Into the Dreaming

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Cass fell forward into Morpheus as he put her to sleep, her head resting on his shoulder as he wrapped an arm around her back. The man who had attacked and tried to force himself on her was still screaming in the corner of the temple. Morpheus was determined to make sure he never had another peaceful moment, waking or sleeping. He had been able to feel her fear and pain through the bond, even without Alexander's eyes, and the man deserved to pay for hurting her and his raven. He would hold a funeral for the raven once they were back in the Dreaming and Cass was settled.

He lifted Cass into his arms as he stood, keeping her pressed firmly against him as he summoned a portal to the Dreaming and stepped through.

The bedroom he stepped through into was light and airy, typical of the current style of Cass's people. But he made sure it was different from her room in the waking world. She had been locked in that room for almost two years, he didn't think she would want to spend any more time in it. She would be able change it as much as she wanted once she acclimatised to being in the Dreaming in her corporeal form.

He walked forward and gently laid Cass down on the bed before moving his hand over the wound on her side, using his power to stop the bleeding now they were in his realm. He glanced up at her face to make sure she stayed asleep, he couldn't risk her being conscious until after Death had worked her magic. The Dreaming was hard enough for a mortal to comprehend in their sleep, he didn't want to risk damaging her mind by having her fully conscious while she was still mortal.

She was clutching a dagger in her hand, the same one he had watched her steal from her brother's funeral pyre through Alexander's eyes. It was a beautiful blade, the handle carved with intricate patterns and set with a glistening blue gem. He gently pried open her fingers and took it from her, laying it on the bedside table as he became aware that they were no longer alone.

"Lucienne?" He turned towards the door, where he could tell she was hovering.

She walked in, glancing towards Cass before turning her attention back to him. "Sir."

"I need you to keep an eye on her while I summon my sister." He turned to leave.

"She is bleeding." Lucienne said as she stepped closer to the bed.

"I have stopped the bleeding, but I cannot heal her completely. I will be back shortly." He left before she could ask more questions. He walked to his gallery, using the time to think over what he was going to say to Death. He lifted the ankh out of its window and repeated the same words as always to summon her.

"At least this time you chose to call when it went quiet." Death said as she strode into the room. "Where is she?"

"This way." He led the way.

Death looped her arm through his as they walked. "She said yes?"

"She did." He ignored the wide smile that overtook Death's face. "Lucienne, you can leave us."

Lucienne nodded to them both and Death laid a friendly hand on her shoulder before she left. Once she was gone, Death turned her attention to Cass. "She is cursed."

"The God Apollo gave her the gift of prophecy in an effort to win her affections. She turned him down, so he cursed her to never be believed." He said, moving forward as Death perched on the edge of the bed and took Cass's hand in her own. She pinched her eyebrows together and held out her other hand towards him. He let her take it, confusion clouding his face as well. "What is it?"

"I can feel your bond. It is stronger than any I have ever felt before." She looked at him. "This is unprecedented, one of us being bonded to another being, a mortal no less. Soul bonds are fickle things, Dream. You are walking a thin line, all it will take is one action to tip you both to the other side."

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