Chapter 6

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After leaving the hotel room, I went straight to the van with Henry, David and Jake. Jessica another agent who was also assigned this case was not here. As I walked in, David was smiling mischievously, Henry was looking at a screen after waving hi. Jake greeted me with a little nod.

"Good save." Henry said as I walked closer. Yeah, and it was not thanks to you. He just left me on my own when I needed him to get me out of that situation.

"Thanks." I said and sat down on the chair. I could hear Gabriel's voice over the speaker. He was in the car with someone talking about where to eat. "Anything new?" I asked the crew.

"No. They just got in the car a few minutes ago." Henry answered. I looked at Jake and he shortly looked at me but didn't say anything. I didn't like his last message to me. Accusing me like that. We were all sitting and started talking about something when David, the one listening to their conversation shushed us and we all listened to what Gabriel and Leonardo were talking about.

"Don't miss you shipment again because of that girl. Rafael will probably kill you next time. We have another order coming in five days." Leonardo aid to Gabriel. Did he miss a shipment yesterday because of me? I didn't know that.

"Relax, that won't happen again. I am done with that girl." He said and now all of them looked at me as if accusing me of having done something to fail.

"Why?" Leonardo asked.

"That girl is way too romantic. I just need a simple fuckbuddy. I don't think she is used to that. She seems more like a girlfriend type. I don't want to make it complicated." Wow, this guy was unbelievable. Like I would ever want to be his girlfriend. If I could have answered him back right now I would show him. "She texted me earlier. That she wants to make up for last night." He paused for a while, and we all waited for him to continue. "Make up my ass. She probably wants to go to Disneyland or Venice for a romantic date and then make it up." My mouth dropped. Was this guy serious? Henry and the others started laughing, but not Jake. Even Leonardo on the other line was laughing

"Like I would voluntarily go anywhere like that with that asshole." I said and may have sounded offended. And he did see my text but hadn't answered for 3 hours.

"Bro, is she at least hot?" Leonardo asked him. Now I got really curious.

"She's blond. She's.... okay. Not really my type, but I tried." Okay, I really wanted to punch him. Like he was my type at all, a criminal bacteria freak mafia member who wanted his macchiato to be foamed for 10 seconds and who asked girls to get a doctor's note for any sexual diseases.

"Seems like the guy is crazy about you." Jake smiled fake at me. I didn't know whether he was happy about that or even thinking about how this might impact the mission. "All that kissing for nothing." He continued and I looked at him. You know those times you just want to expose a person or a secret because they are pissing you the hell off? Well I was having a moment like that right now, but I knew if I said anything to expose me and Jake, he would be so mad. And I really didn't want people to know about us.

"Maybe I just need to sleep with him, then he might change his opinion." I smiled back at him. That smile he had on his face disappeared and was replaced with a semi-aggressive expression.

"Maybe you do." Henry interrupted and all of us looked at him.

"What?" I asked a little shocked. He sounded like he meant it.

"I know it's a lot to ask, but if the guy is losing interest and that's how we have to move forward, then you might have to." Nobody said anything. I think, everyone was just as surprised as me.

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