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Chapter 1

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Chapter 1
The Headmasters' son

The townsfolk always used to say that being born into Royalty was a blessing.

However, I had always thought it was more of a curse. They didn't know what it was like. Every single one of them had just assumed it was all goods and no bads.

Oh, how wrong they were.

There were strict rules and regulations that must be followed at all times. You only speak when spoken to and agree politely because you can't question your superiors judgment.

Lets not forget the overly tight corsets and blister giving 4 inch heels-

Oh, and the gut wrenching loneliness that came with the package deal.

As a Princess, having friends wasn't an option I was given.

It was against the rules for a Royal to associate with a commoner-

A stupid rule, might I add.

All it ever did was leave me with enough loneliness to last a lifetime.

The only person that helped through everything was the Headmasters' son,  Shoto Todoroki. He was my best friend, and quite frankly, my only one.

His father, Enji Todoroki, was the Headmaster of the Royal Knights. He served directly under the King. Our Kingdom was surrounded by gigantic walls that kept the 'evil' out-

Or atleast that's what my parents told me.

The Royal Knights were the only people allowed to leave the Kingdom in order to gather resources. I was super jealous.

After the training of becoming a knight, you fully become a member of the gaurd by being given a fragment of the DragonStone. A gemstone collected when I was just a child.

Everything was normal before that stone showed up. There were no walls. More freedom.

But those few bright memories have faded and I have forgotten what it felt like. I took it for granted when I had it.

The stone holds magical powers and it's told that it protects you from the impurities of the outside world.

I didn't believe in the crap my parents told me. This Kingdom was the most impure of them all.

That's also one of the main reasons I want to leave so bad. I want to see it for myself. I don't just want to hear about all the tales, I want to experience it, see the world full of colour again...

I could only hope.


"Shoto, could you maybe show me how to hold a sword?"

♡︎𝘽𝙚𝙖𝙪𝙩𝙮♡︎ 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐡𝐞𝐫 ꧁𝘒𝘪𝘯𝘨꧂ | ᵏᵃᵗˢᵘᵏⁱ ˣ ʳᵉᵃᵈᵉʳWhere stories live. Discover now