Temporary Tots (pt. 2)

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Y/n's POV

"Hey.. y/n.."

"Y/n, wake up!"

I groaned and stirred awake as I felt someone lightly shake me. Slowly opening my eyes, I began to take in my surroundings, including the giant figure looming over me and the three small weights on top of me.

Adjusting more to the lighting, I looked around seeing that I was still on my couch, and three out of four small turtle boys were sound asleep on my lap.

Their peaceful states brought out a drowsy smile from me, and I looked up meeting the eyes of Master Leonardo. "Oh, morning Leonardo." I greeted him while rubbing my eyes.

He chuckled at my current state. "Good morning. There any way you can get them off of you and come with me a sec?" He pointed to the kids, and I thought a moment.

"Where are we going? I can't leave them in here alone." I inquired, to which Leonardo shrugged. "We don't have to go far. I'd like to sit up on the roof and talk, but that can wait. We can just sit at the table." He smiled.

I hummed and considered his offer. Once I made up my mind, I used my powers to lightly pick the boys up from my lap. When they were a good bit above the couch, I got up and sat them back down in a comfortable position, releasing them and watching them instinctively cuddle up to eachother.

When that was done with, I followed Leonardo to the table, where I saw two poptarts on a napkin. "I toasted them for you so you could eat something. Sit." I smiled gratefully at the gesture and listened.

Once I was seated, he sat across from me. "So what did you wanna talk about?" I asked curiously, breaking off a piece from one of the poptarts. "Just the idea and plan of what's to happen. Splinter and Draxum went back to the lair to get everything set up after we came here. When they wake up we'll all go down and get this all sorted out."

I nodded along with his explanation, but I could tell he wasn't fully done talking. "Sounds good. Anything else?" I inquired, and he hesitated for a moment.

"After they are turned back to normal and we have the big party and stuff, I was thinking... Before I go back to the future permanently, I wanted to give you and Casey a few things." I tilted my head a little at his thought, curiously urging him to continue.

"What kinds of things?" He sighed and his eyes went to the sword he had propped up against the table. "Old gadgets, maybe a couple things from the memorial, my sword... The future is almost nothing but a Krangg wasteland, and because I'm leaving you and Casey again, I felt it was only right that I give you both little keepsakes."

I just stared at Leonardo, processing everything he just said. "But... Why your sword? How would you take things from the memorial to give to us? The plan was for you to just walk through the gate way and we close it." I stayed calm, but I didn't like the thought of him going back defenseless.

He visibly hesitated again, it looked like he was thinking of something. "There are a lot more weapons there I can use. And I was thinking Leo or one of his swords could come with me. An in and out operation. Use our mystic portals to go to the memorial, get whatever is there, then back through to give it all to you. Then I go back for good." He layed out his idea to me.

I didn't have a good feeling about it. Like, at all. With what happened last time, I definitely wasn't all that confident in the durability of my gateways.

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