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Chapter 10°°°Izuku Midoriya°°°

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Chapter 10
Izuku Midoriya


A greenette boy with freckles peered out of the large door infront of us.

I wasn't expecting that.

"Oi, Deku. Let us in." Bakugou grumbled. The greenette nodded and stepped aside, letting us in. I slowly trailed behind Bakugou and Kirishima as we entered this creepy-ass building...

It didn't look the same as it did from the outside though. You'd think this place would have bats and cobwebs and a bunch of critters but it was surprisingly clean and looked well managed. There were herbs of all kinds and exotic plants arranged in a small gatden and there was even a blacksmith table thingy. It was like an old exterior that got remodeled from the inside.

"Atleast your place doesn't look as shitty as it used to back in the day." Bakugou grumbled as he glared around and absorbed his surroundings. Kirishima chuckled nervously at the blonde's behavior.

"Oh uh- Thanks... I uh- who is this you brought with you?" Midoriya asked nervously, looking over at me with a faint smile. "Oh, sorry I forgot to introduce myself. I'm (Y/n), (L/n)." I smiled and bowed my head slightly.

He sucked in a gasp. "(Y/n)- as in...?"

"Princess of ShadowVale? Yes. Yes, I am."

His eyes widened and he bowed a full 90°.

I laughed nervously. "You really don't have to be so formal... I'm not really trying to attract attention so just treat me like you would anyone else... Please."

I guess it was just reflex on his side but I really hated it when people gave me the royal treatment. I'm just a normal person born under lucky circumstances... Well according to me - not so lucky circumstances. Being cooped up in a castle sucked.


Midoriya was a very nice person and he offered so much to Bakugou - who had been so mean to him. He had offered us food, a place to stay for a few days and a few spells that we can use against the King. I didn't know how they worked. He also offered to teach me how to use this new power the DragonStone gave me. 'Cause I also didn't know how that worked, clearly...

Most part of me was glad about escaping the castle but the other half missed Shoto.

I was so selfish for leaving him there with no chance against all those gaurds. I'll probably regret that day for the rest of my life. I promised myself that I would make it up to him...

The day went by pretty fast and it mostly consisted of Midoriya explaining something to me about spells or abilities and Bakugou would start yelling at him.

I didn't know if Bakugou liked or hated me at this point. Everything was still so confusing.

Bakugou and Kirishima shared a room while I got my own. This place was pretty huge so there were enough rooms. I finally had some privacy... No boys... No servants... Just me.


I hate this.

The silence was deafening.

Quick observation for future reference.

I hate being alone.

I got up from my bed and walked towards Kirishima and Bakugou's room. Nerves bubbled in my stomach.

What if they think I'm a coward? - Or a dumbass. Well, Bakugou would think I'm one regardless, so what's the worst that could happen?

As I was about to knock on their door, I could hear muffled voices.

"I can't just tell her that, you idiot!"

Bakugou. Obviously.

"Why not?! She deserves to know."


Great, were they fighting?

"She doesn't have to know shit. I can decide if I want to tell her or not and you can't do anything about it." I heard Bakugou scoff.

"If you're not gonna tell her, I am." Kirishima said sternly.

Bakugou groaned. "You're such a pain in the ass. Fine! I'll tell her, but on my own account. I don't need you forcing me to do crap."

What on earth were they talking about. Me? No... Maybe?

I shrugged it off because it probably would be my business soon enough...

I gently knocked on the door and heard some scurrying before it opened.

"(Y/n)? What are you doing here? It's late, you should get some rest..." Kirishima said, rubbing the back of his head awkwardly.

"Oh uh... Right, yeah... I was just wondering... Uhm... If I could maybe crash here...?"

God, I sounded like such a pick-me.

I wanna sleep in the boys room with so many boys because I'm one of them, we talk about swords and knight stuff all the time that's why I know all about it!

Probably an asshole move for mocking them in my head, but I couldn't. Care. Less.

"Uh, yeah sure. Bakugou won't mind."


I laughed at his outburst. Once you get to know him you realize he isn't trying to insult you but trying to start some sort of passive-aggressive fight??

"If it's not too much to ask, otherwise I could go back to my room...?"

"No! No, it's okay you can stay." Kirishima dragged my arm and threw me on Bakugou's bed, before mouthing a 'You're welcome' and walking back to his bed. I flashed an apologetic smile to Bakugou before standing up and grabbing a spare blanket.

"I'll sleep on the floor, I just didn't want to sleep alone..."

A tug at my wrist restricted my movement.

"It's fine, we can both sleep in the bed, it's not like we haven't done it before."

I blushed and nodded before slowly getting back in the bed. I could hear him breathing, his chest rising up and down.

He looked cute and peaceful...

Shit. I think I might be falling a little...


We're not gonna talk about the big gigantic massive break I took from this book. I'm sorry.

♡︎𝘽𝙚𝙖𝙪𝙩𝙮♡︎ 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐡𝐞𝐫 ꧁𝘒𝘪𝘯𝘨꧂ | ᵏᵃᵗˢᵘᵏⁱ ˣ ʳᵉᵃᵈᵉʳWhere stories live. Discover now