubbed my eye and leaned on the door frame, more focused on why I couldn't eat rather than why he needed his tech.

Now it was Casey's turn to look confused, making me confused aswell. "Uh, it's already noon, did you sleep ok?" Wait, it was?

"I thought I did... Whatever, no offense but I don't feel like listening to you or Leo. I just woke up, so I'm at least getting a snack. I dont wanna get hangry and lash out at either of you." I gently pushed passed him, going to the kitchen.

Casey followed me, not bothering to argue. He knows what happens when I'm hangry, and it has only gotten worse after the last two years.

He watched as I got a small but filling snack, and then began his way to his room. "I'm gonna go get ready. he'll be here soon, so hurry up." He warned, and I understood. I took my snack to my room and got ready myself while eating.

About half an hour passed, I was already dressed and had finished my snack, sitting on the couch on my phone waiting for Leo to arrive.

As if perfectly planned, Casey came running out exclaiming that he was here, right as Leo came bursting through the front door, announcing his arrival in perfect sync with Casey.

I watched the both of them freeze and look at eachother, and then they started laughing, still in sync.

I coughed to interrupt their little act, and got up from the couch. "Hey Casey, I think Leo is here, let's get going." I smiled at Casey and jokingly slipped passed Leo and started walking off.

I could hear them scrambling to follow me, both laughing at my jab at them as Casey locked up the apartment for me.

They were quick to catch up, and Leo took the lead.

After a little walking, Casey asked Leo where we were going. "We're going to a place that we can chillax and stuff our faces!" Leo excitedly replied, before turning into an alley.

Me and Casey were both confused, but Leo opened up a wall that was being hidden by mystic magic, and waltzed right in. We followed the blue turtle and got smacked in the face with the wonderful smells of all different kinds of pizza.

"Leo, what is this place?" I asked looking around. "This is the mystic pizza place! Me and my bros like to come here and hang a lot, it has some of the best pizza." Leo took in the smell of the place.

Casey jumped forward. "Well then let's go sit and order!" He was gonna go run in and find a seat, but Leo grabbed the back of his shirt and stopped him.

"Nope, not yet. There's something I wanna try first." Leo gave us a grin and pulled us to a hallway with a bunch of pictures of different creatures, at the end of the hall was a door with a red rope and a sign above it, it said 'Worlds Greatest Pizza'.

/Second Chances/ ROTTMNT!Donnie x readerWhere stories live. Discover now