Chapter 4

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I don't know what I had gotten myself into, but I had to take advantage of the fact that I had this agreement with him now. I just wore some casual jeans and a white t-shirt and left my 'fake' apartment. I basically had a completely new life that I had to pretend was mine while this was going on. I had gotten a new apartment, new parents (who by the way were also CIA agents, my dad happened to be Henry) so I would not risk putting my own family at risk, and a completely new identity as Laura James.

I went towards the hotel and was surprised by the luxurious interior. This place must cost a fortune. I went inside the lobby and saw Gabriel sitting in one of the chairs with one leg crossed over the other while he looked at his phone. When I approached him he still didn't look up.

"You're late." He said coldly still busy looking at his phone. He looked a little pissed. Yes, I was late, but only 10 minutes.

"I'm sorry. Traffic was crazy." I said and sat down next to him.

"It's New York. You should know when to leave." This guy was exaggerating.

"Relax, it's only 10 minutes. I said I'm sorry."

"Text me next time you're gonna be late." He said and looked at me from his phone. He really knew how to ruin the mood. I looked back at him not knowing whether to say something mean or just let this one go.

"Okay." I cannot ruin this thing because of 10 minutes. I chose to let it go.

"Let's go up to the room." He said and stood up from the chair. Did he really just expect me to sleep with him after being like this? Like I was some kind of slut that just come to hook up with him in his room and then leave again.

I followed him to his room and was surprised to see how huge this place was. It's a whole apartment basically.

"Wow. This place is big. Did you rent it just for tonight?" I asked him and walked around to see.

"No, this place is mine. When I am on this side of town, I usually sleep here. My apartment is on the other side."

"Which company did you work for again?? This place is sweet." I said and sat down on the bed admiring the view. Maybe I should plant some mics here too.

"I know the owner, he is a friend of mine." He said and sat down next to me. My heart started pounding a bit faster, I knew he wanted us to just have sex and then leave but I couldn't make myself do that. He put a hand on my knee and got closer.

"That's nice. I was actually wondering about something." I said and was thinking how to stall this.

"You are wondering a lot. And talking too much. Way too many questions." He said coldly and let his hand slide gently from my knee to mid-thigh.

"Well, that's usually how you get to know someone." I said offended.

"I thought we agreed not to make this personal."

"We didn't agree on that. And I think having someone inside of you is kind of personal." I said and waited for his response.

"Then why did you come here?" Well to spy on you and your family but you are not making it easy for me, I wanted to say.

"I thought maybe we could take it easy. Or at least you not treating me like some prostitute coming here." I said and he removed his hand from my thigh and itched his neck.

"Well, I am not paying you, so I don't see how I am treating you like a prostitute. What is it that you want from me?" He asked and I could sense him getting annoyed.

"There's this a fun fair 30 minutes from here, maybe we could go there first?" I wish I had a recorder and could record his expression. If I was not undercover, I would have laughed my ass off. He got up from the bed and sighed as he put both his hands behind his neck while looking at me.

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