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It was now Sunday, Soojung's favorite day of the weekend. On Sunday's, she spent that time at home with her mom. Watching movies,cooking with her, sometimes even doing skincare together.

Right now, Soojung and her mom were sitting down at the table having breakfast.

"So, I have some bad news".

Soojung looked at her mom with curiosity in her eyes as she chewed eggs in her mouth.

"Since the military is going off to do service I have to go substitute for a surgeon for a month since one of them called in sick from the hospital", that was bad news for Soojung.

Don't get the girl wrong, she liked the idea of being home alone, but not for that long. She dreaded even her mom was gone from home for two or three days.

But, an idea came to her.

"It's okay mama, maybe I could go over to the boys house while your gone", she suggested.

"You sure? You usually hate it when I have to leave for so long", her mom admitted.

"I-I know but their my friends now and I'd rather be with them then be home alone for a month", Soojung replied with an honest tone.

Her mom knew she had a point. She would feel better knowing she was in safe hands anyways.

Even though she didn't know she would be staying with a house full of seven bloodsuckers.


"For real? A month? Damn that's a long time for a surgeon", Jungkook admitted as he stuffed noodles into his mouth with chopsticks.

"Yeah, but I told her I would be okay. And that leads me to what I'm about to ask", Jungkook looks at the girl with his big doe eyes as he chews his noodles, wanting to know what she wanted to ask him.

"I was wondering if maybe...I-I could come stay with you guys while she's away? I don't really wanna be here by myself for a month", she let out a chuckle full of embarrassment.

Jungkook lit up at her words. Having her at their house for a month, it felt like an early birthday present.

Just imagining all the fun things her, him, and the boys could do while she's there.

Even though it would probably have to take some getting used to seeing a girl walk around the house for a month.

"Of course you can, baby. I'm sure the guys wont mind. And I'm sure Tae will be excited too", Jungkook chuckled, thinking about seeing the boys bright boxy smile when he sees the girl show up on their door step.

"Okay good", she beamed. "I'll let my mom know then. Thank you Kook-ah, I actually...can't wait to spend this month with you guys. To spend it with you", she confessed, not able to completely make eye contact with the boy on the other side of the screen.

"I can't wait ethier. Just hearing your voice over video call isn't enough. God, I just miss you touch and it's only been a day", Soojung blushed deeply at his words, trying to hide her chubby cheeks the best she could with her cute  sweater paws.

"Cute", he chuckled.

Soojung finally looked the boy in the eyes, seeing the same red eyes she's been seeing for the past few days.

Nows the perfect time to ask.

"Hey Kook-ah? Your eyes...they've been red for a while and haven't changed. You told me that they only turn that way when your attacking. Why is it different now?", she asked, hoping he wouldn't try to push the truth away.

He was about to tell yet another lie but when he saw her looking at him with those hopeful eyes, he knew he had to come clean.

He sighed.

"I...I haven't felt this way about someone in a while. But, when a vampire finds someone they love, their eyes turn permanently. Mine turned a few days ago and that's why they haven't changed to their normal color in a while. Trust me though I've known I had feelings for you longer then just a few days.

It's just when it comes to confessin my feelings or wanting to commit to a relationship... I'm scared I might fuck everything up. That I might not be a good boyfriend, that I'll just end up breaking your heart", Jungkook felt that odd feeling in his throat, tears welding in his eyes.

Memories of his past trauma flooded his mind at the worst moment, he hated that it still happened. That he still thought of those painful times.

Times where he felt pathetic and weak.

"I-I'm falling for you too, Kook-ah", Soojung confessed.

Jungkook's tears stopped.

His breath hitched.


"I was scared to say anything too. I'm not good with expressing my feelings ethier so I just kind of hid it I guess. That was probably stupid of me but I realized now that I sometimes have to take those chances. And I wanna take this chance with you Kookie", she smiled through her tears, seeing him smile through his.

This is what he wanted, this is what they both wanted. They want to be known as one. They wanna help each other heal from what ever type of hell they've both been through.

"I wanna take this chance with you too, dumpling", he replied, letting out little happy chuckle.

"Dumpling, I like dumpling".


Obsessions rn= writing fanfics, K-pop reading, baggy clothes:)

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