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Morpheus strode into his gallery and veered to the left, to the two displays that held Destiny's book and Death's ankh. He lifted Death's necklace out of the display and laid it across his palm, wrapping the chain around his fingers. "Death. I stand in my gallery and I hold your sigil. Talk to me."

"Little brother, you have the worst timing." Death's voice drifted through the necklace. "What is the problem?"

"I think it is a matter better discussed face to face." He said.

She sighed. "I will come to you. Just let me finish up here."

He replaced the ankh in its window and stepped back from the display. It took several minutes, but eventually Death walked into the room and greeted him with a smile. She was dressed in the same style Cass usually was, confirming where she had been. Except, as usual with her clothes, the fabric of her flowing dress was jet black.

"Not a great time to ask for a meeting, Dream. There is a war raging and subsequently, many souls that need collecting." She crossed her arms but regarded him with only mild annoyance.

He clasped his hands in front of him, unconsciously mirroring her. "That war is precisely why we must talk."

"Well, now you have peaked my interest." Her smile grew wider. "You are not normally one to interfere with mortal issues. That is usually the preferred pastime of the twins."

"I do not have a choice." He hated being compared to the twins, Desire in particular. "Someone has fabricated a soul bond between me and a mortal. A mortal who is fated to be grievously injured and then killed in the conflict keeping you so busy."

Death's smile dropped and she was suddenly more serious than he had seen her in an age. "That is not possible."

"I spoke to the fates, they confirmed the bond. And confirmed what would happen to me, and by extension, the Dreaming, if it were to be broken in the event of her death." He watched the shadows cast by the torches dance around the room before turning his attention back to his sister, who somehow looked even graver than before. "I am still trying to figure out who formed it, but at present, that is not the most pressing matter."

"What exactly did the fates say?" She asked, taking a step closer to him.

"They said that someone close to me formed the bond as a jest, unaware of the damage it would cause when her death broke the bond." He watched as she walked across the gallery wall, looking at each sigil in turn. "What is it?"

"Can you think of no one who would wish to hurt you? Who would not fully think through the consequences of such an action?" She came to a stop in front of the fifth sigil; the heart of cut glass.

He realised what she was implying. "They would not dare."

"Because they have not tried similar ways to mess with your affections in the past?" She turned back towards him. "What is it you wish to ask of me, little brother?"

"When the time comes, I am asking you to grant her immortality so I may bring her here without repercussion, and in doing so, protect the future of the Dreaming." Part of him wondered if his duty was the only motivator behind the need to protect Cass anymore.

Death walked up to him. "What if she does not agree to come with you?"

"I have no reason to believe that she will turn me down. If she does, I can create her a space here, as I did for Alianora. She will never know she left the waking world, time will pass differently there and she can live a full life until the universe comes to an end." He truly hoped it wouldn't come to that.

Death raised her eyebrows. "Would that not be cruel?"

"Would you rather me risk my realm?" He asked, pushing down the feeling of dread at the thought that he might be forced to take that path.

She sighed. "Call me again when the time comes."

"Thank you, sister." He said gratefully.

She walked forward and took both of his hands in hers. "I suggest you do not confront Desire until after the mortal is safely here in the Dreaming."

"I do not intend to." He assured her.

"I better return to my duties, we will speak more when you call for me next. Take care, little brother." She smiled at him before starting to walk away.

"You too, sister."

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