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This is it. The day we have been hoping for. I was honestly starting to believe it would never arrive but it has. Marge is leaving. It's the last day we have to put up with her. I could scream, sing and dance right now. ' don't it might be suspicious' Hiccup tells me earning a mental punch from me. All me and Harry have to do is get through this meal then whale signs our forms and we can go to Hogwarts and be normal students this year.
Oh what am I doing like we're going to be that lucky. She getting drunk so then she'll be worse than the rest of the week so we'll blow it. 'I'm telling you Hic we're goners' 'No you're not Mia . You will be fine.' He reassures me. That should have told me that I was right. Next thing I know she's insulting our parents well she's going to get it now. As I'm thinking what animal to turn her into I notice Harry glaring and his magic flare this is going to be good. He blew her up oh this is great. Together we exit the room Harry blasts the cupboard door open getting his trunk and wand while I run upstairs getting my bag, wand, Hedwig's cage and Harry's things from under the floorboard before joining Harry at the door then march up the street.
"So where do we go from here?" I ask Harry hoping to distract him from his thoughts. "Honestly I have no idea. I just used magic I could be expelled. Mia what do I do?" Harry sits on the side panic written across his face. I sit next to him placing my hand on his shoulder "You won't be expelled or punished. It was accidental magic it can't be helped. Otherwise everyone would have been expelled from a year old." I tell him wrapping an arm around his back hugging him closer to me. I feel him nod and return the gesture "Well we can't go to the Burrow no one's there. Same with going to Mione's. So we could either go to the diagon ally or Berk unless you have any other ideas" He trails off thinking "Well as much as I would love to go to Berk we can't stay for 3 weeks not with the dragon raids plus I don't think are Hogwarts letters would make it to us there. So how do we get to London?" I reason out our options when I suddenly feel eyes on me, sitting up straight I clasp my wand tighter as I see Harry do the same. As one we stand and make are way close to the alleyway in front of us there in front of us is a huge black dog as we step closer it growls causing Harry to jump back and fall whereas I step in front of him protectively, growling back in warning letting Wolfie take the lead a little. Then bright lights appear and I have to move quickly looking up I see a tall purple bus, the knight bus. I walked over to Harry as the conductor finishes his speech "What are you doing down there?" He asks "I fell over" is Harry's reply "What did you fall over for?" "I didn't do it on purpose." Harry says annoyed as he takes the hand I offered him pulling him to his feet. "It's not your business if he's on the floor or not." I tell the conductor as I pick the cage and my bag up. Harry and the man load his trunk then he shows us to 2 two beds but I sit next to Harry leaning into his side. "What's your name? I don't think I caught it" the conductor asks "Neville" Harry answer paranoid still I on the other hand huff in annoyance "You didn't catch it cos I didn't give it." Then I notice my bracelet growing warm 'I shot down a night fury" is the message on the band 'Really? Hic I'm so happy for you but a little disappointed that the dragon may be hurt' I tell him honestly. I'm happy he will now be seen as one of the tribe but what did that dragon ever do than try to survive but it might be lucky and not be hurt, I know it's lucky because it was Hiccup that shot it down so it has a chance of survival. 'Be careful Hic' I send over knowing that he will go looking for it alone as no one ever believes him.

After a very rough ride we get to Tom's bar where we can hopefully stay the rest of the summer. Walking in behind Harry I notice that Tom's expecting us but why? Unless I scan my surrounding and identify the Minster waiting for us, that's really going to help Harry's paranoia. Harry notices shortly after and looks back at me questioningly to which I shrug but my mind is travelling miles per hour trying to figure out what is going on because this has to be more than just accidental magic. Then it hits me Sirius Black but why would they think we would be in danger. I mean he's supposed to support Voldemort but so do others and they've not done anything. ..... yet. And Sirius doesn't or never has supported him. Returning from my mind it turns out Neville has been revealed as Harry and the Minster is telling us that he's glad we're okay and he's sure we will be fine to go back home next summer to which Harry protests worrying the Minster. Then as he goes to leave Harry asks him to sign our permission slips but he refuses. "Don't worry Hare. It says guardian meaning someone who is trusted to have us in their care which from the rest of the summer is Tom so we'll ask him if not I can forge Patunia's like I use to in primary school so I could go on trips." I smile at him then laugh when he looks like Christmas has arrived early when we get to his room we are welcomed by "Hedwig" we greet stroking the bird "Right smart bird you've got there Mr Potter arrived just after you." Tom tells us "Thank you Tom. For everything." I say as he leaves nodding in acknowledgement "Goodnight Harry." I smile making my way to my own room across the hall "Goodnight Mia" He returns shutting the door. Once in my room I send Hiccup a goodnight and fall asleep.

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