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The letters arrived earlier this week from school so Harry and I have decided to take our current living arrangement for what they are a blessing and a curse. Harry keeps trying to convince us both that he needs a Firebolt which he doesn't and he knows it but being this close to Diagon Alley has meant that we have managed to collect all of our school things before the rush, much to Harry's disappointment I spent a lot of time reading the books for this year so that I can practise as soon as possible - it's something I've been told I get from mum. However, today I have decided to go and visit Hiccup as I'm worried for him since he caught a night fury. A NIGHT FURY!!!!! so I'm going to Berk to find out everything especially since he let it go and is still alive. I sit down next to Harry and eat the food he had gotten me while he finishes his own, once he's done he gets up to go visit the alley again but I call after him so he sits down in front of me confused and slightly concerned making me smile a little. "Don't look so worried, I just wanted to let you know that I'm going to Berk for a day or two but I wanted to let you know in case I'm away longer than I plan to be if that's the case I'll meet you at the platform." I tell him my plans but he looks concerned still so I lift an eyebrow at him and tilt my head slightly "Is Hiccup okay? What's happened? I'll come with you." he rushes making me laugh a little "Harry you've only met him once. He's fine. I just want to go and help in the Blacksmiths and clean up after the last dragon raid." I hate lying to my brother but I don't know how to explain the whole 'Hiccup shot down the unholy offspring of lightening and death itself then released it and survived' situation since Harry is still learning about the dragons around Berk.

With Harry's agreement and reminder that The Weasleys and Hermione are planning to meet up with us the week before we go back so I need to try to be back before then so that no difficult questions are asked I pack my bag and head to Berk. Upon my arrival I am faced with the sky, how you may ask, Hiccup would be the answer. I landed and he ran in to me, typical. Pouting I lean up on my elbows "Nice to see you to Haddock." Hiccup jumps slightly before realising who it was speaking then smiling slightly he puts a hand out to help me up "Sorry Mia. Are you okay?" he asks concerned but a hint of laughter in his voice. Taking the offered hand I tell him I'm fine and why I'm in Berk before he can ask when I get to the part about him releasing a NIGHT FURY and then being pounced on and fainting Hiccup just stares at me in shock and confusion "What?" I ask "How? How did you know about that?" he asks me, my eyebrows scrunch up not understanding what's going on "You told me about the dragon and I felt you faint then you said that 'I can't believe that I fainted, I actually fainted. How am I going to be a Viking if I faint in a death situation?' you meant to tell me that didn't you?" I ask slightly worried now, Hiccup shook his head "Oh..." I look down biting my lip "I'm sorry Hic I don't know what happened. Maybe I messed up the spell or I -" Hiccup cuts me off placing his hands on my shoulders "It's fine Mia, honestly. Actually I think its pretty cool and I was going to tell you about the dragon after today." I smile a little then ask him where he was off to before we ran into each other. "Oh..." he rubs the back of his neck "I was actually going to see if I could find the dragon again because my dad put me in dragon training and well Gobber said that dragons always go for the kill but the night fury didn't and it made me curious to find out." he shrugs causing me to laugh before stepping to the side waving my hand in the direction of the tress "Then by all means lead the way." I give a cheeky smirk at the viking boy who returns it with one of his own.

Hiccup's POV

I cannot believe that I let that dragon go well actually I can believe it, I saw myself in that dragon. Gobber said that a dragon always goes for the kill yet the night fury didn't he let me go but why? I was so lost in my thoughts that I don't realise that I had knocked into anyone until I heard a very familiar voice "Nice to see you too Haddock." jumping a little looking towards the voice I'm faced with a slightly annoyed Mia Potter who was wearing a modern version of my outfit (picture above) and her hair today was raven colour similar to her twin's with streaks of pale purple and shimmering silver making her trademark blue eyes stand out. I hold a hand out to help her up, normally I wouldn't be able to help anyone up but Mia, and Harry for that matter, are both built like me scrawny "Sorry Mia. Are you okay?" I asks concerned but laughter carrying in my voice at her pout, she's adorable. Taking the offered hand she tells me that she's fine and why she is in Berk before I could ask but then she mentions that she knows about me releasing a NIGHT FURY and then being pounced on and fainting, this is slightly embarrassing but then I realise that I never told her any of that so how did she know? my shock and confusion must have shown because Mia asks "What?". "How? How did you know about that?" I asks her causing her eyebrows scrunch up "You told me about the dragon and I felt you faint then you said that 'I can't believe that I fainted, I actually fainted. How am I going to be a Viking if I faint in a death situation?' you meant to tell me that didn't you?" she answers her tone unsure and slightly worried now, I shake my head "Oh..." she looks down biting her lip "I'm sorry Hic I don't know what happened. Maybe I messed up the spell or I -" I cut her off placing my hands on her shoulders "It's fine Mia, honestly. Actually I think its pretty cool and I was going to tell you about the dragon after today." she smiles a little then asks me where I was off to before we ran into each other. "Oh..." I rub the back of my neck "I was actually going to see if I could find the dragon again because my dad put me in dragon training and well Gobber said that dragons always go for the kill but the night fury didn't and it made me curious to find out." I shrug a little sheepish causing her to laugh before she steps to the side waving her hand in the direction of the tress "Then by all means lead the way." she gives me a cheeky smirk which I return with one of my own before leading the way into the all to familiar forest. When we a safe distance in from the tree line Mia shifts into a large wolf the same colour as my hair then with what I assume to be a grin crouches in front of me motioning her nose in the direction of her back, taking the hint I climb on to her back a little scared but trusting her fully 'good. You should trust me.' her voice rings through my head making me roll my eyes 'lets go find a dragon' I say back earning a nod before wind rushes at me as Mia races through the trees soundlessly. In what feels like no time at all she halts laying on the ground still 'What is it?' I ask knowing her senses are better than mine especially when she is in a form of an animal 'your dragon is close. I'm going to change back so off.' she orders and I follow watching in awe as her body shifts and morphs back into the human self. I look at her for an idea of where the dragon is, I catch the faint smile and eye roll from her as she takes my hand pulling me over to a rock formation above a cove (A/N yes the cove. For anyone who has not seen How to train your dragon it is the place where Hiccup trains/bonds with Toothless) and there right before us is a night fury "Shall we get a closer look?" Mia asks me, nervous but knowing that Mia will go closer either way and my own curiosity makes me nod so together we creep closer watching as the dragon tries to get out.

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