Battle Lines

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"Sir, I know you do not like me to press, but I am concerned about your continued entanglement with the mortal."

Morpheus glanced back from the stained glass windows towards Lucienne, to find her stood with her hands clasped in front of her in the middle of the throne room. He looked back at the windows, watching as they shifted to show battle lines being drawn among the younger gods. "I have my reasonings, Lucienne."

"Some of the residents of the Dreaming are growing attached to her. I think it would be better to save them the disappointment down the line and cut contact now." She said, giving him a knowing look over the top of her glasses.

He sighed, Lucienne cared more about the other residents of the Dreaming than any of them ever cared about her. He turned and walked down the stairs, coming to a stop in front of her. "I cannot cut contact, Lucienne. Cassandra of Troy is soul bonded to me. That is why she has an affect here, and why I can feel her pain."

Her eyes widened. "All the texts say the endless are exempt from soul bonds."

"I know. I spoke with the fates, they told me someone I know is playing a jest, unaware of the consequences that breaking a soul bond will render." The image of Cass lying motionless in a pool of her own blood as the light faded from her eyes reappeared in his mind and he quickly pushed it away.

"Do you know who formed it?"

His shoulders dropped. "Not yet. There are many possible candidates, old and new gods I may have angered that could form the bond if they had access to something to enhance their power. Whoever it is, they are aware of the fate awaiting Cass. But they are unaware of the consequences it will have."

"Her death will break the bond." Lucienne realised, her years of reading the books in the library giving her more knowledge than him sometimes.

"I already have a plan in place." He assured her.

"Then she knows, what she is to you?"



"I have it handled, Lucienne. She has seen herself surviving the initial fall of Troy, and she will not leave her family while they still live. I will step in after their demise, before anything can happen to her." He said. He felt the familiar tug at his heart as Cass slipped into the Dreaming, far from the palace.

Lucienne frowned. "Do you think that wise, sir?"

"What do you mean?" He asked, frowning now as well.

She took a breath. "I mean, she is highly devoted to her family, even after all they have put her through. Do you really expect her to understand why you waited to tell her?"

"I do not have a choice, Lucienne. I cannot risk the stability of the Dreaming." He sighed.

"Even then, she will still be mortal, she will still die." She pointed out.

"When the time comes, I will ask my sister for help. Death has the ability to grant immortality and I do not think she will say no when I explain the situation." He knew Death would give him a lecture when he told her, so he was putting it off for as long as possible.


Morpheus watched Cass laugh with Abel and Cain. The three of them were sat in the space between the House of Secrets and the House of Mysteries, a tea set sat out on the picnic blanket in front of them. Gregory's head was in her lap and she was idly stroking his nose as she talked to the brothers. He felt a wave of possessiveness pass through his chest, but he pushed it down, knowing it was nothing more than the bond reacting. The same way he knew it was the bonds fault that his heart skipped a beat when she noticed him and her whole face lit up.

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