Getting some air

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Marge has literally just walked in, not really its been a day, and I already want to throw anything and everything at her. She's lucky mine and Harry's birthday was the other day and we each got a present that we can focus on while she insults us nonstop, Harry is focusing on his broomstick servicing manual that Mione got him while I'm remembering different spells and potions that I got in a pranking book from Fred and George. While Harry's best friends are Ron and Hermione, mine are the devil twins the kings of pranks Fred and George. But even with these wonderful distraction I need some space and if it wasn't for the fact we both needed to behave in order to go to Hogsmeade this year I would have blown the cover Vernon set for us, that we are both at schools for criminals on the plus side it means I can get away with having my hair a different colour - since starting school I have had a different colour each term and summer. This summer with the help of Harry and Hiccup I have chosen a pale blue with streaks of light purple (normally it would be a dark velvet red with different coloured streaks in summer) giving Marge a lovely topic to complain about which keeps her happy and me sane-ish. Tomorrow I have decided that I'm taking Harry and myself to Berk to get some air, this is something I have been wanting to do for a while but kept putting off no matter how many times both boys ask to meet each other but Marge is really getting on my nerves. 'Really? You're going to bring Harry to meet me. I can't wait. Will they let you both go out for the day?' Hiccup asks me through are new mind link created by the bracelets/bands, or that's what I told Hiccup it's really the soul bond that comes with him being my mate. I'll tell him eventually but I don't want to think he has to be with me, it's unfair and as long as he's happy so am I. 'Yeah I am and they don't have much of a choice Hic. They either let us or I might slip up and tell them certain freakish things.' I say back with a mental shrug, he laughs in return.

The next morning I wake earlier than I would have liked but knew I needed to be ready so I change into my most Viking like clothes (picture above but imagine a dragon charm instead of an anchor) throwing my rucksack on my back as I like to keep it with me plus me and Harry have homework to do which he can't do because his trunks locked under the stairs - Dursleys think my stuff is in the same trunk and I just have clothes in my bag. I then pick my boots up and head downstairs where Harry has started breakfast so placing my boots and bag down I help him knowing what is going to happen next when I hear Vernon's footsteps making their way to us. "Where do you think you're going, girl?" he booms "First I have a name and second I figured I would take my brother and myself out for the day so that we won't be around to bother you or get in your way.... but I understand if you want us to stay here and be in the situation where we could possible forget what schools we go to then I understand completely." I smirk a little as I watch Vernon's face change a verity of different colours as his pea brain works over the pros and cons of letting us out for the day. "What are you playing at?" Harry mutters to me out of the corner of his mouth "What you can't possible tell me you want to stay here with her but if you do then I guess I can go visit Hiccup alone." I sigh looking at Harry pouting a little but amusement sparking in my blue eyes and mockery colouring my tone. "Seriously? I can meet him?" I nod silently laughing at his little happy dance. "Fine you both can go out for the day but if I find out you have been to see any of you freakish friends or caused any trouble then you will wish you were never born." I give him a mock salute before dragging Harry upstairs to getting changed into a similar outfit as me while I fasten my boots then out of the front door before the whale changes his little mind.

"So how do we get to Berk?" Harry asks as I walk quickly to an alleyway so no one sees us disappear. I smile taking my twin's hand in my own and answering "Like this" before transporting us to Berk, it's kind of like apperating but with no sound or twisting or need of a licence. Next thing we know we are at the edge of the woods near Hiccup's house I laugh at Harry's face as he takes in all the glory that is Berk. "Wow." he repeats over and over again. "It's not that brilliant." a voice states from behind Harry causing him jump a foot in the air and me to fall to the floor in laugh "Haha" Harry mutters as Hiccup helps me up shaking his head at my antics having been the one I have laugh at many times before "Hey I'm Hiccup and you must be Harry. I've heard so much about you and I have to say I'm so sorry that you have to be related to this one." Hiccup says shaking Harry's hands before jerking his head in my direction, I huff offended "Same and I know its terrible but I love her." Harry response. "Well if you two are quite down being mean I'm off to find Gobber." I turn on my heel and head for the Blacksmiths where I find Gobber and Stoick - the chief and Hiccup's dad - talking, you see they know I'm not from around here and that I come and go but no about magic so no laws are broken and I don't have to hide. "Hey Gobber, chief." I greet the two men before I take Hiccup's apron and put it on "Where do you want me Gobber?" I ask both men laugh before Gobber points to a sword that needs sharpening "On it." "So Amelia, where's Hiccup?" Gobber asks me "Oh I left him and my brother near the woods" I shrug not to worry anything bad will happen "Why? And ya brought ya brother finally, have ya?" "hmm" I hum nodding and choose to ignore the 'why' as I can heard the pair approaching. Hiccup walks in having seen me work many times before while Harry stares "Hiccup finally decided to show up have ya?" Gobber says in greeting to the chief's son while I greet my twin without looking up at him "Take a picture, Harry, it lasts longer." which shakes him out of his thoughts as his carefully makes his way to my side staring at everything as he does. "Hare this is Gobber, he's been helping Hiccup teach me to be a Blacksmith as well as how to fight with and without a weapon. Gobber this is my twin brother Harry." I point to each before pointing to Stoick "Harry this is the chief of Berk, Stoick the Vast he also happens to be Hiccup's dad. Yeah no resembles I've decided that Hiccup must get his looks from his mum but I can't be sure cos like us his mum's dead. Stoick this is Harry." I state bluntly ignoring the looks given to me from the older men as the younger are used to me by now.

After a while in the shop Gobber takes us out for some fighting lessons where I have to say Harry learns quickly though I'm glad especially with his habit of trouble and danger. We then walk around the village where Hiccup gets his usually comment from the other teens and looks from older village members but we ignore all that deciding to teach Harry about Berk. Just as we always do Hiccup and I lead our way to the rock where we first met I then pull my homework out to check over and parchment for Harry so he can do his while we do this Hiccup asks about our 2nd year and tells me about his and all the dragon raids. I finish my work before Harry having been doing it since the train home so begin to sketch with Hiccup as he finishes his tale "Oh and before I forget I have your birthday gifts." he says making me smile, even though he has never met Harry before he has always gotten him a gift and vise versa this year we got Hiccup more parchment and charcoal so that he could do more drawing and designing. Then Hiccup hands me mine and Harry his, looking between one another we both look at the gift mine is a dagger with a leather handle and shelth/case while Harry has a drawing of a dragon that I told him about once. "Hic it's amazing thank you." I hug the life out him before letting Harry also hug him in thanks "you're an incredible artist Hiccup." Harry compliments as I nod my agreement. I sigh sadly after noting the darkening sky "Time flies" I say standing up and packing Harry's work up and the presents before all three of us make our way back to the village, mainly so I know Hiccup is safe even if he's older. When we get to the edge of the woods we say our goodbyes before I take Harry's hand and bring us back to hell.

"So?" I ask as we walk back to the Dursleys sending the same message to Hiccup. "It was amazing. Thank you." Harry says "I really liked Hiccup he was great but I don't like them other teens." he continues I nod "Yeah but it's not all their fault it's the way they are taught to be. And I'm glad you liked Hiccup and Berk, I'll take you again sometime." this makes Harry smile even brighter which I wasn't sure was possible. 'You're twin is great and I loved having you both here. I miss you're company already.' Hiccup then tells me 'It's a good job I'm bringing him back then isn't it' I smile feeling Hiccup's delight at this. Walking into number 4 I take my bag to my room then make my way down to help Harry prepare dinner.

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