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Chapter 8°°°𝗔𝗻 𝗮𝗱𝘃𝗲𝗻𝘁𝘂𝗿𝗲 °°°

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Chapter 8
𝗔𝗻 𝗮𝗱𝘃𝗲𝗻𝘁𝘂𝗿𝗲

I NEVER FELT MORE COMFORTABLE in my life. My face was snuggled into a pillow and the blanket was wrapped around my waist...

I clutched the pillow even closer and that's when I realized, the pillow has a heart beat...

My eyes shot open. I looked up and saw Bakugou. His eyes were still shut and his breathing even. He was still asleep.

His arm was snaked around my waist and my head was snuggled into his chest.

My face heated up and exploded into shades of red.

"Look who finally woke up." I looked over to see Kirishima standing at the end of the bed with a smirk on his face and his arms crossed.

"Sleep well?" His smirk grew as he saw the look on my face.

"Don't just stand there! Help me!" I whisper-screamed, trying my best not to wake up Mr. Explosion wrapped around me.

I tried sitting up but Bakugou's grip tightened around my waist and pulled me closer. He nuzzeled his face in the crook of my neck, giving me goosebumps.

Holy hell, he smells like fucking caramel...

Kirishima burst out laughing, causing Bakugou to jump awake and throw me.

I flew of the bed and landed on the floor with a thud followed by a groan.


He looked over the edge of the bed to see me sprawled out on the floor, squirming in pain.

"shit..." He muttered under his breath realizing what he had done.

Kirishima came over to me with a worried expression.

"Are you okay (Y/n)-chan?"

Kirishima asked as he held out his hand to me.

"Well I've never been thrown off a bed before, so I don't know. This is a new experience for me." I said with sarcasm and slight strain in my voice from the pain that shot up through my spine.

I sat up and grabbed Kirishima's hand. He helped me up and I glared at Bakugou. He sat and looked at me with a shocked expression and his cheeks tinted a slight pink.

"What? Are you not even going to apologize? You know you're such a-" I was going to continue lecturing him but I was cut off.

"I'm sorry."

"what...?" I asked. It was more shock rather than a question.

"You heard me." He had an expressionless face.

"W-well I-I-" I couldn't form a damn sentence and I was so frustrated with myself.

"Use your words, princess."

I stopped trying to speak and just looked at him. His gaze stared intensely into my soul.

I heard Kiri mumble something like, "Oh snap."

"Fuck- I- NEVERMIND! We should get going!" I yelled furiously, my cheeks were red as hell. I stomped around and gathered my things and headed straight out the door, leaving Bakugou and Kirishima behind.

I was walking down the hall towards the exit of the Inn. My thoughts spiraling and my cheeks still flushed.

I can't understand him... Last night was so... Strange... I knew I felt something, but I can't tell what he's thinking, like, ever. It's so confusing!


"We should probably get some food before heading off again." Bakugou said. "Oh, and new clothes. You both smell like shit."

"Hey!" Me and Kiri both whined in defense.

Then I realized something... Okay. Soo. I'm following these guys, but I never asked where the fuck they're going...

"Say, Bakugou?" I walked beside him and Kiri on his other side. "What?" He spat. "Where are we even going?" I asked, finally.

"To take down your dick of a dad of course." As he said that I stopped in my tracks.


Bakugou sighed. "That night in front of the cave I told you that I found that stupid adventure you were looking for. You hate your parents so what's the issue...?" He asked.

"No, there's no issue... It's just that..."

He gave me a questioning look. Kiri did too.

"If we're taking down my parents... Then aren't we supposed to go that way?" I said pointing in the direction where I had come from a few nights ago.

"What? You think we're capable of doing that now?"  He asked sarcastically.

"We're here to find shitty Deku to get us some better weapons. Also here to train your weak ass how to properly defend yourself. You can't freeze up like last time, got it? You also need to learn how to control that shitty new power of yours, before you electricute our asses by accident."


After getting food and new clothes to fit in more with the townsfolk, we headed towards this person Bakugou called 'Deku'.

We arrived at a place that looked like an abandoned cathedral. The area around it was vacant aswell. There were no villagers walking around. Kirishima went up to the door and used the door knocker that was attached to the giant wooden door.

I gulped, this place was kinda scary.

A few seconds went by and the door creaked open revealing a green haired boy with freckles. "Oh- Kacchan?"


I'm so sorry for not updating I have a bit of a writers block rn so thats why the chapter ended because don't wanna write something stupid 💀

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