Ch. 2 Choices

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  I make my way down the snowy path to town. Not many monsters are out yet, but a few of the children are playing in the snow at the town center as their parents take care of business early in the day. As I walk past the young monsters notices me.

  "Hey look it's big sis!" "Hi big sis Sans!" "Hi Sansy!" "Sup!" "Hello!" "Morning sis!"

  To the kids of Snowdin I was the honorary big sister and snow ball fighting champion. They were originally going to call me honorary mom, but they decided I was too cool to be a mom. So big sister it is. Luckily, Papy doesn't mind sharing me. Says he's glad all the kids can see how magnificent of a big sister I am. Either way I'm to young to be a parent. I'm only four hundred and forty seven, that's only about twenty two in monster years. Paps is three hundred and sixty four, so about eighteen. They grow up so fast. *Sniff* *Sniff* I stop as the kids run over to me.

  "Hey every monster. How's you morning going so far?" I ask.

  They them proceeded to regale me with an over dramatized version of the events of their morning so far. From Pete's fight against his sheets to Ally's speech about why her parents should buy her a dress. Eventually, I know I need to go so I let them know I have sentry duties to take care of. The air was filled with the sound of "Awww" and "Really?" But, they went back to playing in the snow. I wish things could stay this peaceful, but I know soon screaming and dust will fill the air.

  I shortcut to the entrance of the ruins behind a tree to watch for the human. I hear a *Pop* from next to me. I look down at the ground to see Flowey. "Sup Flowey. What kind of genocide run is it looking like?"

  The flower looks up at me and says, "They're torturing the monsters again, so they're bored. They'll probably try something new to mix things up. So you better watch out, ok. Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to go before they find out I'm helping you." And as quickly as he came he disappeared back into the earth.

  The flower and I teamed up a while back, because we're the only ones to remember the resets. It helps our sanity to have someone else who remembers the other resets. Even before the kid came down here I was on ok terms with the flower. I had explained to him that I knew who he was and I would work on giving him and Chara a soul again. He appreciated that I pulled through. So he was really upset when everything reset and he was stuck as a flower again. Now he helps me to keep the human from reaching the surface to continue their genocide up top.

  Just then the door opens. Right on time. The human walks out the door. There head is down. Dust is already covering them head to toe. From their blue and purple long sleeve shirt to their no longer brown shoes. They walk down the path, knife in hand, and break the branch. I get into position. As they make it to the bridge, I use blue magic to grab them. Magic is flowing from my eyes.

  "HuMaN. DoN't YoU KnOw HoW To GrEeT A NeW PaL? TuRn ArOuNd AnD ShAkE My HaNd."

  They turn around and look up. I'm greeted with black eyes crying tears of hatred and a sadistic smile that promises me pain, that it will enjoy inflicting. I'm not sure if this is Frisk, Chara, a Player, or just an empty shell of what once was the kid. But at this point it doesn't really matter. I summon my blasters and shoot them. I didn't always attack them right away, but it helps weaken them before they begin making their way to Snowdin. I know I promised Tory I wouldn't hurt humans, but this thing really isn't human anymore. It's more like a demon now. We continue to fight, me whittling down there HP, it resetting every time it dies. I try to mix up my attack patterns to stay unpredictable. Then out of nowhere its smile gets wider and for the first time in countless resets it speaks.

  "HeY SmIlEy TrAsH BaG, ThIs SaMe OlD DaNcE Is GeTTiNg BoRiNg, DoN't YoU ThInK. YoU KiLL Me OvEr AnD OvEr AgAIn. I TrY To KiLL YoU And EvERyOne YoU LoVe. SaMe OlD, SaMe OlD. So LeTs MiX THiNgS Up A BiT AnD MaKe a DeaL."

  Its voice seemed to be a mixture of Chara, Frisk, and a sort of deep demonic voice. "First time you talk to me and you want to make a deal. I don't like you. I don't trust you. Any kind of deal you would want to make is bad news, so I won't accept it. But, this is something different then our usual song and dance, so I'll humor you. What kind of deal?" I say.

  "InSteAd Of DoInG A GeNoCiDe RuN All
By My LoNeSoMe YoU AbSoRb My SoUl AnD Do It ToGeThER InStEaD. It WoUlD Be FuN! ThInK AbOuT It. ThE TwO Of Us, ToGeThEr GoInG ArOuNd KiLLiNg EvErYoNe. ThE SoUnDs Of ScReAmInG FiLLiNg ThE AiR. DuSt FlyInG ArOuNd Us. ThEn, ToGeThEr We CaN BrEaK ThE BaRRieR AnD KeeP GoInG On ThE SuRfAcE KiLLiNg ThE GaRbAgE HuMaNs. It WoUlD Be So MuCh FuN! ThEn We CaN Do It All OvEr AgAiN AnD AgAiN AnD AgAiN! HAHA HAHA HA HA HAHA HA HAHA!!!"

  I send a bone attack at their head. That they dodge. They glare at me. "Ya, no. I'm not going to join you on your genocidal 'fun'. Your just trying to find a way to get past me in the judgement hall because I keep kicking your ass. Nice try though. Better luck next time. Not." I told it.

  Some how its smile grows even wider. It take a few steps toward me and says, "WhO SaId YoU HaD A ChOIcE?"

  With the swipe of there hand their black and red soul comes flying at me. Before I could shortcut, it hits me. The last thing I hear is Chara whisper, "Sorry Sansy, neither of us have a choice." Before everything goes black.

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