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Chapter 17

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Chapter 17
Operation Save The Jackass
(Part 1)

Your POV

Gaurds were all over the floor, either knocked out or injured. The place was empty now, only the lights from the interrupted wedding hung above our heads. Sweat trickled beneath my dress, making it cling to my body uncomfortably. I had a few minor scratches but nothing serious. I looked over the Katsuki to see him panting and wiping sweat from his upper lip with the back of his hand. My cheeks flushed a little at his action.

Why was that attractive? Sweat is NOT supposed to be that attractive. It's supposed to be salty and gross and totally shouldn't smell like burnt sugar. Damn it.

"You're staring, princess. Anything in particular catch your attention?" His mouth curved up into a half teasing smirk.

Damn him and his stupid face.

"In your dreams, Katsuki." I crossed my arms and glared at him, though there was still pink dusting my cheeks which I tried desperately to hide. He seemed to have paused a bit when I said his name. This must've been the first time I've called him by his first name infront of him. It made me hesitate.

"I'm sorry- If you'd rather prefer if I called you Bakugou that's perfectly fi-"



"Keep calling me Katsuki."

A smile tugged at my lips, making me realize just how close we were standing to eachother now. Had he come closer? Or-

Have we been standing this close the whole time?

There was some distance between us, but we were close enough that I could see his eyes flick down to my lips for a few beats before averting back to my eyes.

I've always liked his eyes. So deep and full of secrets begging to be shared, but scared to be left behind again. Shining with so much emotion that the surface tries so hard to bury with a cold, hard exterior. I could see them soften just the slightest bit when he saw my lips curve up into another smile.

Without thinking, I took a step forward, the distance between us growing smaller. He was slightly taller than me so my chin was tilted up towards him. He seemed a bit nervous, or I could be imagining things. His throat bobbed as he swallowed, his chest was rising and falling slightly faster than normal. It was as if he was debating something in his head. Suddenly his expression cleared all together and he seemed to have made up his mind.

His hand rose up and cupped my cheek, I flinched slightly in surprise but he didn't move his hand. His eyebrows were slightly furrowed though, yet his eyes never left mine. The lights above our head reflected in his irises, somehow, this managed to light up his whole face. All I could do was stare in awe at just how perfect he was. Even with dried blood that originally ran down from the top of his head and his cracked lips. Sweat gleamed on his face from earlier exhaustion, adding to the glow on his face. His thumb moved lightly, up and down, making me sigh and close my eyes, leaning into his touch. All the nerves that had settled in my stomach seemed to dissolve as he stepped closer, his other hand made its way around my waist while the hand on my cheek slid around to the back of my head, pulling me into his chest. My arms wrapped around his torso.

I don't know why, but my eyes went glossy, my heart hammering in my chest.

"I missed you..." I heard myself whisper. His grip on me tightened before I heard him whisper something back.

"Damn right, you did."  I chuckled, pulling away just enough so I could look uo at him. He had a smile on his face. Not one of his cocky smirks or teasing grins. A genuine smile.

It dropped instantly when he saw my expression. "What? What's wrong?"

I shook my head. "Nothing I just- A smile looks good on you." His expression softened. "Yeah? Well I guess you'll have to try harder if you want to see it again." He teased, releasing me from his embrace. I suddenly felt cold.

Damn you Katsuki. You damn heat generator.

I shrugged, before crossing my arms. "I don't mind working for what I want."

That seemed to have caught his attention, his eyes widened at the last 3 words.

what I want.

I want to see him smile. I'll work for it, if I have to. No, I don't just wanna see him smile.

I want him. All of him. His best and his worst.

"Bakugou! (Y/n)!" Kirishima.

Our heads snapped in his direction, he was out of breath from sprinting here, worry laced in his expression.

"C'mon! We have to go! Todoroki's dad is going after the king." His expression was filled with panic, urgency.

In a matter of seconds, my expression matched his, my head whipping over to Katsuki. His eyebrows were furrowed in my direction, his eyes filled with worry.

Not for my dad. For me.

He was worried about how this would affect me. Not about the person who killed his parents finally getting what he deserves, no.

A sudden burst of guilt twisted in my gut.

Was it bad of me to keep the person alive that had hurt the one boy I love?

Or is it bad if I let my father die to be loyal to the boy I love?

I didn't know. Both sounded equally horrible.

"I don't know what to do. I-" My breathing quickened as my head snapped between Kirishima and Katsuki.

As if reading my mind, Katsuki grabbed my face and forced me to look into his eyes. My panic did not cease, my breathing still fast and heavy.

"Listen,"  He said, seriously. "It's over. We can't change whatever happened. Just because I lost my parents doesn't mean you have to lose yours. I get that they're not the best and put you through a lot of shit that I really wanna kick their asses for, but you're gonna regret it if you don't do this. He may be a jackass, but he's still your old man. Though I'm not promising I'll be nice to him, he still means something to you. That's enough reason to get your ass in that castle and go stop that son of a bitch."

Somehow, his words were encouraging. It's true, even if he was a bad person he was still my dad. It doesn't mean I'll forgive him, atleast not anytime soon, but it does mean I'll help him.


This chapter mostly consisted of fluff, but the next chapter is diving back into the action.

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