Full moon, dementors and Hogsmeade

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Tonight is the full moon and I know that Moony will be having a rough night and Pads can't join him so I decide I will help my uncle whether he likes it or not. Especially since I know he's on Wolfsbane. So exactly an hour before the moon I race to his office/quarters knocking on the door "Professor? Uncle Moony?" I hear him move about and roll my eyes knowing he's trying to ignore me "Moony I will open the door my self" I huff and smile when he does the same "Mia you know I cant" He calls "I also know it's half an hour away, you're on Wolfsbane and Moony isn't a treat to other animals." Suddenly the opens and I'm face to face with a overly confused professor so I push my way in and wait for him to close the door which he does still confused until I shift into Wolfie. "What? How?" He asks I change back answering him "I've been able to do this since just before I was 4. Wolfie is my main form but like my appearance I can change into any animal as long as I can picture it." I shrug "Wolfie?" Lupin smiles slightly "Harry named me when I first changed and it's stuck. So can I stay?" I plead with puppy eyes "yes." I cheer hugging him tightly then shift just as he transforms. After a long night consisting of trust building and play I wake up to Moony shaking my shoulder firmly "Mia wake up. It's match day." I rub my eyes looking at my uncle working out what he meant before jumping up. He laughs and tells me to get going that I have time and he's not joining us.
I arrive at the pitch just in time for the match to start I notice Padfoot sitting in the stands so I make my way to him but sit just in front so I don't bring to much attention to him. "What are you playing at Pads?" I ask getting a whine in return "I don't think it's wise but on your head be it" I give in so I can watch my brother flying but then I feel it. "Dementors!" I growl "Go" I order my uncle quickly grabbing my wand and searching the sky for my twin 'Harry. Dementors get back down here. NOW' I call through out bond as I race on to the pitch ignoring all calls to stop me arriving just in time to see my twin falling unconscious from the Sky. "HARRY!" I scream over the thunder and both bonds before shifting into a Thestral knowing I'll be less likely to be seen catching Harry and slowly bringing him to the ground giving the illusion to most that he fell. Before I change back racing to where I placed him "Harry?" I clutch him close to my chest wanting a response when suddenly people start to gather close to us making me panic and Wolfie become protective leading to everyone getting thrown back as my magic flares "Amelia!" I hear Ron and Mione call getting closer at the same time the twins call me from the edge of the bubble around me and Harry "Mia let us in. We'll take him to the hospital wing. Come on Wolfie. He needs checking over." I let them in but no one else and seeing this Ron and Mione go to find Harry's broom. Fred and George kneel either side of me silently asking if they can take Harry or if I'm going to. I nod letting them take him as I create a stretcher for them to lay him on before Fred comes to help me up as I'm shaking violently with the effort it took to fight the memories off.
Once Harry wakes up and is told what happened he asks to be left alone to morn his broomstick but I don't leave instead I curl up in his side and sleep. "Mia" I hear as someone shakes me "come on, wake up" squinting I see Harry "Yeah?" I ask tiredly "How come your not effect by the dementors?" He asks, I sigh sitting up so we are both lent back shoulder to shoulder "I am Haz. I am. But because of how protective Wolfie is as well as myself I'm able to push the memories away a bit more than you. It leaves me shaky and exhausted but I do it for you and Hiccup. Hiccup also helps as he sends happy memories through the bond to help me focus. I could try it with you if you want. Plus I remember what happened that night, always have then the book of letters mum and dad left helps me." I explain "book of letters?" He asks rolling my eyes "yes. They left a book for each of us. The book I gave you when you were 4 then again when you were 5 then 6 before I gave up." "Oh." I reach over the edge of the bed for my rucksack before accio-ing his letter book and passing it him "Mum charmed this bag all those years ago and she put keepsakes in it for us including a book of letters from her and dad. It also has photographs, toys and clothes, both ours and theirs, in it. Then that night she made me put it on my back under a jacket then Voldemort came killed her and we were alone till Hagrid collected us." I tell him editing parts out until he had read his letters. "Really?" I nod reaching for my own letter book flicking through finding a letter from mum about the bag and it contents 'Little Mia, well I guess you won't be so little when you are reading this. As you probably can see this book is full of letters from myself and your father. If you are reading this book then you have the bag that I put together if worse came to worse. If we died and you lived. Hopefully you are with your brother at one of you godparents if you are they know of the bag and the supplies in it. Clothes for both of you, some of ours as reminders and comforters. A few of your favourite toys including your brother's blanket, he won't sleep without it as you know. It also includes books and notes for school and what we have gathered about your unique magic. All my love Mum x' we finish reading together and I wait for Harry's reaction. "Do you know which godparent mum meant?" I quirk an eyebrow but nod "Sirius Black. You know he was on the paper I got from the bank." I see a bit of anger in his eyes "But he. He supported Voldemort. How could mum-?" I cut him over shaking my head gesturing to his book confused he passes it to me letting me flip through it till I find the letter explaining everything from Mum and Dad. 'Hare bear, we love you. Always will no matter what happens, remember that. We have debated this but eventually we have decided it's best to write you and your sister this letter. It's just in case the plan goes wrong. We're in hiding all four of us now people are going to believe your dad's best friend, his brother and your Godfather Sirius Black is our secret keeper, the person keeping us safe from Voldemort but he's not we all thought he was too obvious so instead we are using Peter Pettigrew another of your dad's friends. If he tells Voldemort where we are well it will be bad but we have faith in him, even if your sister does not she hates him always calling me 'bad rat' but she'll grow out of it just as you did. She calls him that because of his Animagus form is a rat whereas your dad and Sirius were a stag and dog respectively she also calls Sirius 'Silly doggy'. Be safe little one. We love you Bambi with all our hearts. Mum and dad xx' by the time we have finished reading Harry has unshed tears filling his eyes then he looks up at me 'Did you know?' He asks through our bond I nod smiling sadly 'I did but I didn't want to say anything in case something was missing but I spoke to Sirius and his version matches perfectly' I answer "What are we going to do?" He asks I stay silent for a while before slowly answering his question "First I'm going to tell Uncle Moony before I send Hedwig with a letter for Madme Bones then when you are out of here we both go to Dumbledore and we get our uncle free." His face lights up in total acceptance with my plan leaving him to read the rest of his book I land a kiss on his hair then race to Moony's office 'Who's uncle Moony?' Harry asks suddenly laughing I tell him 'Professor Lupin. It'll be in the book." "Professor I need to talk to you. It's important." I say almost instantly the door opens and Moony let's me in. I hand my book to him on the right letter and wait for him to read it not so patiently. "Amelia... what is this?" He asks after reading "A book Mum and Dad left me. They gave Harry one too but you already know that. I was going to ask Amelia Bones to meet me to discuss this as I doubt Padfoot got a trail." He nods along "I believe you would do it as well. But you forget that Sirius was also arrested for the murder of Peter and 12 muggles." I bite my lip considering this "True but if he gets a trail at least we can know why." I answer. He nods pulling me in to a hug before showing me out. I get to the common room and begin to write the letter including a copy of Mum's letter before calling Hedwig. "Hey girl, can you please take this to Amelia Bones in the department of magical law enforcement please?" She hoots "Thanks, stay safe."
Time skip to the next Hogsmeade trip
Harry comes skidding into the library "Mia let's go." "Where?" "Hogsmeade" I stare at him confused until I see him clutching a blank parchment "Dad's map. They gave it you?" He looks confused now but nods "Yeah. They said we have more need for it." I nod letting him lead the way to the passage to Honeydukes. In the passageway I stop Harry who tilts his head at me "Hiccup" is all I say before vanishing "Mia what are you doing here?" Hiccup asks amusement shining in his tone "Well I knew you weren't busy so thought you might like to come to Hogsmeade" "I'd love to" he replies taking my offered arm together we appear back next to Harry in the passage where I change my appearance to make me look older since Harry has the cloak together we enter the sweet shop 'pick some stuff Hic' I tell Hiccup noticing his interest he looks unsure but when I tell again he picks up one of each thing. We then make our way to Ron and Mione after I nudge the twins. I hear Harry scare them as we join them "Found them then" He nods explaining it was me "This is Hiccup by the way. Hiccup this is Ron and Hermione." Hiccup and I split off from the others so I can show Hiccup the other shop and point out Hogwarts before meeting up again at the three broomsticks "two butter butterbeers please" I request before sitting on the table next to the others just as Hagrid, McGonagall, Flitwick and Fudge enter quickly Mione moves a Christmas tree in front of there table while I cast a notice-me-not charm as well as altering my features even more. After listening to them talk bad about Sirius I see the door open followed by Ron and Mione so I'm guessing it was Harry. "Wolfie? I don't understand" Hiccup says "Everyone believes Sirius betrayed mum and dad then murdered 13 people including the one who really betrayed them, Peter Pettigrew." I answered "come on we need to see Harry" he nods and together we find the trio "Haz?" I call "They really believe that. Mia did he... you know?" "No" He nods then tells Ron and Mione about the letter and plan. "We need to get back" together we walk back to Honeydukes where Harry, Hiccup and I enter going back to Hogwarts we put Hiccup under the cloak so we can show him Harry's common room before I take him to Berk. While we wait for Ron and Mione to get back I show Hiccup the map we decide to look for the other two when I notice a name I loath without warning I grab the map and run. I hear the boys following me as I send a patronous to Lupin telling him to get to Dumbledore's office. When we arrive I yell "Lemon drops" getting the gargoyle to move as the three of us catch our breath on the stairs at the door I hammer on the door till it opens revealing Dumbledore and Fudge 'Hiccup stay hidden' I order upon seeing the Minister he agrees just as Lupin arrives behind us "Amelia? What's the problem?" Moony asks worriedly I move further into the room sensing Hiccup right behind me and Harry next to me then Moony next to him. "Professor Dumbledore is it possible to get Madame Bones here please?" I ask "Madame Bones? She is a very busy woman Amelia" Fudge interrupts Dumbledore "It's miss Potter Minister. I know she is busy but she also knows to expect contact from me soon. Professor?" I ask looking back to Dumbledore who nods Flooing her. She comes through quite quickly "You called Headmaster?" She asks "Yes Amelia here has asked for you." She nods looking towards me "Ma'am thanks for coming. You read my letter?" I asked she nods "letter? What letter?" Fudge demands "Good well I have discovered something else that proves the rest of the story wrong." "Is that so?" I nod quickly wiping the map and getting the one I made last year after the twins showed me dad's. "Madame Bones, Amelia I'm afraid you have confused all of us right now. Will one of you please explain?" Dumbledore asks politely. Quickly apologising I bring them all up to speed "Sorry. I contacted Madame Bones while Harry was in the hospital wing informing her that my Godfather was imprisoned without a trail and under false accusations since he was not my parents' secret keeper, I also sent her a copy of the letter I found that explained this after asking Professor Lupin if it was definitely my mother's handwriting which he confirmed. Then today while Harry and I were waiting for our friends to return using a map I was working on to show those in the castle I saw a name that I know shouldn't be there." At this I walk to Dumbledore's desk and open my map quickly locating the name which I then point out to the others in the room "Pe-Peter Pet-Pettigrew impossible." Fudge states in denial "Not impossible actually Minster since you never gave Sirius a trail or carried out an investigation so no its not impossible." I answer sharply with a growl I notice Madame Bones looking intrigued as well as a little amused by my sharp attitude towards the Minister. "I will open an investigation now with the evidence you have given Potter. Remus did you know of any of this?" Madame Bones asks "Yes I knew they were Animagi" she nods then takes her leave. "Mia you are as unique as ever." Moony tells me before leaving as well. "Sorry to have bothered you Professor Dumbledore but I want my godfather free and the ministry to do their jobs properly." I smirk slightly knowing my comment will rub the wrong way with Fudge. I then take my leave with Harry and Hiccup close behind, at the bottom of the stairs Moony is waiting "Uncle Moony" I smirk he laughs motioning for us to follow him when we arrive at his office he asks "Who else is with you cub?" I smile gently "This is Hiccup" I say removing the cloak while passing the map to Harry.

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