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Y/ns Pov
Me and Lydia are telling Delia that there is super scary ghosts who haunt this house and want it back.

"Ghosts. You're telling me there is ghosts in this house" Delia contemplates, chopping up all kinds of vegetables.

"Those pictures are ghosts. Ghosts!" She repeated "Lydia. Y/n. I am giving a dinner party tonight for seven people " she explained, stopping cutting the vegetable.

"My agent, Bernard, is bringing a woman who writes for Art in America. In fact, no one dining here has not been in Vanity Fair exept you too" Delia explained.

"I told them you were too mean to be afraid " Lydia mutters. "Don't you dare speak to others about me!" She shouted, I flinched, as I wasn't expecting it.

"Nothing states me more than being embarrassed in front of the few people who will set foot in here scares me. So let's play family just for tonight. Hmm?" She said annoyed.

Lydia sighs, and we both get up off the chairs we were sitting on, Lydia grabbing the pictures before we left.

"Hey Lyds " I say and she turns around.
"Ya n/n" she said looking down at me smiling. "I'm gonna go see what my parents are up too " I whisper to her, and she nods ,"Bye cuti- I mean y/n" she cuts herself off.

I blush and run up the stairs. To the cockloft and open the door with my attic key. I close and lock the door behind me.

"Hey mother, father, what are you up.... to?" I trailed off as I don't see them.

I scrunch up my fave in confusion, "I thought they couldn't leave..." I say to myself. I shrug and was about to walk out when I see a light in the city model flashing.

"What the.." I say and I then got teleported somewhere.
"Am I dead?" I say to myself.. "Hardly" I hear Barbara say from behind me.

"Mother, Father. Sorry names unfamiliar to me" I say to this guy with green hair and pale skin.

"Well I can't say it, so it'll stay unfamiliar to you" this ugly looking man said.
I nod.

"Can- can I leave "I say, not questioning it. "Why? Im awesome" this man says and I roll my eyes.

"Just, leave her out of this" Barbara said, grabbing me.
He sighs ,"Finneee~ later babes" he says.

Then I open my eyes and I'm back in the attic, well i never left, but you get it.

I run to the door, unlock it and open it, I lock it again, and go to my room to see Lydia, sitting on it.

"Umm, we gotta get ready, they'll be here soon" Lydia explained and I just nod.

I pick out a pink dress
(make it look how you want)
And we have less than 10 minutes to spare.

"Y/n, I.. I gotta tell you something " Lydia says blushing, looking down at me.
"Oh,ok, what is it?" I ask.
"I lik-" she gets cut off.

"Um, sorry Lydia, you tell me later ok" I say, hugging her and get to the door, I stop ,"Oh.. and don't listen to her, you are pretty" I say smiling.

I see a crimson colour creep up her cheeks and she nods ,"Thank you" she mutters. I then walk out and go GREET the guests. This is gonna be a long~ night.

"You're Worth Living For" Lydia Deetz x Female Reader Where stories live. Discover now