Department of Mysteries

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"Harry" we greet him together before hiccup starts to explain as the groups moves forward together "He's safe on the edge. I promise. We can all go back now." I see Harry pause which I hope means he's listening but then he keeps going forward shaking his head "I have to make sure" sighing I make eye contact with hiccup silently asking if he wants to stay which he deadpans a look screaming 'of course' so the four of us join the party but I signal Shadow to cover herself, Toothless and Hiccup which she does happily.
"This is it." Harry says as we stop outside a dark door we collectively take a deep breath preparing ourselves then nod telling Harry to open it. As one we step over the threshold only to holt when we see hundreds of identical doors "And he I thought telling Fred and George apart was hard. This is impossible." I mutter as Hermione asks Harry which is the door we need but he shrugs unsure only for the room to rapidly spin ' its tryinf to confuse us" I shout alound and accidentally across the bonds causing my boys to wince 'sorry. Harry i think we should turn back...... somehow' but then once the room stops he opens a random door but not the one we need so he closes the door causing the room to spin again but now I see a burning mark on the door and when it stops a claw mark is added "nice Mione and Toothless" I say petting the dragon as he nudges my hip "so pick a door any door" I wave my arms around like a game show host getting funny looks from Neville, Ron, Ginny and even Luna while Harry and Hermione give fond yet exasperated eye rolls and a small chuckle from Hiccup and the dragons, I shrug following them to the next door which happens to be the one we want. Now only high alert I step in front of the space I know my mate and our dragons are camouflaged the step also puts me closer to my brother whom I share a determined look with, tightening our holds on our wands as I reach for my inferno signalling Hiccup to do the same but not to light it yet 'stay hidden ay all times hiccup make sure the dragons do too. Please' I stern order which he agrees to readily confident that no matter what my mate and dragons will make it out alive I focus on my brother and friends sending my magic around the room searching for threats unfortunately there are plenty 'Harry we have a lot of company here' I tell my brother, getting a nod of acknowledgement so i send the same message to hiccup to keep him up to date. Pulling my magic back in I wrap a shield around the group protecting them from most spells unfortunately not the unforgivables. Once I know that's in place I switch inferno for my regular sword holding that by my side half way raised while my wand is fully up ready to defend or attack. We stop at a shelf when Neville notices a prophecy with Harry's name on he goes to reach for it but I stop him "it's safer there H" confused he lowers his arm watching around us tensing half a second before the rest of us as death eater emerge from the dark "Smart girl" drawls lucius malfoy "only those whom the prophecy is about can touch it" he explains Harry glances at me getting a nod so he steps away closer to us conveniently putting him and me in front of the others we then glare at the blonde in front of us trusting the others to watch our backs. "They know how to play" crackles throughout the room as a dark woman moves forward only Neville's change in breath and stance clues me into who she is Bellatrix Lastrange. I have half a mind to let Shadow burn her where she stands but think better ...... for now. I zone out of the conversation between the two and Harry while I try to think of something then I quietly almost silently tell Luna to pass on the message that we all strike on Harry's signal then run once I know she's got it I tell Harry the plan over the bond which he readily agrees to so I shift my stance pushing more magic into the shield then as one we all fire "Bombarda Maxima" I chant aiming at the prophecy causing it to shatter completely satisfied I smirk darkly at Bellatrix and Lucius sending another smaller explosion at their persons before joining the rest running to the door. We fall through the door only to realise its the wrong one and we somehow got separated typical. 'Hic you with me or the others' I ask sealing the door behind us 'you little wolf' he answers stepping forward helping Luna up before stepping back under Shadow's cover as I nod.

***time skip to veil room***

Leaving Hermione and Ron in the care of Ginny and Luna I move to follow Harry and Neville into the next room but a hand on my shoulder causes me to pause "Mia be careful please" Hiccup pleads turning I wrap my arms around his neck nodding against his shoulder "look after them for me" I ask gesturing towards my friends he agrees walking over to help Toothless following behind "Shadow" I call feeling her brush against me as we step into the room where Harry, Neville and the order are fighting the death eaters. I look to my dragon who swirls back ready for me to climb on wasting no time I get into my saddle swooping down grabbing Neville who's legs are moving uncontrollably "they want prophecy of Harry" I can just make out from behind his nose bleed I nod quickly casting counter jinx on his legs dropping him at the door "go" I order watching him go back to Hiccup and the other before shadow and i take to the skies again "let's find Harry" shadow grumbles in response 'where are you' I call out on my bond 'center. Arch. Why do they think I have the prophecy?' Is Harry's broken reply scanning the room below quickly I spy my brother and Voldemort - when did he get here. "There Shadow!" I point to the duo in below "you can't be seen especially now" I say to the dragon who in response throws me up turning to hold me against her body landing close to Harry covering us in her camouflage "thanks bud" I whisper once again gripping my sword and wand then stalk towards the snake face being that destroyed my family as I get closer I can hear him demanding the prophecy from Harry "give me the prophecy Potter" he hisses "I wouldn't even if I had it which I dont" Harry growls back catching sight of me giving me a confused look "liar" is Moldy shorts' reply "why cause that's what your death munchers said?" I ask startling Voldey causing him to jump whipping to face me "well sorry to disappoint but they lied to you. They stood and watched as I blow it up. Yes I. BLEW. it. UP.!" I say stepping closer at every word pushing the blade of my sword further into his torso 'Now Harry' I say "expelliarmus" he cries causing Voldemort to lose his wand at the same time I rapidly stun and bind him. "Shadow sit" I say pointing to the unconscious and bound maniac's body "good girl" I look at Harry who holds both wands "pass" I motion to the white clawed shaped stick which he happily complies "thanks" I glance around just in time to see Dumbledore coming our way so I quickly snap the white wand before spinning to check the other members of the room only to hear "MIA!" From all around me and sudden pain and panic fills me whole being from the bonds unsure but trusting my loved ones I duck twirling around to see Bellatrix's wand aimed in my direction with a sickly green light heading to the place I'm crouched, thinking quickly I focus shifting into a ladybird just as the killing curse hits the floor I once was flying to Harry's shoulder. 'I'm okay' I pass the reassures along the bonds even though their lack of pain should tell them I'm alive enough.
After reassuring my boys I watch Bellatrix celebrate before trying to get a reaction from Harry when she sees him no reacting she curls her lip in a snarl taunting him 'don't listen little brother I have a plan' I say before flying my way behind the witch shifting back into myself I lean in close pressing my wand into her back and whisper "got you" before stunning and binding her just as we did with her master. Satisfied I walk back to Harry petting Shadow who is still sat on Voldemort turning to face Dumbledore as he joins us "nice work you two" he smiles before turning to further bind Voldemort and Bellatrix up I hand motion Shadow back to hiccup and Toothless. When I'm sure no bad guys are leaving I too join the dragons and Hiccup "time to go home" I say Hic agrees so taking his hand and both holding our respective dragon we arrive on the edge "Mia! Hiccup! You're okay. Is everyone else?" Sirius rushes towards us hugging us both checking us for injuries smiling we hug him back and Hiccup tells him what happened this then ends with me in a hug turned chockhold "Siri I'm good but can't breath" I gasp out patting his back he let's go "Right Hic I'm going to love you and leave you we need to go back" I hug him and peck his cheek taking Sirius' hand landing back in the veil room next to Harry who recieves a tight hug too.

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