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Y/ns Pov
Lydia and I wake up and get dressed.
We went on a long walk that day, until it was kind of dark, we decide to find my parents .

We go up the stairs and don't knock on the cockloft door.

"Mr and Mrs Maitland?" Lydia called out. "Hello, mother, father?" I called out too.

"Where are you?" I asked.
"Dead" I heard a voice say.
"Did you hear that?" I asked.
"Ya" she responds, "dead, dead, deadski" the voice continued.

It was a weird building father and I never built.
"Of course their dead, their phantoms" I say. "No, I mean they're gone. Split. Out of here. Afterlife kids. Deceased" it says .

"Are you a ghost, too?" Lydia asked.
"I'm the ghost with the most, babe" it says. I grimace, so does Lydia.

"You know, you look like people I can relate too" it explained.
"Maybe you could help me get out of here. I gotta tell ya, this death thing... its just to creepy it says, crushing a beetle and eating it. Me and Lydia look at eachother and back to this, ghost.

"Here's my problem. I've got these friends on the outside I said I'd meet. I have to be there in person. You know, so could you help me get out of here? Any of you?" He says.

"Well we want to get in" Lydia says.
"Why?" He asked ,"You've probably got your reasons, but I can't do anything from here. If you get me out, over there, maybe we could all talk. But in order to do that, you've gotta say my name three times" it suggested.

I wasn't fond of this 'idea', I could tell Lydia wasn't either.

"Whats your name?" Lydia asked.
"Well, uh, I cant tell you" it says.
"Why not?" I asked.

"If I tell you, you'll tell your friends, they'd call me all the time. I've got to go to shopping centers for openings, sign autographs, that shit. It makes my life he'll, okay?" He rambled.

"I know! We could play charades!" He says ,"You guy play charades" "yeah" I say "perfect" he responds.

He puts up 2 fingers
"Two words" I say

"First word, 2 syllables" I continued.

He then just kept saying to 'turn around'.
"LOOK BEHIND YA!" he shouts.

There was a beetle.

"Beetle!" I gasped.
"Got it. Now, two" he says.

Then a carton of orange juice and a cup  shows up in the air.

"Breakfast? Orange? Orange beetle?" Lydia kept saying.

"Beetle breakfast? Beetle drink? Beetle- uuhh~ Beetlejuice?" I question.

"That's it!" He cheered.
"Your names beetlejuice?" Lydia asked.

"Ahhhh~ you said it twice. Just say it once more. Come on" he said.

"It was you, wasn't it? The snake" Lydia says, getting annoyed. Probably because he made me lose blood.

"Your kids and your imagination! Just say it!" He shouts.

"No. We want to talk to Barbara " Lydia says, grabbing my hand, we interlocked our fingers together.

"You're Worth Living For" Lydia Deetz x Female Reader Where stories live. Discover now