How I met Hiccup

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The last day of school before the summer and Harry had already leave to get home before Dudley - our cousin - and his gang found him and so he was home before them because when Dudley got home was considered the right time. But me on the other hand didn't bother either way we were going to get trouble most likely from just breathing so I don't go out of my way anymore to avoid it normally it doesn't make a difference as I just slip in the back door if I'm really late because Harry leaves it open a bit and if he doesn't well I wear hair clips for a reason.

I was on my way home thinking about everything that has happened in mine and Harry's life the last 5 years from our parents dying and us living with the Dursleys. I know that they are lying to us, they say our parents died in a car crash but I know that's not true because they didn't drive and because I remember the magic how could I not when I can change my appearance whenever I want and when I can turn into different animals, they don't know this though because I practiced alone and I've managed to control it so it no longer changes when I have strong emotions mostly anger. I also have a bag that was my mum's that has some clothes and pictures in with a notebook containing letters from my parents to me and Harry I gave them to him as a birthday present when he was 4 but he's never read them so I'm going to give them to him again this year because according to the letters we will be going to a magic school, the one our parents attended, soon and he'll need to know. There's some other books with notes in that are for school I think. Lost in thought I don't realise I'm nearly home until I walk into a wall which I tell you hurt a lot. As I turn the corner on to Privet Drive I'm blinded by a light when it clears my surroundings are different instead of buildings and cars I'm surrounded by trees and rocks. Confused, scared and curious I begin to walk around hoping to find something or someone that can tell me where I am, I'm just lucky that I can control my magic I think to myself remembering what mum wrote in one of my letters 'Mia baby me and your dad are writing you and you brother letters that will hopefully explain things to you and remind you both of us if we don't survive this war against Voldemort (a dark wizard, yes magic is real, that is raging war against us and muggles - people with no magic - and more importantly your brother) recently we've discovered that you are a Metamorphmagus meaning you change your looks at will but this isn't everything that is unique about you sweetie, most magical children experience accidental magic bursts that are linked to their emotions and situation however you even at 6 months old have an incredible sense of control over it which we are guessing will continue as you grow older. We love you and Harry so much and are hoping that we will be telling this in person but just in case these letters are going to be in a bag that I have charmed to hold plenty and I'm leaving it with you. All our love Mummy and Daddy xx' As I finish remembering this short letter I hear a loud snap ring out through the trees causing me to freeze up putting my arm up slightly ready to defend myself if the need arises then from a few trees away a boy comes into view he's short and skinny, reminds a me a little of my brother but with messy auban hair rather than untameable black and his eyes are a dark green like the forest instead of emerald suddenly he looks up and sees me causing us both to shout in alarm and jump away from each other.

"Who are you?" he asks me stammering a little while reaching for a small dagger under his fur jacket. I open my mouth to answer but struggle to form the words, fear is starting build as I panic. The boy gasps staring at me wide-eyed before pointing a shaking arm at me "Y-your h-hair" he says looking torn between running and asking more. Taking a deep breath of air I blurt out "Mia".

"I'm sorry?" he asks rising an eye brow taking a step closer now. "My name is Amelia or Mia." I explain also taking a step closer to this boy almost like I'm being pulled by a magnet. "I'm Hiccup." I smile lightly as he continues "How come your hair changed from brown to white?" the boy, Hiccup, inquires. I bite my lip before walking to a large rock midway between us both gesturing for him to join me which he does after a few moments. "It charges when my emotions are strong or when I really want them too, I'm a metamorphmagus meaning I can change my appearance. It changed just now because I was, I am, nervous and scared." I tell him, feeling this overwhelming amount of trust for this boy. He nods then stays quiet so I ask him where we are "Oh this is Berk." Berk. Where have I heard that name before? Of course in one of the books mum and dad put in the bag mentioned a place called Berk and the surrounding islands, lost in time fighting a battle between Vikings and dragons - dragons that in our world are thought to be extinct but most believe it to be a myth but apparently not. "What?" Hiccup asks looking at me as if I grew another head which honestly wouldn't surprise me. "What?" I ask him "Berk's a myth and dragons extinct?" he asks/says. My eyes widen oops "I said that out loud?" he nods so the next hour or so I tell Hiccup everything I know about the magical world which he then returns with his own story of Berk and the 300 year war with dragons. We then go on to tell each other about our home life and I know mine isn't the best but Hiccup has definitely got it bad.

"How old are you Hiccup?" I ask after a long silence "8. You?" he replies "6 nearly 7" A/N I want Hiccup to be older but not too much as I want him to be around rtte for order of the phoenix .

"Hiccup I know we only just met but -" I get cut off by Hiccup "But I don't want to leave and I trust you." "Yeah." I glance down at my wrist wear I had a leather band attached to a wolf charm that I made once when I was practising my magic, I suddenly get an idea. I take the band off and close my hands over it thinking of two of them but one having a dragon when I open my hands I have the original and a new one that holds a dragon charm instead of a wolf glancing at Hiccup I giggle a little at his awestruck face then once again enclose the bands in my hands imagining that they could let the wearers communicate and couldn't be removed by anyone other then them as well, as I open my eyes I see a pale purple glow from my hands hopefully they work. I explain to Hiccup the theory of what they should do before offering him the choice of which one he wants after a while he picks the wolf charm saying that I should have the dragon so that I always have a reminder of him and Berk while he will have the wolf to remind him of me as I had told him about me changing into a black wolf a month before I turned 4. I hug him taking him by surprise before we both put the bands on then suddenly another light blinds me and I'm back in Privet Drive outside number 4, better get this over with then as I open the door I see the dragon charm glow slightly quickly glancing at it I see the words 'where did you go?' written across the band 'Hiccup?' I think 'Yeah where are you?' replaces the previous words, it worked I can't believe it. 'Sorry Hiccup I didn't mean to leave. I'm home again. But they work now we can talk to each other even when we're not together.' I think concentrating on the band 'okay how do you get to and from here and your home?' I read 'no idea but I will work it out. I promise.' I then walk into the kitchen to find Harry cooking so quickly join him whispering to him as we work.

But that was a long time ago..... okay so maybe not that long it was 5 years ago. Since then Harry and I have attended Hogwarts where we each made friends and enemies as well as saving the school and wizarding world from Voldy Moldy again, I also discovered that unlike what my parents believed I'm not a Metamorphmagus but a shifter and that Hiccup is my mate which is why I was pulled to him when he was in danger. Hiccup and I have stayed in contact with each other throughout this and I kept my promise I worked out how to go to and from Hiccup and Harry. I also added more charms and spells to the bands mostly protective one but some others like being able to talk to each other not just sending messages and I added a charm that allows us to see each other if we call the other (like the 2 way mirror Sirius and James used). Not only can I go to Hiccup but he can come to me but we both decided that should only in emergencies as he's not supposed to know about magic - I was told in 1st year muggles aren't allowed to know unless they marry into a magic family or have a magical child as it's against the law. While at Hogwarts I also started to learn more advanced charms such as the extension charm my mum used on the bag so that I didn't have to carry a huge truck around, it all fits in a ruck sack and has since the end of 1st year, it also means I can take my stuff everywhere with me as I discovered the trace doesn't detect me when I'm with Hiccup in Berk so I show him the things I learn and practice. Hiccup has also introduced me to his life and I have been learning how fight with muggle weapons and in hand-to-hand combat which I have to say I enjoy. Hiccup and Gobber have also been teaching me how to be a blacksmith which I'm getting the hang of quickly. Right now Harry and I are a week into our summer before 3rd year and we are hating being with the Dursleys even worse Marge is coming. 'Wish me luck Hic.' I think as I lay down to finish my homework. While Harry's pet owl, Hedwig flies in the window with her latest kill. Just as I am about to drift over the band grows warm and glows a faint purple 'Good luck little wolf' the message reads leaving a smile gracing my lips as I drift to sleep, who cares about History homework.

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