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Y/ns Pov
Right now Delia is trying to get the guests to stay as they are walking out the door.

A man and Delia are talking and he's saying how she's a flake or something

The door then shuts in her face. Me and Lydia look at eachother briefly, then look back to the adults.

"Drive carefully!" Charles shouted
"Where do they hide out?" Otho asked Lydia and I walking closer to us, as we are still on the stairs.

"The attic" Lydia says. "The attics locked" Charles proclaims. "They're ghosts. They can do what they want" Lydia explained 

"Yeah, they do whatever they want. Lydia Y/n, take us up there right now" Delia says. "I don't think the phantoms want us invading their cockloft" I say infront of Delia, who is pushing Lydia and I, up the stairs. "Don't care" she said.

I sigh as we walk up the stairs, not giving a rats ass what's happening.

"Fabulous! Otho Fenlock's "Locked Door Ghost's " Otho exclaims.
"Probably committed suicide up there" he protests. "I'm totally enchanted" Otho continues.

"They live in there? They must live like animals " Delia grimaces. "It's locked. How do they get in?" Charles questions.

Delia knocks on the door

"They didn't commit suicide " Lydia says, "They suffocated by H2O" I explained.

"It doesn't matter" Delia says ,"Lydia, y/n, I can teach you something here. Take the upper hand in all situations... or people, dead or alive, will walk all over you" Delia explained.

"OPEN. UP" Delia harshly bangs the door. Then the door creaked open.

I grab Lydia's hand, as I get a bad feeling about it, because it opened on its own.

Lydia walks in first, I follow, since we are holding hands.
But there is nobody there, only the little lights above the town model are on.

"So where are they?" Delia asked Lydia and I. "These ghosts are really nice people. I think we scared them away. So let's leave them alone, all right?" Lydia says."I agree" I say.

"It's the whole damn town" Charles says, crouching down, admiring it "Yes and I'd appreciate it, I you would get away from it, I made this with my parents, so please don't touch it" I rambled quickly.

"I have never been so embarrassed. Have they gone for good?" Delia asks.
"Dad, dont, y/n said not to touch it" she says, after Charles moved a car up the road.

I pushed him back and quickly fixed it. I made this with my mother, but mostly my father, we were proud of accomplishing such a project and I'm not going to let some old man ruin it.

"Come on, let's just go" Lydia says ,"I think it's a great idea, everyone out please" I say, but they still look at everything. I sigh in defeat.

"No ghosts here" Delia exclaims, running to the door, she stops when nobody moved.

"COME ONNN! If they are in here, I don't want to scare them away" she proclaims.

"You're Worth Living For" Lydia Deetz x Female Reader Where stories live. Discover now