Chapter 7

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After another 4 hours, he still hadn't replied. The crew notified me that he had seen the text and told Leo about it. He was heading towards the hotel they said, so I also started to head that way. I sat in the lobby waiting for him, prepared a speech and what to do.

After 15 minutes he showed up. He was looking tired but stylish and handsome as always. I stood up and looked at him and he saw me but just kept walking. How freaking rude! I started walking after him and prepared to start acting.

"Are you mad at me, Gabriel?" I said with a sad voice. Those drama classes in high school were really paying off now. He didn't answer me but kept walking towards the elevator. I stood right next to him waiting for him to answer.

"What are you doing here?" He finally said.

"You didn't reply."

"So you thought coming here seemed like a good idea? I think when someone doesn't reply you, showing up to their place is maybe not the smartest thing to do." He said and pressed the button again.

"Why are you being so rude? Did I do something?" I asked him and tried walking closer to him.

"I don't want to waste my time. I am not interested in seeing you anymore." He answered bluntly.

"Because we didn't have sex yesterday?" I asked and I tried to keep my annoyance in, but I didn't do a good job. He turned to look at me.

"Yes. I think you are putting too much into this. I told you, I am not looking for anything serious." He said.

"And you think I am?" I asked him with a raised eyebrow.

"Then why did you want us to go to the fun fair?"

"Because I love fun fairs. And I just wanted to have an idea of who you are before I would just throw myself at you." I answered him.

"Well, do you know enough about me to throw yourself at me now?" He asked and had a little almost unnoticeable smirk on his face.

"Since you are being an asshole, I don't want to. Can we go up, please? I forgot my wallet. That's why I texted you again." I said and turned to face the door again as it opened. I did leave my wallet on purpose so I would have an excuse to see him again if things went wrong.

"Of course you did." He said mockingly and I turned to him to give a mean stare. The elevator door opened before I could say anything. "After you." He said and gestured his hand for me to go inside first. The elevator ride was quiet, and I stood with my arms crossed waiting for it to go to his floor.

After we walked into his room, I went to the counter table and took my wallet and walked back to him.

"Found it." I said and hold it up so he could see it.

"Good, now that you have it, you can go. Bye bye." He said again mockingly while waving really pissing me off.

"What's wrong with you?" I asked while shaking my head slightly. "You think you are cool saying stuff like that? You just look pathetic, and it makes me so glad I didn't sleep with you yesterday because you are a literal piece of shit." I said and I could just imagine Henry scolding me in the van. Gabriel didn't look happy either.

"What did you just say?" He walked towards me slowly with a threatening expression on his face.

"That you are a piece of shit." I repeated even though I should have. He didn't respond for a few seconds but just looked at me with a very angry expression.

"Get out. Right now." He said calmly but I could see he was trying not to lose it. If I was not working right now, I would have stormed out of the room, calling him even worse things but I had to keep reminding myself that I was not Sarah, but Laura who had to get close to Gabriel and that was a part of my job. I knew if I walk out now, I would probably lose every chance to talk to him again. Instead I took a deep breath, calmed myself down and looked at my feet pretending to be upset before looking up to meet him with a softer expression.

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