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Y/ns PovI was cleaning the dishes when my parents, where talking about how they can try for another kid

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Y/ns Pov
I was cleaning the dishes when my parents, where talking about how they can try for another kid. I didn't mind them talking about it infront of me, as I didn't find it weird. They've been trying for years ever since I was born 15 years ago.

They were on holidays, but staying at home, renovating it some more, Im going to be going to my grandmother's house.

I look at my mom as she starts to say ,"Y/n, come on, we go see what your dad has accomplished on his model of the town" "Ok mother, just give me a second" I say drying my hand and we both walk up the stairs to the attic.

My mother and I look at what my father has done and it looks amazing.

My mother and I look at what my father has done and it looks amazing

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"Looks great" my mother completed my father.
"Agreed, it is very blindsiding" I agreed.
"Thank you both" Adam said.
I then leave them be after I hugged them.

If you are confused kn the choice of words I use, it's because I am a posh talker, I use big fancy words, nobody else would use.

My teachers are fed up of it, it's because of the books I read and written as a kid, thats right I'm a writer.

I write books for children, using big fancy words. Hard to believe.

As I get downstairs the phone rings, I shout ,"I'LL GET IT!!"

And I pick it up. Then I hear a car honk.
My parents will probably get that.

I pick up the phone, but it was someone for my dad. Speak of the devil, he's here so i give him the phone and he nods.

I walk out to see Jane talking to my mother, but my mother pushes her out the door and I hear her say ,"I really think this house needs a bigger family, one with more kids" I see my mother get upset.

I walk up to her and say,"I think you've overstayed your visist, trying to auction our house, when we have a plentitude of a family. Goodbye now" I say closing the door on her face, closing down the blind.

"Thanks y/n but this isnt a big family, a big family has 2 kids not 1, but you are more than enough" mother says, hugging me.

"Of course, nobody treats my family with such unkempt manners " I say crossing my arms, as we pull away from eachother.

"I don't regret leaving those books in your hands" Barbara said , "thank you" I say smiling.

I hear my father put on some music, it's a new song. Don't know what it's called but it's good.

I run up to my room and gets my bags, I grab it and shout  ,"BYE MOTHER, BYE FATHER LOVE YOU" "LOV YOU TOO" they both shout.

As I walk out I get jump scared by Jane ,"Oh sorry y/n, you should convince your parents to-" "No, Jane, take a no for an answer for once, or is it to flinty for you?" I cut her off ,"Of course it isn't hard for me to understand, I'm just saying, and also use proper words, not such fancy words" she complains.

I sigh,"I'm going to have to ask you to leave" I say angrily.
She just huffs and leaves.

I shake my head, as I see my grandmother's car, pull up, I smile and get in ,"Hey Grandmother, clemency weather we are having" I smiled.
"Yes, beautiful weather" she says, driving off.

Her house wasn't to far, but she wanted to drive me there.

When we get there, I went to my mother's old room and put it bag on the bed, I had 2 beds, one, for my clothes for a week, and 2, all my 6 teddy bears and stuffed animals.

There names are.
Pick five of your real Teddy bears.
And 6. Bubsy, it was my mother's old bear, she gave it to me as she didn't want to get rid of it, and I cherise it, a lot.

I decided to write another book for my readers, it was about a pig and a duck.

They were on a mission in the jungle and on a mission for th temple jewels.

As I thought about it more, it ended up being 24 pages long.

My grandmother called me.
I got out of the room and have the last meal of the day ,bounquet,  or in this case dinner, I call it dinner, but if its more than 4 people, to me it's a bounquet.

I eat it, thank my grandmother and go to bed, as it is already 10pm .

I have nothing else to do currently, so I just get changed, get in bed, with my teddy's surrounding me.

And slumber overcomes me.

&quot;You're Worth Living For&quot; Lydia Deetz x Female Reader Where stories live. Discover now