A Prophecy Realised

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Cass couldn't breath. It was as if someone had punched a hole in her chest and had ripped her heart and lungs out of the cavity. The two guards that had been chasing her finally caught up to her on top of the city walls.

"Princess, you have to return with us."

Cass paid them no mind as she moved forward, her hands gripping the stone ramparts as she hesitantly gazed over the wall. Seeing what happened before it happened never prepared her for the reality, it never made it any easier. Her legs started to shake as she took in the scene in front of her. Achilles was riding back and forth in his chariot in front of the wall, his sword held high in the air as his jet black stallion gleamed in the midday sun. But Cass was more preoccupied with the blood soaked body being pulled behind the chariot, dark curls framing a deathly pale face.

More footsteps echoed up the stone staircase as Cass's legs gave out and she dropped to her knees. Her grief was all consuming and she didn't even feel her knees connect with the hot stones.

"Cassandra? What is the meaning of this?" Paris said as he reached the top of the stairs. He walked forward, but stopped to take a shaky breath as he laid eyes on the scene below. "No. That is not possible. Find Prince Hector, and tell the King and Queen I wish to speak to them."

"Hector is right in front of you, Paris. Killed by a knife to the throat while he attempted to bid for peace." Cass said, her voice heavy. But anger began to ignite beneath the emptiness in her chest.

Paris made a noise of disbelief. "Hector is head of the army, he would not do something so unthought through."

"He was trying to prevent more blood shed." She pushed herself to her feet and turned to face him. She was only a few inches shorter than him, and it became obvious as she stepped up to him, rage starting to burn in her dark eyes. "He was trying to save our people from a war you started because you desired someone who was already someone else's. And now my brother is dead."

Regret, grief, acceptance and then rage flashed across Paris's face. "This war has been brewing for decades. It was not the fault of a single man."

"Peace could have been reached. It was you that chose to commit an act that would be the catalyst to all out war. Make no mistake, brother, this was your fault and the blood that has been split is on your hands." One day she might regret her words, but in the heat of the moment, she meant each and every one.


They both startled back to find their parents and other siblings at the top of the stairs. Their father stepped forward and the guards bowed. "What is the meaning of this? Cassandra, I forbade you from leaving your room."

"Hector went to the Greeks in a bid for peace, trying to do what no one else had the courage to! But after he killed Patroclus, Achilles only wanted revenge. See for yourselves." Cass gestured over the wall and kept looking the other way as her family walked past. The guards went with them and she used their distraction to walk away. Her mother screamed but she just kept walking, the emptiness in her chest beginning to fill with the pain of loss.


Cass collapsed underneath a tree on the edge of Fiddler's Green and finally broke down. Her fingers dug into the soft earth covering the tree roots and she tried to focus her energy on growing flowers, even as the sobs in her chest grew. The flowers had barely bloomed before they wilted again.

"Oh, my dear." A soft voice said. "What on earth is the matter?"

She turned to find Fiddler's Green sitting on the grass next to her. His human form was dressed in the same dark green robes he had always been when he appeared to her, his glasses halfway down his nose as he looked at her with sympathetic eyes.

"My brother is dead." She choked out as she hugged her knees up to her chest.

His face dropped and he reached out to rest a hand on her arm. "My condolences. I am sure Death eased his passing."

"I hope so." She wiped at her eyes but the tears kept coming. She had yet to meet any of Morpheus's siblings, but he always talked about Death with a fondness he didn't hold for the others. "There is not long left now before my city falls; a week, maybe two."

He opened his mouth to reply until his gaze was drawn to something behind her. "Lord Morpheus."

Cass turned her head to find the King of Dreams walking towards them, the hem of his black robes almost shimmering in the sunlight. There was a deep frown on his face and he looked more uncomfortable than she had ever seen him.

"I will take my leave." Fiddler's Green moved his hand to her shoulder and squeezed it in a comforting manner. "Everything will work out in the end, my dear." He bowed his head to Morpheus before disappearing in a flurry of flowers and leaves.

Cass kept her eyes on where he had disappeared as Morpheus moved closer. He lowered himself to the ground next to her and the grief in her chest began to ease. She noticed his proximity always seemed to calm her racing emotions and wondered if it had something to do with who he was as the King of Dreams, or if it had something to do with the reason she had an affect over the Dreaming.

"I am sorry about your brother." He said softly, and she didn't ask how he knew what had happened.

"I do not want to see the future anymore. I used to think knowing what happens would make it easier, but I was wrong." She dug her teeth into her lip in an effort to keep the sobs locked in her chest before taking a shaky breath. "Take it from me. Please, I do not want it anymore."

He moved closer and took her chin between his thumb and index finger, tilting her head so she would look at him. "I cannot take the gift or the curse. The power of the gods differ from that of the endless so I am unable to undo it. But trust me when I say, this feeling will pass."

"How can you be sure?" She asked, bringing her hand up to circle his wrist in an effort to stop him pulling away.

"Because I lost a sister once. I was not as close to her as you were to your brother, but it will get easier, I promise." He dropped his hand from her face, but turned it over so he could grasp her wrist in the same way she was holding his.

Her lips parted as she tried to understand what he had said. "You can die?"

"Every living thing can die, the endless are no exception. There just has to be someone to replace us when we do." He dropped his gaze to their hands but she kept staring at his face. She knew he wasn't human, but she once again saw a flash of humanity in him. He clearly cared deeply about those he was close to, he just had a job to do above all else.

He looked back up at her, an emotion she couldn't place swimming in his blue eyes. "Alexander will be with you when you wake."


"I do not think it fair for any living thing to spend their last waking weeks alone." He said, his expression not betraying anything he was thinking.

She felt tears prick her eyes again and she hastily tried to blink them away. "Thank you."

"You do not need to thank me. Now come, Abel has a new cake he wants you to try."

She let him pull her to her feet and lead her towards the House of Secrets. 

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