Ch.18 Having a Chat

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  Bill looks at me sheepishly. "I CaN ExPlAiN."

  "Start talking Bill Sans Cipher." I say firmly.
  "Full names have been brought out. Your in trouble now." Alistor says smirking. I give him a look to shut up. He looks away.

  "AlRiGhT! AlRiGhT! No NeEd To GeT WoRkEd Up! I HaD TwO ReAsOnS FoR It."
Bill tells me.

  "And they are?" I ask him.

  "WeLl ThE FiRsT, I MaY HaVe MaDe A DeAl To A CeRtAiN KaRmAtIc DeItY To KeEp An EyE On YoU AnD A FeW ThInGs QuIeT FoR A WhIlE FoR CeRtAiN LiBeRtIeS To Go ArOuNd ThE MuLtIvErSe." Bill tells me.

  "So what you only became friends with me because of Karma?" I ask. I almost felt hurt. Almost.

  "Oh, DeFiNiTeLy NoT! I WaS ToLd JuSt To WaTcH YoU. AcTuAlLy BEcOmInG FrIeNdS WaS My OwN DeCiSiOn. I FiNd YoU BoTh EnTeRtAiNiNg AnD InTeLlIgEnT IndiViDuAl To CoNvErSe WiTh. NoT MaNy CaN KeEp Up WiTh Me In GaMeS AnD My MoRe InSaNe BeHaViOrS. PlUs, Us ReAlItY BeNdErS NeEd To StIcK ToGeThEr." Bill reassures me.

  Good. I would be upset later if he wasn't really my friend after all this time. We may disagree on some things, but I enjoy his company. I process the last thing he said. "Reality benders? I can't do that. I can only manipulate the dream realm." I say confused.

  "ThAt WaS OnE Of ThE ThInGs To KeEp QuIeT. KaRmA WaNtEd YoU To AdJuSt To UsInG ThEm In ThE DrEaM ReAlM BeFoRe YoU StArTeD TrYiNg To AlTeR PhYsIcAl ReAlItY. I MaDe SuRe YoU PrAcTiCeD HeRe." Bill says.

  "Is there anything else you want to tell me other than the fact a deity wanted you to keep tabs on me and I can manipulate the very fabric of reality?" I say arms crossed.

  "WaNt To, YeS. CaN, JuSt OnE OtHeR. EvErYtHiNg ElSe YoU'lL JuSt HaVe To WaIt AnD SeE In ThE FuTuRe." He says.

  "Fine. What else can you tell me?" I ask somewhat pacified.

  "YoU HaVe AcCeSs To An AbIlItY CaLlEd OvErRiDe. It BaSiCAlLy LeTs YoUr OvEr PoWeR AnOtHeR PeRsOnS AbIlItY To UsE DeTeRmInAtIoN. It WaS UsEd By MaGeS To StOp OuT Of CoNtRoL DeTeRmInEd FrOm CoNtInUInG To MeSsInG WiTh ReAlItY. ItS ThE OnLy AbIlItY ThAt CaN CaNcEl OuT ReAlItY MaNiPuLaTiOn." Bill told me.

  "I would think you wouldn't tell me I had an ability like that, considering you want to start your Weirdmageddon and all." I say surprised.

  "Eh. I BeEn KiNdA ReThInKiNg My PlAnS To FrEe EvErYoNe FrOm ThE BaRrIeRs BeTWeEn OuR ReAlItY AfTeR OuR DiScUsSiOnS. I AcTuAlLy EnJoY SoMe Of ThE BeInGs We GoT In OuR MuLtIvErSe AnD ThEy CoUld Be DeStRoYEd If I WeRe To ReMoVe It. DoN't GeT Me WrOnG, I StIlL FiNd ThE ChAiNs Of ReAlItY BoRiNg, BuT I DoN't ThInK DeStRoYiNg WhAt KeEp It AlL ToGeThEr An IdEaL PlAn." Bill explains, actually honest.

  "Wow Cipher, I never thought I'd see the day you actually use whatever equates to a brain in your skull. I may enjoy chaos and anarchy, but we've been trying to make you understand that you need an actual plan for ages. I happen to really like my universe, thank you very much." Alistor says in pleased surprise.

  "HeY! I UsE My SkUlL AlL ThE TiMe!" Bill says offended.

  "Don't get us wrong. Your brilliant Bill, but you tend to just go with the first thought you come up with. Case in point, the ice cream incident." I tell him.

  "HeY! I WaNtEd To SeE WhAt WoUlD HaPpEn If EvErYtHiNg WaS MaDe Of IcE CrEaM! HoW CoUlD I KnOw EvErYtHiNg WoUlD StArT MeLtInG AnD FlOoD EvErYtHiNg So QuIcKlY!" Bill defended.

  "I had ice cream in my skull for a week. My whole outfit was chocolate stained. No amount of magic could make them come off." Alistor complained.

  "So MaYbE MaKiNg It ExTrA StAiNiNg WaSn'T A GoOd IdEa, BuT It WaS DeLiCiOuS!" Bill tells us.

  I shake my head. "Well I'm sure I would be proud of your change of direction if I could." I tell him. Just then we feel something enter the dreamscape.

  "Huh, I'm surprised he was able to enter here. Then again, Aster is in his territory." Alistor comments.

  I see Nightmare floating towards us. Soon he land on the ground in front of us. He looks to each of us with a confused look on his face. Bill picks up his tea and takes an extremely loud slurp. "Well this isn't what I was expecting at all." Nightmare says to himself.

  "Hi Night. Want to join us for some tea? I'm thinking of conjuring some chocolate cookies to go with it." I say to him.

  "I'm thinking that lemon would go better. Now, we need to have a chat Nightmare Joku about taking the purity of lovely flowers before the first date. I'm sure you will take proper responsibility for your actions, right?" Alistor says giving Nightmare his scary look, voice filled with static. Nightmare is sweating bullets.

  "LaY OfF Al PaL. I'm SuRe GoOpY HeRe WiLl TaKe HeR On A PrOpEr DaTe To ThAt CaT CaFe He LoVeS GoInG To, RiGhT?" Bill tells Alistor, looking at Nightmare with void eyesockets at the last part. Nightmare sweats harder.

  "Stop it you two. Nightmare doesn't have to take me on a date if he doesn't want to, so don't threaten him. He's already done alot for me anyways, and will continue doing so until I'm in a stable. I don't need you to try to set us up." I tell them firmly.

  "But, Aster flower. We need to make sure your nonexistent dating life finally starts to take off. Can't be single forever deer." Alistor tells me with puppy dog eyelights. I sigh, so done with the two of them. Why were they my best friends again?

  Nightmare is a blushing and stuttering mess now. It was adorable for a being of negativity to be so flustered. I just let myself memorize the view. I wish could take a real picture. The negative being finally seems to gather his composure. He seems think very hard for a moment, and sighs. "Since you don't seem to be in danger like I originally assumed, I'll join the three of you." He says, conjuring a pillow seat and sits on an empty side.

  I conjure up Nightmare tea and some cookies. Then rest my head on my arms . Alistor and Bill dig into the cookies and continue drinking tea. I grab one as well and nibble on it. Nightmare hesitantly picks up his tea and starts taking a sip. "So, you going to ask her out or do we have to lock you two in a closet until you do? Since your clearly not going to on your own." Alistor says. Nightmare chokes on his tea.

  "Alright that's it. I'm already sick of this. Nightmare, will you go on a date with me to a location and time of your choice in the future? These two aren't going to stop bugging us until we do." I say to Nightmare.

  Nightmare eye light widens and face blows up in cyan blush. He seems to go back to being a studdering mess. *Whistle* "DaMn! AlMoSt DiDn'T ThInK YoU HaD It In YoU! PaY Up AlIsToR YoU OwE Me FoR OuR BeT!" The annoying dream demon says.

  "Seriously Nightmare, your an embarrassment to gentlemen across the multiverse. Having to have the lady ask you first. *Tisk* *Tisk* You better make the date good at least." Alistor says handing Bill a bag of G.

  "You bet on if I would ask Nightmare first? Just how long have you been wanting us together?" I ask in exasperation.

  "YoU DoN't WaNt To KnOw. NoW AlIsToR, HoW AbOuT A BeT On If ThE WeDdInG Or KiDs CoMe FiRsT?" Bill says. I smack him upside the head. Nightmare seems to have overloaded. I could almost see the steam coming off his head.

  "Well I'm done for the night. You two can finish this yourselves. Nightmare and I are out of here." I tell them and get up. I go over to the poor guardian and shake him.

  He starts blushing even brighter. I signal him it's time to go. He just nods his head and disappears. I look at the two demons and give one last warning. "If I find out that the two of you made another bet I will PERSONALLY hunt you down. I will tear you apart limb from limb and use your dust as fertilizer for our garden. I will eat the plants taking great pleasure in your demise. DO YOU UNDERSTAND." I tell them darkly, eyesockets void of eyelights. The two of them nod rapidly. Temporarily satisfied, I take a step back. I close my eyesockets and wake up.

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