Cursed Prophet

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Cass woke with her heart beating against her ribs. The early morning rays of light streamed through the window, the soft drapes swaying in the breeze. But it did nothing to settle the dread in her chest. She had managed to anger another god. She could not be sorry for punishing the soldier in his dreams, knowing he wouldn't be punished in real life. But she feared Oneiros' wrath. Apollo's curse already made her life so much harder than the lives of the people around her. She wasn't sure she could deal with another curse added on top.

She pushed herself up in bed and brushed her hair over her shoulder. Oneiros would be waiting for her when she fell asleep again. She had power in his realm, more than she should, but she knew she would be no match for him. She stood and walked over to the water basin by the window, using the jug next to it to fill it.

"Oh, my lady, you are already awake." Agnes, her personal maid, said as she walked in.

"Restless dreams." Cass smiled softly. "That soldier should not bother you again, but if he does, I ask that you tell me."

Agnes looked shocked, but quickly regained her composer and nodded. "Thank you, my lady. Your father has requested your presence, it seems your brother has returned from the front lines." Agnes said as she got to work, pulling out possible dresses and accessories.

Cass splashed water over her face as she thought back to the last time Hector had been home. It had been months, the Achaeans were still trying to attack from the eastern borders, even though Hector's armies had been keeping them at bay for almost eight years. Her brother's visit would be a welcome distraction from what was waiting for her in her dreams that evening. And it would be good for her nephew to see his father again.


The rest of the family were already gathered when Cass walked into the dining hall, eagerly talking about a boxing match in the main square the following day that all of her brothers would be participating in to celebrate Hector's recent accomplishments in battle. Hector stood to greet her with a smile, which she returned as he embraced her. She pulled back, intending to greet him, but as she caught his eye she felt the familiar tug of the fates. Her eyes rolled back into her skull and her body went rigid as she tried, and failed, to fight it.

"The forgotten second son will return,

He coverts a queen to his possession.

The city will fall and burn,

In two years, as the season turns."

Her vision went black and her legs gave out from under her.


When Cass started to come back around, she could hear people talking.

"I thought she was getting better." Hector's voice said.

"She was." Her father replied

Hector sighed. "She's still speaking nonsense. Maybe it would be better for her to move to the temple permanently."

"We already tried that, it just made the fits of madness worse." Her mother spoke up.

She felt tears start to burn her eyes as she pushed herself up from where she had been propped up against Hector on the floor. "I am fine. The emotions of having you home overwhelmed me." She forced a smile she knew none of her family believed as Hector helped her to her feet.


"Dear brother, I promise you, nothing is out of the ordinary." She sat down in her usual place at the table and reached forward to grasp some of the fruit. "Now, how was your time away?"

Hector seemed glad for the distraction and immediately started talking about how the front line was holding. But Cass found herself unable to pay attention. Her mind was reeling with the images of Troy burning at the hands of the Greeks and a beautiful blonde woman and a handsome young man with dark brown curls standing under a wedding arch. Her parents rarely talked about Paris; her younger brother had been fated at birth as the destruction of Troy and had been cast out to die. It seemed that he was still alive and the prophecy was to be fulfilled. But no matter how much she pleaded and warned the people around her, they would not believe her. Apollo had made sure of that.


When she fell asleep, Cass found herself standing in the same meadow the dream lord had transported them to the night before. The god in question was stood not far from her, watching intently. He was dressed in the same black robes that made him look foreign among the bright colours and highlighted the pallor of his skin. But he did not look sickly, he had the ethereal look of someone who was ageless, and yet his eyes gave away how many ages he must have seen pass. He was beautiful, in a different way to the men she saw every day at home. But she pushed those thoughts down before they could run away from her.

"You do not look surprised to see me." He said in the same deep, dulcet tone as the night before, that this time lacked the edge it had when he found her trespassing.

"You are not the first god I have dealt with. Our conversation last night was cut short by my leaving, I knew you would not let it go." She said, feeling small under his intense gaze even though he was only about half a head taller than her. But she stood her ground, unwilling to show him any weakness.

"I am no god, not in the sense you mean." He confessed, taking a tentative step towards her.

She forced herself to hold her ground. "If you are no god, what are you?"

"I am one of the seven endless. Each of us have been here since our realms were needed and we will be here long after your gods have diminished." He said, as if that was any explanation at all.

"What do you want?" Her voice sounded smaller than she intended, but the words echoed those she had uttered when she stood in a similar position before Apollo.

"To understand how you can manipulate the dreaming in such a way that you can enter the dreams of others to create your own nightmares." He tilted his head to the side slightly, still staring at her with his intense gaze.

"I do not have an answer for you. I was just one day able to." She gave a half shrug and rubbed her fingers over the soft silk of her dress and dropped her gaze to the grass under her bare feet. Even in the dreaming, as he had called it, they both felt so real under her fingertips and toes.

"If I ask about the curse, are you going to run again?" His voice seemed softer than before.

"I do not see the point. You will just keep appearing to me here until I tell you, will you not?" She glanced up and met his eyes. He had moved closer without her realising so she could finally see the ice blue colour of his eyes.

"I will." He confirmed.

She nodded and took a breath, wondering if he would be allowed to believe her when everyone else wasn't. "The god Apollo took an interest in me. I am high priestess of his Temple in Troy. To try and gain my favour, he bestowed on me the gift of foresight. But I did not want it, I did not want him. I turned him down and in his anger he cursed me. I can still see the future and recall prophecies, but he decreed that no one would ever believe me. I know what is going to happen, but no matter what I do, I cannot convince those around me that it will happen."

He seemed to ponder her words before he spoke again. "Did the ability to manipulate the dreaming come after this?"

"I do not know. I have always been aware I was dreaming while I was asleep, but it was only the anger at my father's men taking advantage of the women of our household like Apollo did to me that I managed to show them what I wanted them to see." She could still feel the way the anger had reared in her chest before she found herself stood in the offenders dream.

"I have an offer for you." He said and she raised her eyebrows in surprise.

"I am listening."

"I wish to see how much power you hold in my realm. If you would periodically meet here so we can assess your abilities, I will look the other way when you meddle in the dreams of others." He held a hand up when she went to reply. "Permitted that you do not push too far and damage the dreaming. Do we have an agreement?" He held out his hand.

She took it, trying not to dwell on the way her heart skipped at the contact. "Yes." 

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