you are not using my brother as a sacrifice

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After the events in the Ministry, they had to acknowledge the return of Tom Riddle and since I was nearly killed, they said I could request the sentence I want for both riddle and Bellatrix, so I ask that their magic be bound, and they are sent to live as muggles. Some strong suggestions there and persuasions here from myself, Harry, Sirius, Dumbledore, and others got this sentence agreed to so I am currently happily watching them scream spells with no effect. Ha-ha. 'Sometimes you scare me' hiccup comments after feeling my satisfaction at the scene 'I agree with Hiccup. Sis you are terrifying' Harry adds his two knuts to the conversation. This is something I have discovered recently if I leave the bonds open the boys can each hear the other bond unless one of us wishes otherwise. After he realises his magic does not work Tom goes quiet before a slow smirk grows but I do not get it I glance around the room and land on Dumbledore who looks slightly trouble at this I pull Harry and Sirius with me towards the man "What?" I ask he looks confused "what are you hiding?" I demand glare as I sense the lie, he's about to tell sighing he motions us to follow him which we do all the way to a fire place "let's go to my office we will also need some others" he explains before he sends his Patronus off multiple times then stepping through the fire place shortly followed by the rest of us.

In the office Snape, Remus, Minerva, and Bill join us. I stand to the side behind Harry waiting not so patiently staring expertly at the headmaster who sighs before starting "I ask you all here as Mia noticed at Tom's trial and binding that he smirked, and I was troubled so being Lily's daughter she has demanded answers that I know I should have given long ago." He starts to explain before pausing letting the information sink in "Before resurfacing as Voldemort, Tom travelled along these travels he made horcruxes - which is the splitting of one's soul and containing part of it in something or someone else usually something - I know of one already destroyed by Harry," here he removes the diary "I have found another which I am going to collect this summer and destroy. But I know there are more just not sure how many or where." I pause looking at Dumbledore "What else?" I ask glaring at his blank look growling with a look of defeat he continues "I suspect Harry is also one. I had planned for Harry to willingly letting Tom kill him -" "WHAT?!" Everyone in the room screams except me I growl louder and more threateningly which quickly silence everyone "You planned to sacrifice my little brother and NOT tell anyone" I state softly through my growls stalking forward standing protectively in front of my brother letting my wolf have more control "I will NEVER let that happen. NEVER!" I scream the last word letting a wave of my magic rip through the office. Hands around my waist calm me a little as Harry hugs me close not saying anything but pushing his love and gratitude through the bond, taking a deep breath I turn to Bill "Billy do you reckon the goblins will help remove it safely?" I ask softly trying to bring in my magic as the air is getting thick, he thinks for a moment before humming "I believe so it wouldn't be the first horcurx we've come across, first live being to remove it from but first time for everything. Let's go kids." He pushes himself towards the fireplace Harry and me following with Siri and Moony behind.

At the bank I allow Bill to explain the situation and I will admit that I'm quite satisfied at the goblins reaction to Dumbledore's plan. They lead us to a chamber where they explain that they will perform a goblin ritual to remove it and place it into another object they choose a quill. As Harry is getting ready, I turn to Moony "would you be able to get the sword of Gryffindor from Dumbledore's office please?" He smile placing a hand on my shoulder before going to retrieve it, I then walk to a nearby goblin and ask if they would be able to check the Lestrange vault when asked why I explain how the diary was trusted to the Malfoys so being as Bellatrix was basically the closest thing to a lover Riddle had it makes sense for her to have one. The goblin walks away without answering me, but I don't mind as Harry is back, so the ritual is about to begin.

While the ritual is being completed Remus arrives with the sword which we happily give back to the goblins so they can destroy the horcruxes as they found one in Lestranges' vault, Hufflepuffs cup. During this I continue trying to think of what else or where the others could be, Hogwarts would be the place I think most likely to have one as well as his snake. With this in mind I am determined to make sure that I set the golden trio on the one in Hogwarts which I am guessing will have something to do with either Slytherin or Ravenclaw as we have something from Hufflepuff and I can not see Riddle the heir of Slytherin himself using something from Gryffindor while they do this Im going to sit Dumbledore down and get everything laid out straight no more secrets, then Im going to track that snake down or maybe I could ask Bill to or Kingsley. Im knocked out of my thoughts by Sirius calling my name looking up he asks if Im ready to go so I nod standing stopping next to Bill on the way to the exit "Hey Bill," I catch his attention "Do you think you or someone from the order could track the snake down, please?" I add he smiles agreeing he'll sort that one out giving me a brotherly hug before pushing me towards my family who I join laughing lightly "Lets get back to Hogwarts" Moony says wrapping an arm around my shoulders. Upon arriving at the school I pull my brother to the side and explain my theory about a horcrux being in Hogwarts and how it would have to be somewhere only Riddle thought he was smart enough to find which means its either the chamber of secrets or the room of requirement and that would then depend on if it was a Ravenclaw item or Slytherin item. Thinking it over Harry nods before asking what I think we should do, smiling at the confidence my little brother has in me I start explaining and thinking out loud "Well I was hoping for you, Hermione and Ron were up for another adventure? And if it helps, I honestly believe it'll be something to do with Ravenclaw as being the heir of Slytherin he'd want it protected even more so it wouldn't be somewhere with the possibility of anyone stumbling across it." Once again Harry agrees sprinting away to find the other two, so I shout after him "Ask Luna!" he turns jogging backwards to send me a thumbs up then he's gone. Now its time to sit the good old headmaster down for a long stern chat, spinning on my heel I knock on the griffin statue and wait to be allow entry which does not take long, clambering up the stairs I enter without knocking "sit" I order and surprisingly he does so "Lay it all out now. No more lying. No more secrets. No more excuses. Just the truth and all the facts." When I see Dumbledore go to protest, I shake my head "I already proved you wrong once and shown that Harry did not need to be the one to take down Riddle, so you stop acting like you know everything and just tell me what you do know. Bill is taking care of the snake. I have the others working out where and what is here in Hogwarts. The goblins have destroyed two. The diary is done. You know one more and I know there is another which you either know where or you have an idea so spill." With that said I lean back into the chair arms and legs crossed and wait determined to have my way which Dumbledore must see as he starts reluctantly talking "You are right. I am sorry. The one I know is in a small shack once owned by Riddle's mothers family in the same town as -" I cut him off "the same place his fathers grave is." He nods so I continue "So why wait till summer, its not like you teach or do anything in school? Even if you need to be here it is not like you don't have a secret order with people in who could help." I roll my eyes at the expression of clueless shock on his face thinking "adults" but eventually he seems to agree as he takes a quill and parchment writing a letter and passing it to Fawkes telling him to take it to Kingsley. "As for the final one it is somewhere from before he came to Hogwarts" Dumbledore says "It will have to be somewhere near impossible to get to" I add on to this which from the look on his face helps as he stands before appariting (?) out leaving me puzzled. Shortly after he is back and explains about a cave where you have to make a donation of blood to enter before crossing a lake full of inferior (?) "So take someone - an adult- with you" I shrug standing up "tell me how it goes. I am going to see harry" then I leave.

Once I find my brother he's walking alongside Luna "Hello Mia Potter" she waves, smiling I greet her back "Hello Luna Lovegood" turning to Harry I ask "Any luck?" He half shrugs "Some." Luna reckons its Ravenclaw's lost diadem. I hum nodding "makes sense" I agree causing both to smile wide "We were going to see the Grey lady and ask her about it since no one alive has seen it" I stop Harry "Her name is Helena Ravenclaw, she also likes to speak in riddles." Stunned at the information Harry slowly nods "Come with" he begs, laughing I take his arm and Luna's hand "Lead the way." Together the three of us journey to an abandon corridor "She's down there." Luna says pointing "Shes quite shy so you're best going alone" I shove Harry a little grumbling he goes and using the twin bond I watch and listen as she tells of Riddle asking and contaminating it with dark magic before Harry charms her into telling him that "If you have to ask you will never know, if you know all you need do is ask." When he joins us again he looks as confused as I feel 'hey dragon boy any ideas? "If you have to ask you will never know, if you know all you need do is ask"' at first I think Hiccup is asleep but eventually he answers 'no idea sorry little wolf' sighing I thank him anyway. lost in thought I hear Luna suggest to Harry the room of requirement, "of course well done Luna" we cheer in sync I hug her as Harry carries on "I could kiss you right now Luna" causing us girls to laugh when he goes pink realising what he said then together we race through the halls up to the seventh floor "Do the honours little moon" I say softly. Harry and I stand watching Luna call the room we need when we open the doors we are faced with a bare room with only a statue in the middle on its head Ravenclaws diadem "Dont touch it" I warn watching the pair carefully before asking the room from a wooden box which it provides I open it then levitate the diadem into it closing the lid and picking up the box "Lets get this to the Goblins" I turn to leave but realise that neither has moved behind me so I look back to see them quietly talking smiling lightly I change the room around them into a comfortable sitting room then tell Harry to have a good time over the bond. As I walk down the halls towards Dumbledores office I bump into Neville "hey Nev. Everything okay?" I ask slowing to his pace "Hi Mia, yeah everythings okay. Where are you going?" I smile at my godbrother and fill him in on the horcrux business even asking him accompany me to the bank "Really? You want me to go with you?" he questions in shock, I frown a little at this before confirming that yes I do want him to come with me. Together we head up to the office where we find Dumbledore looking incredibly ill next to Moody who is holding a locket "Is that the last one?" I ask he nods so I take it explaining where Neville and I are going but as we step towards the floo I acciently drop the locket which falls open with a piece of paper inside now visible "What?" I lean down unfolding the paper to find a note saying that its not the real one. R.A.B. where have I seen that before? I pause thinking before taking another look at the locket which is also familiar but why? That's it I think scooping both the locket and note in one hand I tell Neville we are making a small detour to 12 Grimmual Place he nods and follows me there. "Sirius?!" I shout as I walk further into the kitchen "Mia? What are you doing here?" he asks as he enters the room "Where's Kreacher?" I ask as I show him the locket "Not sure." He answers taking the locket and note then calls "Kreacher!" who pops in only to freeze at the sight of the locket in Sirius' hands "Kreacher what do you know about this?" Sirius asks the elf who recalls the real story behind Regulus' death, crouching in front of the elf I ask "Can you find the real please? I need to destroy it." He agrees popping away and returning quickly with the real locket "Thank you." I nod at both elf and animagus before telling Neville that now we can go to the bank. At the bank we are seen to rather quickly as they recognise that I have two more horcruxes so they take them from me promising to dispose of them immediately as they were already getting rid of a ring and snake. At this news I feel a huge amount of relief as this means that once Riddle is dead there is no more chances he'll die a muggle. I happily thank the goblins for their help then hugging Neville I laugh in relief explaining that it really is over. Our mini celebrations continue at the castle when we share the news with the others and Dumbledore shares it with the student body, the order and the ministry who in turn shares it with the world.


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2022 ⏰

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