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I was reading my space hero comic when.............I hear Lily come stomping into the lair,follow by April," Please April!This isn't me!" Lily shout at April. I confuss,what the heck is happening." Oh.Come.On! Lily,you're a girl,you should like this stuff,not just stick being a kinoiche!" April answer with also a yell.

Lily: I'm different,you different! I like to keep my existent a secret! I don't like being the center of........EVERYTHING!
April:You should be at least grateful,not whimpering! If you doesn't want it,so why do you go up the stage anyway?!!! It's like you adore being in other's shadow, *roll eyes
Lily:GRATEFUL?! April,you'll never understand being me! My life doesn't even deserve A SMILE!
April: You talking about understand now?! While you doesn't understand me as well! So why the heck am i gonna understand you!* cross arm*
I try ro calm them down," girls,calm down" but thet doesn't make any effect.
April: Don't yell at me like that...*rolling eyes* it's not like i'm the murder of your family!.......................
What?! I don't believe April just said that,i myself will startled like that.What April is thinking?!!
Lily:* she keep quite and stare to the floor,just then she charge to April,pinning her on the wall* YOU GOT PROBLEM WITH THAT,FREAK?!! DON'T YOU DARE SAYS A WORD ABOUT THEM!
" Lily wait,maybe you should ca....." i try to get her but i was paused when i legs are iced up to my knee on the floor!And so did the others except.....Lily and April.I could see April's face turning blue,oh no,i gotta think fast. I rise my hand to take my katana from my back......and it wasn't there!!
I turn to the wall at my katana! Raph's sai! Michey's nunchuck,Donnie's stick.......and Oh My Gosh,Sense's stuff! Or what so ever that thing is. What i'm gonna do now?! My katana is stuck to the wall,this ice are hardly break and April,she'struggling for air.

Lily: You're gonna pay for what you've said! *hand out a tanto blade*

Lily POV
I stare into April's eyes,filled with scare,yet so....sad. I blink my eyes to realise what i've done,i growl to April's face,and leave her with ice that spreading onto her body making her stuck to the wall,"WHY ISN'T ANYBODY UNDERSTAND ME!!!!!!!!!!!" I yell making everyone close their eyes,maybe i did scream hard,or should i say......growl.

I stomp into my room,and shut it with a thud...leaving ice spreading to my door......making it cover with ice spikes.I growl again...........hard!!!!!! I go to my bed,lifting my pillow,my blanket,where is it? It should be here! Where's my hair band?! I usually turn my hair to ponytail if i'm distress,but it turn out i become more stress. "ARGHHHHH" I let out a cry and destroy everything in my room,everything.With my long sharp claws,i rip off evrything.........wait,claw?! I look down to my hand....... finding sharp claws coming out from my paw? I feel akward....i walk to my tall mirror,i feel starge when i walk to it. I close my eyes as i arrive upon my mirror.Slowly...i open them....and my mouth drop open to see......white leopard in the mirror.No wait,it's snow's It is me! I'm a leopard? Okay,calm down Lily. Remember the woman had said when you in coma,focus on what i'm doing. I shut my eyes and focus with all my might.I can feel my body shrink to a normal size,human size. I open my eyes and took a relief breath.I'm back to normal,except my eyes,there are light red....and my ears popping out my head also my tail is also where they are.I open my mouth and there it is,i still got my fang and sharp teeth. Ok Lily,try harder,this time my ears shrink inside my heads,so do tail.My fangs are all gone but whatever i do,i can't get rid of this red eyes.....maybe i just have to avoid having any eye-contact with them. I feel terribly scare right now,a few weeks ago i just almost kill the turtles into pieces,and now i almost choke April to death. I'm being a monster here.I change into a new cloth April gave me along with my dress this morning.

I hear know on my door,April voice comes after it.I open it and quickly hug her hard.I say sorry to her for at least 20 time,i don't know,i didn't count but i really do forgive a lot.April hug me back,i release the hug and April's eye gone wild onto me,oh no,look like she know about my eyes. I wait for her to react,"You dye your hair? Great!" What? I turn to see my! What the.....?? I run to see my eyes in the mirror,it's blue?! Ok,i get really confuse here. April enter my room and her eye focuse on the shred....on wall.She turn to me," look,i know you're mad,sorry.*come to me* your hand must hurt a lot. Come,the turtles want to meet you,it's okay.They'll forgive you,i'm sure of it." April pull me to the living room,i just follow,two questions remain stick to my head,

What happen to me?
Will they ever forgive me?

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