Chapter 2

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After he left, the others came and laughed at me. They had been listening to the whole conversation.

"I will be the best at making macchiato." Jake imitated as he approached me. He was trying to keep it cool, but I could see he wanted to crack up. I just shook my head and slapped his arm.

"That guy is awful." I said and looked around. "I will show him." Jake just kept chuckling and I was still mad about this whole situation. I went into the kitchen and found Connie.

"What the hell was that, Connie?" I said as I crossed my arms. She was apparently having a good time.

"I should have recorded his face when he tried your coffee." This woman is evil.

"You know, you are not helping us with the mission like this." I said and tried giving her my serious look.

"Relax, it was just harmless fun. It's the least I could do after you guys forced me into this mess." She said and put some cups in the sink.

"I will appreciate it if you stopped with your 'harmless' fun. You are ruining the mission." I said and walked closer to her.

"Whatever." She said and stared at me with her serious look. She kind of scared me, with her white hair and dark eyes. She looked like an old angry grandmother.


"Wanna go to my place?" Jake asked me as we got into his car away from the others. After sitting and discussing details and strategies for how to continue this, I just wanted to go home and sleep, but I did not want to hurt Jake's feelings.

"Sure, but we are sleeping." I quickly said before he got too excited.

"That's fine with me." He said and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

We ended up doing everything else but sleeping. The moment we stepped into his apartment he started kissing me and one thing led to another which resulted in me naked on his bed and him on top of me.

"This was not the plan." I said as he rolled down next to me. Both our breathing was heavy and sweat dripping from his forehead.

"No, but I liked this way more than the original plan." He turned to his side to look at me. I caressed his cheek as I gave him a soft kiss on the lips.

"Well, now I am going to sleep and you will let me be." I said and he started laughing.

"Okay princess, I'll sleep too." I squeezed myself closer to him and rested my head on his chest while we both were dozing off.

Next morning Connie was teaching me the proper way to do a macchiato and the other drinks as well before Gabriel showed up. I practiced at least ten times on making it perfect. It was funny how all these coffees had different names and the only thing that differentiated them from one another was how much milk you put in them and how foamed it is.

I walked around and took orders from the other customers and at 7.20 exactly, Gabriel walked it. Connie was with me this time and he walked to the counter and greeted her while managing to not look at me at all.

"You weren't here yesterday." He said.

"Yeah, I had a meeting and it dragged out." She said and gave him a big smile.

"I missed your coffee. Sorry to say, but you haven't done a good job with the new employee." He said and looked at me. I faked a smile his way.

"I think she mixed up the different drinks. Sorry about that, hon. I am sure she has practiced and is doing it better today, right?" She said and looked at me. I didn't know why I feel like punching her so much right now. She was testing me.

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