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Y/ns Pov
"You both did this? You carved all these little houses and things?" Lydia asked me and my dad.

"Mhm" my father hums in response.
"And this used to be your house. Why do you want to scare everybody?" Lydia asked.

"We wanted to frighten you so you would move out" Adam explains.

Lydia chuckles, "You dont know the Deetzes very well. My father bought this place. He never walks away from
equity "Lydia explained

"Why don't you leave?" Lydia asked.
"We cant. We haven't left since the funeral " mother explained.

"Funeral! God! You guys really are dead!" Lydia exclaims.
Barbara nods.

"God. This is amazing" Lydia said.
"Y/n we better go" Lydia says, grabbing my hand and walking off.

"I don't think you should tell your parents we're here" Barbara said
"Not unless you think it would frighten them. You tell them we are horrible... desperate, ghoulish creatures who will stop at nothing... to get our house back " Adam proclaims

As he says that, Lydia leans her elbow on the wall, and she rests her head on her hand. I feel my cheeks heat up.

Lydia raises an eyebrow and pullsme closer to her with her arm that isn't resting on the back of her neck
"What if this is a dream? Can you do anything to prove i'm not dreaming?" Lydia asked.

They shake there heads no
"If you are real ghosts, you better get another routine because those sheets... they don't work" Lydia says, her elbow now off the wall.

And we walk away, don't to our bedroom.

Barbara's Pov
"Is it just me, or did I see y/n blush?" I asked Adam, "She definitely did" he responds. "Y/n is attracted to Lydia, I mean it's so obvious " I say smiling.
"Better be Lydia or I'm gonna cry" Adam said.

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