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Cass somehow managed to push her horse faster as she galloped through the city. The reasonable part of her heart knew it was no use, that this wouldn't be any different from any other time she had tried to convince someone that she really was seeing the future. But she couldn't just give up hope.

The streets were barren given the hour, so there was no one around to try and stop her as she pushed on to the city limits. The wind whipped around her and made her eyes stream. She pressed closer to her grey stallion's neck as she pressed on. They turned a corner sharply and she had to dig her knees into the horses flank to gain purchase so she wouldn't slip from his back.

She saw the group she was looking for riding out of the city limits at a leisurely and raced up the road to the side so she could cut them off. She tightened her hands in the reins and pulled her horse to a stop in front of the group, causing them to have to do the same and several of the horses whinnied in protest.

"Paris! Do not do this!" She said.

"Sister, you have no idea about which you speak." Paris pulled his horse to the front of the group.

"I know you are going to Sparta with the intention of convincing Helen to leave with you." She reeled her horse around to face him properly. "Paris, it will cause an all out war and Troy will fall."

"She was promised to me by the Gods. Troy has the favour of Zeus. No one would dare stand against us." Paris's words were met with noises of agreement from his men.

"It will not matter! Troy cannot stand against the full might of the Greeks! Paris, brother, if you do this, you will damn us all. Please, listen to me." She pleaded, holding onto a single glimmer of hope that she could get through to him.

"She was promised to me by the gods. And by the gods, no one will interfere. Move out of our way, Cassandra, or I will make you." He reached towards the hilt of his sword and she had no choice but to concede. "Thank you, sister. I will see you upon my return with my new bride."

She watched them go before turning her horse around and making her way back through the city. The images of everything around her burning wouldn't leave her mind and by the time she slipped back into the palace, her anger at Apollo was roaring in her chest once again.


Cass made her own way to Fiddler's Green as soon as the fell asleep, the anger and grief in her heart still growing, even in the calmness of the meadow. Her influence over the dreaming became more apparent as the sky began to darken, not that she noticed, she was too engrossed in her own thoughts. She couldn't stand to just stay back and watch as her brother fulfilled the prophecy that preceded his birth. Yet, there was nothing she could do to stop it. She had no choice but to-

"Cassandra!" Morpheus's voice cut through the air like a whip, succeeding in knocking her out of her own thoughts.

She glanced around the darkened meadow and immediately reined her emotions back in. The sky began to fade back to its usual soft blue as she took several deep breaths and screwed her eyes shut. "I am sorry."

"You have become better at controlling it." He sighed. "What happened?"

"It is starting. Paris rode to Sparta. He would not listen to me when I tried to warn him about what his actions would cause." She buried a hand in her hair and tugged at the strands, grounding herself in the slight sting, as she turned to look at him. He flinched ever so slightly, as if he was in pain, and his hand moved towards his head before stopping abruptly and dropping back to his side.

"I would like to introduce you to some people." He said after a moment of silence between them.

In the few months since she had started working with him, he had never introduced her to any of the residents of the dreaming, other than Fiddler's Green, who after the first month, he had told her was actually sentient being who could take the form of a man, and Alexander the raven.

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