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Y/ns Pov
I look at Lydia and she's sad too, she's only known them for less of a week, but still cares.

I quickly think of something and remember that pervert. I don't hesitate and run to him. Lydia stays in the room with Adam and Barbara.

"Where are you? Please, help them" I say looking for him. I sigh when i see him ,"Help them, please " I say, wiping my tears.

"Sure, I can help them. But you gotta help me" he says. "Ok, fine what?" I asked. "I want out for good. To do that, I've gotta get married" he explained.

I grimaced and he looked at me ,"These aren't my rules. Cone to think of it, I don't have rules. Come on, think of it as a marriage inconvenience. We both get something " he says, making it sound, like ot wouldn't be bad, but I know fir a fact, it will.

"I get out. You get the moat eligible bachelor since Valentino. Then we are even babe" he says, I still have the disgusted look on my face.

"Okay, fine ,just-just help them" I say, disgusted.

"Sure" he mutters.
I look at my parents, then I look at Beetlejuice again.

"Beetlejuice. Beetlejuice.... Beetlejuice " I repeat.

"It's show time" he says,
The town model starts to shake.

I back away and Lydia is behind me so I crash into her. I look up and she's looking at me, and we both look at Beetlejuice, who looks like, a circus or something.

He is talking to fast, I don't quite understand it, as I'm also not Oakington attention. I'm looking at my parents as Lydia holds my hand.

His hands turn into these hammers, and he crashes it down on this metal button.

It's the carnival game where you show your strength.
They fly through the roof, making 2 holes in it.

"Thank you! Thank you! Whew" Beetlejuice says, turning back to normal

"That is why I don't do, two shows a night anymore babe" he says, then taking a hit from his cigarette.

"I won't, I won't do 'em" he complains ,Like we actually care.

"Well, what do we got here tonight, kids?" He asked looking at my parents.

"Well we've got the- the Maitlands. I think they've had enough exercise for tonight" Beetlejuice says, using his magic making them fall on the table.

I run to see if they were OK.

"Not so fast, Round boy. We're gonna have some laughs" I hear Beetlejuice say, cackling.

I hear Delia say ,"Otho?" I look to see what's happening.

There is a spotlight on Otho.
His red suit ripping into a white one.
He then screams in horror.

Otho then runs out the door.

Lydia runs to her father and Delia, they are all hugging.

Beetlejuice then hugs them.too ,"Just to tell you, you're all  welcome into out house" Beetlejuice says.

"Well the maitlands are back, everything seems pretty normal I think" he mutters.

"You're Worth Living For" Lydia Deetz x Female Reader Where stories live. Discover now