The Fall of Troy

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Cass pulled apart the bread in her hands and dropped some small pieces next to her where she was sitting on her window ledge. Alexander pecked at the crumbs on the ledge as she slowly ate the rest of the bread. The raven had become her closest friend over the past week and a half. He wasn't afraid to tell her exactly when Morpheus was watching and when he wasn't. The bird seemed to be glad to be back out in the waking world and she was reluctant to keep him shut up with her, so she had been sending him off to check on the battle raging outside the city wall. Her words on the day of Hector's death seemed to have struck a chord with Paris because he had taken over as head of the army.

The Greeks had given them back what was left of Hector's body, so they could have a funeral. Cass had been permitted to attend, if only to not arouse the suspicion that her absence would have no doubt caused. But her parents grief had blinded them, and when no one was looking she had been able to slip Hector's dagger into the flowing fabric of her dress. When she got back to her room, it hadn't been hard to use the dagger to rip her bedsheets to form a rudimentary thigh holder for the dagger's sheath. She had decided to keep it on her at all times until the time came.

She looked up as the door was pushed open. Alexander flew out of the window and up onto the roof, where he could still be in hearing range without being seen. But luckily, it was only Agnes anyway.

"My lady." She said breathlessly as she bowed her head and the guards shut the door behind her. "Your brother has returned, Achilles is dead."

The news should have filled her with joy and hope, but instead pure dread settled in her stomach. She had learnt her lesson now though, she didn't let it show on her face and instead plastered on a smile. "That is wonderful news."

"The Greeks are retreating. The city is saved." Agnes smiled, happy tears filling her eyes.

"Then I order you to take the week off. Go and see your family out of the city to celebrate." She smiled, hoping Agnes would believe the tears in her eyes were also from happiness.

"My lady, I could not. That would leave you alone." Agnes said, her face falling.

Cass walked forward and took her hands in hers. "I insist. Now the war is over, I believe my father may have a change of heart. If you leave now, you can be home before tomorrow afternoon. I will still be here when you return."

"As you wish, my lady." Agnes curtsied and moved towards the door before pausing. "I hope you enjoy the festivities, even if they will not bring the Prince back."

"Thank you, Agnes, for everything." Cass smiled, the tears beginning to fall as the door closed behind Agnes.

"My lady?" Alexander flew back down to land in the window ledge.

"Tomorrow night, the city is going to fall. I will not have her here when it does." She turned to face the bird. "She believes me because it was not a prophecy, because I gave her a good enough reason to leave without question. But I cannot help the others."

"It is not your fault." He flew in to perch on her shoulder, his claws digging lightly into her skin.

She looked up at him. "I know, but that does not make it any easier."

The bird inclined his head, as if he was listening to something. "Lord Morpheus wishes to speak with you tonight, he will we waiting in the library."

She took a breath, wondering how she would even fall asleep with all the nervous energy beginning to form. "I will be there, if I ever actually manage to get to sleep."


Cass found herself stood in the library as soon as she fell into a deep enough sleep to slip into the Dreaming. It must have been almost dawn, but her mind hadn't stopped racing for most of the night, constantly replaying what was to happen the following night. But the weight on her shoulders eased slightly as she took in the surroundings shelves that were stacked high with scrolls of parchment. Alexander stayed in the waking world, ready to wake her if anything happened earlier than it was supposed to, leaving her seemingly alone in the library.

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