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Y/ns Pov

Right now, it has been three months since Lydia and I found the book of the recently deceased, and we have read it completely, the two of us.

Me and Lydia have gotten ten times more close, so we always cuddle eachother when we sleep, and we change the the same room now. Qs it is much less akward, as she claimed it.

Right now, Lydia and I where laying on our bed, her arm around my shoulders and I leaned into her shoulder. When all of a sudden, we heard some kind of moaning, and heavy breathing.

Lydia scoffs ,"God, how can he stand that woman" she mutters, and I shrug.
I get up and she does too, "Are they, like you know?" I asked ,"Probably" she responds in an annoyed voice.

She bangs the wall, as Delia and Charles room is next to ours.
"Cut it out! We are basically children" Lydia shouts.

Me and Lydia listen more and she grabs her camera.

She then grabs my hand and we walk out. She let's go of my hand and gets ready to take pictures.

The sheets turn around and Lydia starts taking pictures of them "Sick. Sexual perversion" Lydia says. "If you are having and doing sexual stuff, do it in your own boudoir" I explained,using my hands to talk. They covered there eyes with the sheets, that was thrown over them.

Lydia backs up to a wall and crouches down to grab the many pictures.

"Ah- no feet?" She mutters.
She looks at them and throws the pictures into our room.

We walk closer and look down, we see feet. I look at Lydia confused.

"Are you the guys hiding out in the attic?" Lydia asked. "We're ghosts!" A familiar male voice says.
They started moaning again

"What do you look like under there?" Lydia asked trying to peak in the eyeholes  of the sheets.

The ghost backs up and asks ,"Aren't you scared?" He asked.
"I'm not scared of sheets" Lydia remarks.
"Are you revolting under there?" I asked.
"Are you night of the living dead under there?" Lydia asked.
"Like all bloody veins and pus?" She continued.

She tries to take off the sheets.

"Night of the what?" He asked
"Living dead. It's a movie " I explained

They then take off there sheets and the woman ghost says ,"If I had seen a ghost at your age, I would have been scared out of my wits" "Mom?" I shreak.
"Dad?" I say crying.

I then tackled them in a hug, "That's a first to hear that, when you say mom or dad, then that's seriously a worry, but it's nice to talk to you again" Father says.

"You're the Maitland's?" Lydia asked.
"Yep" Barbara says
"Adam and Barbara Maitland, you already know y/n so" Adam says, smiling.

I finally let then go and I wipe my tears away.

"Wait, you two see us without the sheets?" Adam asked.

"Of course we can see you, y/n wouldn't have freaked out then" Lydia stated the obvious.

"How can you 2 see us and nobody else can?" Adam asked.

"Well we read through the novel of the recently deceased" Lydia explains.
"It says 'Live people ignore the strange and unusual" I explained.
"And we ourselves are strange and unusual " Lydia finishes for me, and I nod.

"You both look perfectly normal to me" Barbara said smiling at us.
"You read our book?" Adam asked us.
"Yes" Lydia confirmed .

"You could follow it?" Adam asked.
"Yeah, why we're you in Delia's bedroom?" Lydia asked

"We were trying to  scare your mother" she says ,"Stepmother. Anyway, you can't scare her. She's sleeping with Prince Valium tonight" Lydia says.

Adam and Barbara look at eachother.
They decided to go up to the attic. And let us come with.

"You're Worth Living For" Lydia Deetz x Female Reader Where stories live. Discover now