Calm Before The Storm

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Y/n's POV

I happily walked through the hidden City, feeling more alive than I was last night. I had Leo's sword attached to my hip, giving me easy access to it if I needed it.

I've been down here for around half an hour at this point, simply wandering and letting myself be distracted from everything.
I also decided to get the turtles little gifts as a thanks for everything.

I found these cool cloaking broaches, and coincidentally found one in each of the guy's colors. I also found a white one, and thought it'd be a fun little gift for Leo to give to Usagi.

After finding them, I went to get a drink, and then I found myself sitting on a bench next to a big water fountain. I just chilled and watched the water for I don't know how long, until I heard a voice or two from a good 30 meters away.

"Ugh, why is that down here?"
"Why is what down here?"
"Look, over there by the fountain."

I felt eyes on me, and I recognized one of the voices. The other, a more feminine one, I didn't recognize.

"And who are they exactly?"
"Oh don't say that. It doesn't deserve to be addressed as a person. It's only good use is it's mystic power. It's just pitiful because it apparently came from m/n. It doesn't belong here. It belongs in a lab, being tested on."

Ouch, guess my only true father figures really did come from an apocalyptic future.

I didn't let what herald said get into my head. I know I'm not pitiful, and I know I don't belong in a lab unless it's Donnie's and he's letting me help with his tech.

What I did do, was I sat still and listened in, mentally making fun of him to myself, recording them with my phone so I could make fun of him more later. I listened mindlessly, until I overheard something I shouldn't have.

"Herald, why are we still standing here gossiping about your kid? You've been talking about them for ever at this point, it's getting annoying."

"That thing is not my kid. The only reason why I'm keeping us here, is to watch it, see if it's alone, and see where it's going to go. Big Mama told me to keep an eye out since I lost m/n. Y/n has more power anyway. It's more valuable to mum than m/n ever was."

Welp, that's enough eavesdropping for one day. I looked at my phone, stopping the recording, then I stood up. To them, it looked like I had gotten a text and was about to leave.

I decided to mess with them a little. I looked around my surroundings, taking note that they quickly hid behind a cart.

After I looked around, I began speed walking, hearing them 'sneakily' follow not to far behind me. Needless to say, it was a pitiful excuse to sneaking around.

I walked and walked, until I finally turned into a random alley. Now, one may think this is a foolish idea, but worry not.

I looked over my shoulders again, and unsheathed Leo's sword. I swirled it around against a wall so they couldn't easily follow me, and a portal formed.

Leo's portals always felt safer than mine did. It was better making them with weapons than by the magic that eventually led me here.

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