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Chapter 6
The DragonStone Necklace


WITHOUT HESITATION they charged at us. Bakugou and Kirishima were quick to react and blocked most of the attacks thrown their way.

However where they were busy defending themselves, I froze up... I couldn't move. In that moment I forgot everything Kirishima taught me. Hell, I even forgot how to breathe for a second.

And just when I thought things couldn't get any worse, one of the six men came charging right at me, sword in hand. "(Y/n) look out!" Kirishima warned, snapping me out of my daze. My eyes widened with realization.

He swung, his blade quickly making its way to collide with my shoulder.

Before I could comprehend, my feet moved on their own and I quickly stepped out of the way, the blade missing me by mere inches and without thinking I lodged the dagger into his exposed ribcage and pulled it out again. The man screamed in agony and clutched his wound, dropping his sword. The blood slowly seeped out of his side. I quickly kicked his sword away and out of reach. "Y-you bitch...!" The guy grumbled in pain as he fell to his knees. and His hands were slowly being stained with the crimson liquid. It made me sick to my stomach...

But I just stood there, mouth agape.

I did this.

"Holy shit- I just- I JUST STABBED SOMEONE!" I yelled and stumbled back and looked down with eyes stricken with fear and panic. The formerly silver beauty of the blade was now covered with the thick, red substance thay will haunt me forever.

"Good! Keep doing that!" Bakugou yelled back at me.

I looked at him as though he was crazy. "YOU'RE ENCOURAGING THIS?!"

He didn't respond. His hands were glowing a red-orange colour and he had a smirk plastered on his face.

What the hell...?

Suddenly an explosion errupted from his palms, sending three men flying backwards and causing me to shield my face, dagger still in hand.

"Woah..." I mumbled, staring at the scene before me as I slowly removed my hands. Well I was mostly staring at Bakugou...

However, my awe was short-lived since someone came from behind him and struck him with a sword, leaving a huge gash across his back. His cape was ruined. Bakugou yelped in pain and before he could turn around to beat his ass, the guy with the scars captured Bakugou in the tight embrace of a rope, causing him to fall to the ground. He couldn't move.

"Bakugou!" I tried running over to him, but as I was about to take my first step I was instead met with a gut-wrenching pain that shot up my leg causing me to scream.

"Son of a bitch!" I yelped and fell forward. The guy who was clutching his rib, somehow also had a smaller knife and had managed to jab it into my calf.

"(Y/n)!" Kirishima yelled.

His heart dropped when he heard you scream.

I looked over at him and there were three guys surrounding him, he struggled in their grasp as small spurts of fire left his mouth, he tried to move but three ropes were restricting him from coming to me. Two over each of his wings and the other one around his neck, choking him.

Seeing this made me enraged... My jaw clenched and my hands were bawled into fists. I then glanced over at Bakugou and he was on the ground tied up, stuggling to free himself. His explosions were smaller now and less effective. His face was buried in the ground.

For a moment I had forgotten I was stabbed but I was quickly reminded of it though.

The pain hit me again as the guy pulled the knife out. Blood came gushing out and I gritted my teeth. I took my belt and wrapped it tightly above the wound. I tried to stand up with this agonizing pain that pestered me.

I managed to stand up, leaning on one leg.

Right then my entire body filled with rage, I was so mad the pain almost completely died out. I was running on pure adrenaline and burning rage. They were hurting the only people that have showed me kindness...

With my good leg, I kicked the guy so hard across the face it sent him rolling and immediately knocking him uncontious. Pain shot through my other leg again.

"Ow, stop hurting you bitch!" I glared down at my wound.

I then looked around me I realized something...

There's three men on Kirishima, then the one I just knocked out and then the one on... Bakugou... There was a total of six men but they only add up to four now... Where's the other one...?

"Let go of me you bastard!" Bakugou yelled as the guy with the scars pulled him by his hair and dragged him towards Kirishima.

One pulled out a whip and striked Kirishima's back. Tears brimmed in his eyes and he cried out in pain.

Just as I was about to move someone from behind me grabbed both my hands and restricted me from going to help.

They were seriously pissing me off now.

"No, let me go- Bakugou, Kirishima!" I struggled in the guy's grasp.

Both Bakugou and Kirishima being injured. They looked so... Helpless... It made me sick to the stomach. The Bakugou I knew was fierce and stubborn. Kirishima was funny and charismatic... I couldn't stand this any longer.

I never want to see them like this again.

Never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, NEVER, NEVER!

A huge burst of crimson electricity exploded from my body, sending the guy holding me flying backwards, hitting a nearby tree with brute force. The rest of them looked at me in shock. The necklace around my neck illuminating the entire place with its scarlet glow... Electricity danced around my frame with an intimidating speed.

My chest was heaving and adrenaline was now flowing all throughout my body. I was mad. No, I was pissed.

I picked up my dagger I dropped and sprinted over to them faster than a normal human could. The electricity still pouring out of my body, giving me a burst of energy.

Before I could fully process what happened, all six guys we sprawled out infront of me.

I hadn't killed them... I didn't hit vital organs but I did cause them an immense amount of pain...

I just can't remember how I did it...

That's when I fully snapped out of it amd my adrenaline rush faded out and the electricity disappeared. I looked over at Kirishima and Bakugou, both their eyes were wide with shock. They stared at me...

I'm a monster...

Black spots slowly crawled and consumed my vision and soon, I blacked out...


Yo, this chapter is a bit shorter and it might not entirely make sense but I'll explain it in the next chapter ♡︎ ☺︎︎

Also sorry if you find typos, I don't have good eyesight and I wrote this without my glasses :/


♡︎𝘽𝙚𝙖𝙪𝙩𝙮♡︎ 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐡𝐞𝐫 ꧁𝘒𝘪𝘯𝘨꧂ | ᵏᵃᵗˢᵘᵏⁱ ˣ ʳᵉᵃᵈᵉʳWhere stories live. Discover now