Chpater 13

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For three weeks Gabriel and I met in his hotel room or my fake apartment on the scheduled days. I tried to make him stay a little longer, but the best I got was 10 minutes and then he would go. And for the cuddling, he let me put my hand on his stomach for 5 minutes once.

He was so stubborn.

We ate a few times but as usual, he wouldn't really talk. I stopped asking him questions because he would just get annoyed and then I just talked about myself instead. I told him random stuff, he didn't really say anything or answer, but I knew he was listening.

The past two weeks he actually texted me outside of the scheduled days and wanted to meet. Both Mondays in the two last weeks, we met up in my apartment. We were not supposed to meet Mondays. This guy's sex drive was pretty high. Jake and I would usually do it 2 times a week.

But I had actually learned a lot about him these past few weeks. I knew he was a clean freak, but I didn't think it was to that extent. When we slept together in my apartment, he would put the sheets in the washing machine himself, just to make sure I would actually wash them for next time. He always showered after. He didn't like to share the same glass or spoon/fork even though we made out all the time. He hated it when I moved his stuff from one place to another. Like hated a lot. He would not let me wash the dishes because he didn't feel like I cleaned them well enough.

'You white people don't know how to clean properly' he always said.

He bleached my kitchen. For his own hotel room, he hired his own cleaning lady who cleaned it the way he wanted it with specific products that he bought himself. He didn't eat fast food, always criticized my choice of food, and said Italian food was the best.

And the worst thing? He didn't go down on me. All this time we had slept together he hadn't gone down one time. I could accept everything else, but we had a fight about this the other day. It was kind of offending, but he kept saying 'it's not personal, I just can't make myself do it. It's disgusting' like he said about kissing after I went down on him.

And when I told him I would not do it to him anymore, he would get offended and say that I was being selfish. That if he didn't feel this way, he would have gone down on me and he would never force me to do something I didn't like.

I literally showered every time before I had to see him because I got paranoid, that he would think I was not clean. He loved my body lotion, so I always made sure to put that on before he came. He was very sensitive to smells and what went into his mouth, so I always made sure everything was super tidy when he came.

I would describe myself as a clean person, but I do sometimes let my clothes lay on the floor like other normal people or leave the dishes for the next day, but after meeting him, I suddenly felt very unclean.

The door to the entrance opened and he walked in with a back of groceries. He said he would make lasagna for us today. He was tired of ordering food from outside. We both had each other's spare key, so we didn't always have to ring or wait.

"Hey." I said as he walked in and put the bag on the kitchen counter and took off his jacket. I had gotten a small but very nice apartment for this mission, so he would not know my real address. I liked this apartment way more than my own. It was stylish and new compared to my own, which was a little older than this.

"Hey." He answered back. I went over to him and gave him a hug from behind. We usually didn't hug each other but he has let me do this since last week. He wore a thick sweater as it was getting pretty chilly outside and it felt so warm and nice against the skin.

Another thing he was obsessed with was his clothes. He always dresses super nicely and has high-quality branded clothes. Mostly Italian brands.

"I missed you." I told him as my arms were wrapped around him.

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