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"I-I'm...I'm not mortal".

Not mortal?

Soojung knitted her eyebrows together slightly, becoming confused.

"What do you mean?", she questioned, needing him to be specific.

"I'm not human, Soojung-ah. I'm-

A sudden noise was heard from outside, the sound of a cat. Jungkook stood up defensively in front of Soojung. His eyes fading into red, fangs forming in his mouth as he angrily growled at the window with defense in his posture.

Soojung felt as if she couldn't breath. The boy was right, he isn't human. He's a blood sucker that she's been hanging out with this entire time.

Though, she wasn't mad. She was just surprised in the moment. She never really believed in vampires, that's changed now.

"Y-Your...Your a vampire", she confessed herself, needing to say out loud to make sure it was true. That was she was seeing was real.

The boy turned around, his fangs now put away but his eyes still a little red.

"Yeah, yeah I am", he replied in a guilty tone, not able to hold eye contact with the girl. She stood up, walking towards him.

Even though he was immortal, he still looked and seemed like the same Jungkook she's always known. The one she's loved and had interest for.

And for that, she leaned in and gave him a hug.

"Don't be ashamed, I'm glad you told me. I'm not scared or upset with you, I'm just relieved you were honest and finally said something", she reassured him.

He felt so much better hearing those words leave her mouth. That she wasn't scared of him or wanted to leave instantly when she found out. That she was supportive and glad he told her.

He hugged her back, feeling tears form in his reddish eyes but blinked them away quickly.

The both pulled away when they heard the noise again, almost as if the poor cat was struggling painfully.

They couldn't quite point out who it was who was doing the action to the small animal, that was until they turned around.

"Tae Tae?", Soojung said with a little gasp in her voice. It was scary to see him doing such a traumatizing thing. He was ripping the cat apart inch by inch, sucking the blood out of it until it looked like a dead raisin.

𝐃𝐈𝐅𝐅𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄|𝐉𝐉𝐊 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now